How to Dream reality



{11} کشف الفنون ۷: ۲ ۱۶۴ ، نجم المولفین ۱۰۱: ۴ ، حمد بین العارفین ۳۴۹: {۱۱۲ ۱۱۲} هدیة العارفین ۳۴۲: ۵  

(1) Ta'teer-e-Aanam: Asr 2: 3 AH, Ina Havan 2: ۳ Al-Idhah Al-Nun 2: 1; Alishan Maknoon 3: 4, Hamd Bana Al-Darfeen 2: 5  

المکنون ۱۲: ۳ ۴ {۱۱۹ حدی الی رفین ۱۸۵: ۵ {۱۲۰} هده العارفیان ۵: ۲۱۸ ۱۲۱ اینان ملوان ۴۴۱: ۳ بنجم المولفین ۲۲: ۴ {۱۲۳  شرات في علم العبارات بہامش تیار 11 نام ۲ {۱۲۶} کامل بر س ۲ {۷ ۱۲} کتاب؟  !  شارات في علم العبارات بہامش قائم انام ۳: ۲ ۱۲۸ ۱۲۸} کامل تعبیر ص ۲ ۱۳۹ کتاب الاشارات في علم العبارات بهامش تعطیر ۱۷ نام ۲: ۳ ۱۳۰ تعطیر الانام ۱۱: ۲ {{۱۳۱) کامل تعبیر ص ۲  

1- Hidayat-ul-Aarfeen 2: 1 ۱۳۲ ۱۳۲ Book of

 signals in the science of sciences with the help of Tameer Al-Anam 2: 1, Kamil Mubir p. 

 ۴ {۱۳۵) کامل تعبیر ص ۲ ، کتاب الاشارات في علم العبارات بهامش تعطير ۱ نام ۲: ۳ کشف الظنون ۲۰۱: ۱ {۱۳۷)  امل ۷ ۱۳, ۱۳۸۰ {۱۳۸) 

The Perfect Interpretation , Book of Signs in the Science of Phrases

امل کامل تعبیر ص ۲ {۱۴۰ کتاب الاشارات في علم العبارات بهامش تعطير الا نام ۲: ۳ ، کشف الظنون ۲: ۲ ۱۳۷ ، ۱۳۸۰ {۱۴۱} 

 A book of Sulaiman Ibn Lunas ibn Khattab according to  By definition, it is named after Basin Washim.  The author has passed away in the year 2000.  There is also a book by Ferozabadi with this name.

Dreams: In the eyes of the nations of the world, the dream has been the land of dreams from the very beginning and the dream has been a part of human life from the very beginning.  It is well known that Wahab ibn Manbah (d. 3 AH / 2) states that Adam was the first to dream on earth.  

Allah Almighty asked Adam that you saw my creatures, did you see any of them according to your intention?  They said, "My Lord, I have not found any of them in my favor. Indeed, You have bestowed upon me a favor and exalted me.  

May Allah grant him sleep with me and may he worship you. Allah said: Yes. Then Allah made them sleep and in their sleep I created Eve from their first form and in a dream.  This was the first dream from Allah on earth. When Adam woke up, Eve was sitting on his head. 

Allah asked, "Who is this that is sitting on your head?"  The same thing that you showed me in a dream "{1" From Adam to all the nations of the world have clear ideas about the dream and its interpretation.

The concept of dreams in Babylonian civilization The ancient Babylonian civilization is famous for its many characteristics. 

The extent to which this civilization has influenced other nations is a shining chapter in the history of civilization.  The Babylonians were the first to use the wearable vehicle to begin their civilization and development. 

They developed science and literature and made new inventions in other areas of life. It is noteworthy that  The man-made ones are influenced by the law of Babylon.  Hamura Ni drafted a set of 5 rules.  

The black legal document was written on eight pieces of stone from eight feet.  It is the world's first law that has had far-reaching effects on the world.  The people of Babylon worshiped different gods, believing that after death the hairs go to the underworld.  Tech.  The souls rejoice, that the four souls weep in the dark and eat mud and catcher.  

The ways of those who are not buried are lost in the world.  The people of Babylon were aware of astrology and the priests of the temples also foretold the coming events.  In such an environment, it is impossible to ignore the dream, but an effective investigation has shown that the status of the dream in this Babylon was generally Muslim.  Incidents have been murdered.  

In his book Al-Ruh, he writes: From Hammad ibn Salma Thabit and from Shihr ibn Hoshab, it is narrated that  There was a confrontation between them.  Hazrat Sahab said to Hazrat Auf, "Brother, whoever of us dies first will come in a dream and meet his brother. Hazrat Auf also became supportive. First Hazrat Saab passed away.  

He asked, "Brother, what happened to you?" He replied, "We were forgiven after suffering. Hazrat Auf saw a black spot on his neck.  what's this ?  He replied, "These are ten dinars which I have borrowed from such and such a Jew. They are in my horn. Give him back that dinar.  The news of the death of our cat was received here a few days ago. 

Brother, I also know that my daughter will die for a few days. You people should treat her well.  Auf narrates that when morning came, I said that there is guidance in this dream. I went to his family and they welcomed him and said: Oof!  You did not even come near us after Saab's death. I looked at the horn and took it off. I took out what was in it. 

I found a bag containing ten dinars. I gave it to the Jew.  He called and asked, "Do you have any debt to Saab?" He said, "May God have mercy on Sahab.  He said, "Yes, I gave him ten."  I presented those ten dinars to him and he said, "By God!"  These are the same dinars ", I said. 

One dream item was sold. I asked, believed that the gods, through dreams, informed man of the future and the intentions of the world in a special way, so dreams are mentioned again and again in the Babylonian myths.  

When he went out to fight, he got the good news of success through a dream.  Once, in a dream, Dar or Parker killed Bahl's army

Instructed.  Regarding the Flood of Noah, the Babylonians also state that the backbone of the Noah's Flood, whose condition is very similar to that of Hazrat Noon, was foretold the destruction of mankind by the Flood in a dream.  

Like the nations, they wished for good dreams. For this purpose, they sought the pleasure of Makhar, the god of dreams. Fifteen miles from Mosul, a small temple was discovered which was reserved for Makhar.  Probably people used to come to this temple who wished to have good dreams.  

The Babylonians believed that good manners or spiritual dreams were visible to the common man.  The people of Babylon were also given the knowledge of interpretation. 

The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, had inquired from Daniel about the interpretation of a dream and the forgotten dream.  They also had a tradition of interpreting names. Even small and trivial things were examined in interpretive names, even if they were insignificant to the dreamer.  

These interpretations were probably included in the same book that King Assyrian Bani Paul preserved in the library of Nineveh, or the sage Ertamidorsh obtained material from that book for his work on the interpretation of the vision.  

Here are some examples of the interpretation of the dream which was given to the people of Babylon: If one sees a palm tree on his head, the interpretation is that he will have to see trouble.  

If he sees in a dream that a fish has appeared on his head, then the dreamer will be strong.  If he sees a mountain on his head, then his interpretation is that he will have no rival.  If someone sees that he has gone to the garden where they go for happiness, it means that he will get freedom.

If someone sees that he is going to the market garden, his place of residence will not be comfortable.  If one sees in a dream that he is sowing a field, he will run away from the place of destruction. 

If he sees that he is going to hunt in the villages, he will get fame.  If he dreamed that he was going to the oxen, he would be safe.  If he sees that he is going to the sheepfold, then he will get the highest position.  

Thousands of years ago today, when the world was engulfed in a whirlpool of ignorance and darkness, the Egyptians invented the art of making pens and inks and prepared food from the papyrus plant.  The Egyptians were the first to invent the potter's wheel and to make copper tools. The Egyptians were the first to write so much in Arabic learning and literature and enriched the world of fashion with new inventions.  

The art of preserving the body of the dead is also an invention of the Egyptians and the fact that the rest of the nations of the world like other arts in this art also benefited the Egyptians Egyptian ancient history which covers different periods spans thousands of years.  

Here the beginning of civilization Pre - dynastic.  Period ie 1 - 2 BC.  In later periods, in the Feudal Age (7-9 AD) and the Empire Age (8.5 BC), the civilization here was far ahead of other civilizations of the world.  

Egyptian scholars state that the Egyptians believed in the afterlife, believing that after death there would be justice and that man would be punished for what he had done.  The Egyptians also believed in magic, but in Egypt the dream did not have the place it deserved

Has lived in other civilizations, but we do not find that the nights of the Egyptians were empty and dark with dreams.  Among the articles written on the paper, there are references to dreams, among other things.

According to the ancient Egyptians, there are many types of dreams, one type of dream in which the gods are directly involved.  Wool consists of three types of dreams a) Dreams in which the gods appear and demand a certain work from man.  2) Dreams in which gods warn humans.  2) The dreams in which the gods answer the priest's question.  

The ancient history of Egypt is rich in examples of such dreams.  The Egyptians thought of the second type of dream as a dream in which one sought guidance from the gods in order to get rid of the bereavement or the forehead.  

Concerning such dreams, the Egyptians believed that the gods guide the dreamer to get rid of boredom or anxiety or by informing him about some future event.  

For this purpose, temples in Egypt were also reserved, where people slept at night so that the gods would come to them in a dream and tell them an effective prescription.  

To have this kind of dream, he used to worship the beloved deity and pray that he would come in the dream and guide him.  The deity would come to the person sleeping in the temple in his own form and say, "Aren't you such and such a son?"  You should do the same with the prophets.  

Those who went to Egypt were considered to be experts in such dreams.  For this purpose, they used to serve the souls of the dead people who were due to their evil deeds

Expelled from their ancestral religion and deprived of cemeteries, these souls needed the help of the living for their existence.  It was the lifeblood of men who had been convicted of suicide or murder in sea accidents.  

The services of sorcerers were also obtained by the common people, including those in love who wished to send dreams to their girlfriends. Different methods were used to convey love dreams, such as obtained from a wrecked ship  The words were copied from the last sheikh and they were thrown into the sea or uttered in front of stealing a special mixture of oil.  

Black magic flourished, and many dreams of kings and princes are worth mentioning in the ancient history of Egypt, including the dream of Ba'adah and Egypt which was interpreted by Joseph.  There was no metaphor or dog in it, but they thought that the gods come in a dream and say their thing in a clear and unambiguous way.  

Yes, the Rig Veda shows that the importance of dreams was generally Muslim among the ancient Hindus.  The ego is found in the Upanishads in which two theories are stated: a) 

In a dream the soul receives material from the world and then transforms the things it sees with light.  2) In sleep, the soul leaves the body and moves around as it pleases, so it is commanded that the sleeping person should not wake up suddenly or go away, because in that case it is possible for the soul to enter the body.  Will not get the chance and will be irreparable disaster.

Nothing new has been introduced in these two perspectives.  These theories were also common in other nations of the world, but the second theory is important in that it helps in understanding the mantras and rituals of the Vedas which can neutralize or atone for a bad dream.  

Are used for  In various places in Rig Veda and Anthar Veda, bad dreams have been made the subject of discussion. Details of various mantras and rituals have been given to make such dreams ineffective.  

In both Rig Veda and Atharvaid, nightmares are considered as a calamity equal to disease or magic.  Attempts to alleviate this calamity are made in almost the same way as an attempt is made to get rid of a true sweetheart.  Mantras were recited in the Argh Veda for this purpose: 

Yes and it is from the light by which you overcome darkness, from the sun with which you illuminate all creatures that our weakness, disobedience, disease and  Get rid of nightmares. In Isaar Ba Arana Ka, the dreamer is told to go on a fast, cook a pot of rice in milk, make tikis of it, and recite a sentence of Ra Tarmi with each one.  

Invite us and show us the leftover blood. By giving such instruction it is also given in Sutra, Allah has been added to it so much that the milk should be of a cow which is not black in color and its  In addition to these, various mantras have been given to ward off evil spirits. 

In this regard, it is interesting to note that the ancient Hindus used to take the same measures to eliminate the effects of nightmares.  It was done to remove the real densities like my dreamer

If a person washes his face after reciting Atharvaid 2, 3: 5, if the dream is worse, then after reciting these mantras, make a cake from different kinds of commodities and while reciting this mantra, throw it in the enemy's land.  

Although the ancient Hindus were more sensitive to the evil of nightmares, they also considered dreams to be a source of good news.  Is .  In the same way, dreams give a description of the rituals for divination. In order to get an idea about the future and events through dreams, they are also given in an inter.  

In Isaar Yarana, dreams are described which are interpreted as death, for example, if a person sees a man with black teeth in a dream and that person kills him, if a wild boar kills him or if he falls on a closed rope.  

If it swallows gold and then next to it. If it eats honey or tastes fruit.  Either a red flower stamp or a black cow with black litter to the south. (1) The Importance of Dreams in Japanese Civilization  A document from the Shino (ancient religion of Japan) states the origin of the mantra "ta tsuta no kazai kai to ma tasori" (rum) as follows: 

Destroying unknown crops for many years  Could not be traced  In the end, the king himself decided to track them down.  So the gods appeared to him in a dream.  These deities were the gods of the wind and the construction and charity of a temple in Sa Tsuta

wanted .  In exchange for the construction of the temple and the alms, the gods promised the king that the crops would be ripe, before or after the crops would turn into herbs. (4) An interesting dream in Japanese history is that  Emperor Sivanin's wife, Koshazado Sa Ho, incited him to infidelity.  

Once the emperor was so sad that he put his head on his wife's knees that his wife intended to cut his neck with Sochi.  At that moment the king woke up and said to the queen, "I have seen a strange dream, and there is a shower of water from Sa Ho, which has soaked my face."  Then a red snake made a halo around my neck.  

When the king's wife had a dream, she confessed her guilt because there was no point in hiding it now.  The practice of fortune-telling through dreams was so common that not a single animal was deprived of it by the Japanese. 

An ancient Japanese legend says that a man went to sleep at night under a bush in a barren land.  Two deer, one female and one male, were sitting near him. It was time for the call of the rooster.  And he covered my body, what is the meaning of that?  

The female deer replied, "You will go out, man will surely hunt you down and you will die."  Jonah was surprised when a hunter came before dawn and killed a male deer and killed it, so Mishal became famous.

The place of dreams in the Teutonic civilization The civilization of the ancient Germanic nations is also called the Teutonic civilization.  Dreams have a significant significance in this culture if the significance of the dream was due to the fact that it informs about happy and happening events.  

It was considered a thing of the past, so the people thought of the interpreter as being not a wanderer, but a person who looks at life from a new perspective and has a vast knowledge of the world.  Interpretation was discovered not by textures but by teachers and wise counselors. 

Thus, everyone was somewhat familiar with the basics of art interpretation. A poem Lay of Atli states that interpretation of dream  There is fire and the dream of a medical bear (North Pole bear) is a storm coming from the east.  

The history of civilization has always been rich with fascinating dreams, from Norway, to the kings of Denmark and Sweden.  Was condemned.  Due to this, the dream did not get the place it has in other nations of the world.  Dreams are gaining ground in Germany as they were in the New York World War II. 

Interpretations were widely available in Germany before World War II, and lottery ticket sales were very popular in some parts of the country.  The interpretation of dreams for lottery needs in Franco Nia is considered a kind of mysterious knowledge that consumes a lot of money.  

It is a common belief in some Toyota countries that sleeping in a new house or at least sleeping in a new bed is the best way to dream.

Examples also exist in history.  Such a prescription was proposed to King Gorem of Denmark, a king of Norway who did not dream in his sleep, insomnia was considered a disturbing mental illness.  

So he had to sleep in a pigsty for treatment.  People living in some parts of Germany think that if a bad dream is not mentioned to anyone until two o'clock in the afternoon, its interpretation is avoided, meaning that the dreamer will be protected from its bad effects.  

Also found in other nations.  A dream is mentioned in an Icelandic epic, it had such an effect that the person who first heard the dream would surely die.  In almost all Newtonian countries, some nights were considered extremely important for dreaming.  Twelve nights in particular, from Christmas to the night of January 5, are considered ideal for dreaming.  

Also, the mid-summer night that falls on June 5 is important for dreams. On this night, it is customary in Germany and Sweden for people to sleep with a bouquet of different flowers under the pillow so that they can be seen at night.  Dreams are good and true

 تصور ۹ تصور

 The concept of dreams in American civilization In the ancient civilizations of the two continents of the United States, the practice of divination from dreams was common.  The ancient Americans believed that knowledge of supernatural things was possible only through dreams and revelations.  

The interpreters of the dream were not counted separately.  Magic theorists say that the knowledge of the future is obtained through dreams, and only through extreme solitude and purity of sight obtained through hunger or medicine.  So these people are trying to figure out what the future holds for them

For those who were in dire need of sleep, they resorted to such means as greed and immersion in an idea.  In addition, anesthetics and other items were used.  At least seven plants, including tobacco, were grown to produce anesthetics.  From the dreams seen during the famine at the time of puberty, fortune tellers used to know the whole life of the dreamer.  

From these dreams the direction of future life and spiritual relationships were determined, or the dream of that time was considered as the outline of the whole life of the dreamer.  Some of the tribes of ancient America believed that the occult and occult possessions that they possessed had the status of a picture or that the events before them took place in the same way as in drama.  

While some other tribes said that the soul wanders in space and observes distant places or acquires knowledge of the events about which it desires to know (2) Dreams in Iranian civilization  Significance Among ancient civilizations, Iranian civilization has been famous for its fertility and vitality.  Divination was also practiced in civilization and dreams were considered as a reliable means of divination.  

Thus the dream of the Iranian kings has been copied by the historians of Nan and Rome.  In the Pahlavi language, "Kar Namak Ardashir Ba Abkani" mentions a dream of one.  Zoroastrianism is a description of a dream of the Iranian leader Zoroaster, for which the interpreters

The need of was felt. The city of Ferdowsi (2/3 AH / 2-9 AD) mentions various dreams in Afaq Takhleeq Shahnameh, for example, the tyrant sees the fall of his kingdom at the hands of Fereydoun in a dream.  11).  

Out of shame, Sam refuses to accept his son's wife and leaves her on Mount Alborz.  Then he has two dreams.  He brings his wife back from Alborz because of their dreams (1).  In Shahnameh, besides this, he also finds the description of various dreams.  

For the Iranians, the dream has the same significance as it did in the civilized world of that time.  Was interpreted as defeat in war.  But when the war broke out, his enemy Sa Do Shah was defeated.  This suggests that the dream was sent by an enemy of the Turks.  

Dreams are frequently mentioned in the Torah and other heavenly scriptures. The dreams of the Prophets themselves are mentioned at night because prophecy and dreams are intertwined.  There is a saying that one-sixtieth of every dream is true because the dream is one-sixtieth of prophecy.

{۱۴  God Himself spoke to them and in some God showed the Prophet visions.  The children of Israel say that it is only Moses who has the privilege of speaking with God face to face ۱۵

The importance of dreams in Israel can be gauged from the verses of the night.  For example, in one place, God says: God speaks once, but twice, if a man is not heard, he cries at night in a dream, or when sleep falls on people and they fall asleep on the scorpion, then man's ear opens and he  Education imprints in their minds so that man can refrain from this work and hide his pride from man.  

He guards his soul so that he does not fall into the pit and his soul does not come out of the dugout.  Then he is warned in his bed with pain and his hard bones are broken (1) In another place God says: And after that it will happen that I will pour out my soul on all mankind and your son and  Daughters will prophesy, your old dreams will come true, and the young ones will have dreams.  

They believe that it is only God who speaks to the servant through a dream and informs him of his or her future events. [1]  Were  Hazrat Ayub (3 BC) prays to God: Then you frighten me with dreams and open me up by crying or showing me until my soul wants to be saved and wants death better than this life.  

Yes (2) So in the night the prophets, I am in a bad mood and the description of other people's dreams has also come.  Some of these dreams are very famous.  One of them is the dream of Abraham's contemporary King Ali Malik.  

Hazrat Ibrahim told King Abi Malik about Hazrat Sarah that she is my sister.  Abi Malik sent some people and called Hazrat Sarah.

12 In the night God came to Abimelech in a dream and said to Abimelech: Behold, the woman whom you have taken will die because she has a husband.  He did not tell me that she was my sister and that woman also said that he was my brother.  Turn his wife over. He is not. 

(1) It has been said about Hazrat Yaqub (as) that when he went out from Beer-e-Sa'i towards Haran and landed in one place, he made Asham a pillow of stone and fell asleep.  I saw in a dream that a ladder is standing on the ground and its end has reached the sky.  

The angels of God ascend and descend on it, and God stands above it.  Ban came in a dream and said, "Do not speak ill of Jacob."  Mentioning this, he said: I saw in a dream that we used to tie poles on the field. I saw that my first one got up and stood up straight.  

The second dream is the one in which he saw the sun, moon and eleven stars prostrating in front of him (1).  When I saw it, it was in the night.

The famous dreams of the Torah also mention the dreams of the two captive companions of Joseph which are mentioned in the Qur'an.  Interpretation was given by Hazrat Yusuf (1).  In it, the description of the dreams of Shiv Kad Nazar and the interpretation of Hazrat Daniel is especially famous.  

If the interpretation of the dreams of Banu Kad Nazar that Hazrat Daniel had given came true word for word (1) then the characteristic of the dreams of Arat is that they belong not to the individual but to the whole nation, even in the other religious dog of the Jews.  

Dreams are full of examples in which all kinds of dreams are found.  The Israelites believe that the knowledge of the interpretation of dreams comes from God, then came the night when God gave these four young men knowledge and skill in all kinds of wisdom and knowledge and gave Daniel all kinds of dreams and dreams.  

I understand (1) In the history of the Jews, Hazrat Yusuf and Hazrat Daniel are considered to be famous interpreters.  Many other commentators are also mentioned in Halmud.  The interpretation of dreams was a recognized art in the Children of Israel.  Dreams were usually interpreted according to the instructions and fees.  The number of criminals was not small.  

At one time only in Jerusalem, injuries were used to explain the interpretation of dreams to the people. (1) The general idea is that dreams happen the way they are interpreted.  Therefore, in order to avoid bad interpretation, people used to make the interpreter happy by giving him gifts.  Interestingly, the jurists of the Children of Israel also used to charge a fee for the interpretation of dreams (1).


The notion of bad dreams has been common along with good behavior, but the only difference between the two is that the person who sleeps peacefully at night has good dreams, such dreams.  The interpretation comes out within 22 years. 

I don't think good people have good dreams and bad people only have bad dreams. Because bad dreams increase anxiety, people used to pray that they would not have bad dreams.  A well-known way to avoid nightmares is daily.  

According to an interpreter, the effects of a bad dream can be eliminated by telling the dreamer to tell three people that he has had a good dream and they will reply, "Yes, this dream has come true, its interpretation should be good and  May God turn it into good. The statement of a third century member sheds light on some of the principles of dreams. 

For example, every dream has some or the other interpretation.  Dreams should not be interpreted. An example of this is a letter which has not been read. (C) Neither good dreams nor bad dreams are completely correct.  This is because it makes a person inclined towards it. When interpreting dreams, special attention is paid to the principles of language in the Children of Israel.  

I dreamed that I was being told, "Say, and there you will find the money of your deceased father."  Count the tenth  I got another treasure from you and asked him the interpretation of the olive ticket.  The rabbi replied, "You will prosper in the world." The other one interpreted the dream, but the rabbi replied, "You will be beaten when you ask them the reason for the difference

When he left, he said to the other dreamer, "This man saw the olives growing while you saw that the olives had been removed."  It is also considered important for the interpreter to take care of the personality of the dreamer.  For example, if a scholar sees in a dream that he is drinking alcohol, then the interpretation of the dream is successful.  

The interpretation is reversed.  So if someone sees himself dying in a dream, the meaning is that he will live.  This idea is also common among Jews in England, the Netherlands and Russia, but not all dreams are bound by this principle.  

Wants to hurt her  It is also a common idea in a dream that the dead come to meet the living in a dream, so if one sees in a dream that the dead have brought fruit with him, it means that he is in heaven.  Here are some examples of interpretations given by some commentators: If you see in a dream that a bull is beating its horn, it means that the dreamer will live a long life.  

If you see a jinn or a ghost in a dream, the interpretation is that the dreamer will earn per penny.  If he sees in a dream that he is drinking milk, then the dreamer will get sick but he will get well soon. [1]

Footnote _ Dream: In the eyes of the nations of the world  London 1908 pp.196-197 Relig ۴} {۵ Relig The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria pp.  2000,206 Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, 1912, vol.5th pp.33-34 Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, vol..5th tip.31-37 Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics.vol.5th pp.37-38 Encyclopaedia of  Religion and Ethics vol.4th pp.806 Encyclopaedia of Religion And Ethics vol 4th pp.806 Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics vol 5th pp.37-38 Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics vol.  4th pp.782 {1} 

1-2 The Jewish Encycapteedia, art;  "Dream" 1916, vol.4thp.657 The jewish Encyclopaedia vol.4th p.655 {۱۴}:: 12 {۱۵} The Night, the Book of the Prophet Daniel |  Torah, Job 1: 1-4 {۱۷} Torah.  

Book of the Prophets UL: 1: 14 {{A} {19} Torah, Job ۱۴: ۷ {۲۰} Torah, Genesis 1: 1 ۲۱} Torah, Genesis 1: 3 {۲۲} Torah, Genesis ۱۰:  ۳۱ {۲۳} Torah, Genesis 1: 1 {۴۴ Torah, Genesis 1: 1: 2 - 1 (2) Torah, Kings 1: 1

LY (1) Torah, Genesis Chapter 1, Chapter 1: 1-9 {} Torah, Book of Daniel the Prophet 1: 1-4 ۲۸ 2] Torah, Book of Daniel the Prophet 1: 1 The Jewish Encyclopaedia, vol.  

4th pp.656 The Jewish Encyclopaedia, vol.4th pp.656 The Jewish Encyclopaedia, vol.4th pp.656 The Jewish Encyclopaedia, vol.4th pp.657  1

The Islamic concept of dream has a prominent place in Islam.  In the Qur'an al-Hakim it is said that it is not "human" and in the hadith it is called "evangelist".  Or the content of the magazines was provided in a dream and for some scholars the dream became a source of guidance for the solution of scientific problems. 

My dreams are explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an al-Hakim.  That is, Hazrat Ibrahim belongs to Hazrat Yusuf and Hazrat Muhammad. Two dreams of Hazrat Yusuf were dreamed by two companions and one dream was dreamed by dear Egypt.  

The prayer was accepted and he became the father of a righteous and generous son.  So you understand that this dream has been shown by Allah. When Hazrat Ibrahim mentioned this dream to his son, the blessed son replied:  Got it, do it yourself.  Inshallah you me

Surely you will find it among the patient.  So to fulfill the dream, Hazrat Ibrahim laid his son on the ground to be slaughtered.  They started stabbing him in the throat when a call came from Allah, O Ibrahim, you have made your dream come true.  This was a test from Allah.

At that time Gabriel brought a ewe which was slaughtered by Ibrahim.  This dream is mentioned by Allaah in the Qur'aan as follows: He said: O Prophet! 

 صدقت الرؤيا {1} 

(Ibrahim) said: I see in a dream that I am slaughtering you, so think about what you think.  They said, "Father, do what you have been told."  Inshallah you will find me in Sabir Main.  When both of them obeyed the divine command and the father laid the son on the cross, we said, "O Ibrahim, you have fulfilled the dream." 

The second dream in the Qur'an is of Hazrat Yusuf.  You saw in a dream that eleven stars and the sun and the moon were making you sindh.  

The interpretation of this dream came years later when after six years of disappearance Hazrat Yusuf met his father Hazrat Yaqub and his father and eleven brothers made him Syed.  This dream of Hazrat Yusuf (as) is mentioned in the Qur'an as follows:

۷۵ When Joseph said to his father: O my father!  I have seen the stars and the sun and the moon, I have seen them in my face.  Only two dreams are mentioned in Surah Yusuf.  

These two dreams were seen by the people who were in captivity with Hazrat Yusuf.  One of the two prisoners dreamed that he was squeezing wine from a vine, and the other dreamed that he was carrying a loaf of bread on his head and that the birds were eating from it.  

The first was a bartender at the king's court and was now deposed and imprisoned, and the second was a baker who was now imprisoned. They both dreamed the same night.  In the morning both of them asked Hazrat Yusuf (as) about the interpretation of dreams.  

You replied that the interpretation of the dream of one of you is that he will make his master drink wine, that is, he will be close to him, and the other will be crucified and his head will be eaten by birds.  ۔  In the Qur'an, the story of these two is described as follows:  

One of them entered and said, "I see myself in a dream, squeezing wine," and the other said, "I see myself as if bread is taken on the head, and birds eat from it."  Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys .....  You know us as good people.  After Hazrat Yusuf explained the importance of monotheism to both of them

Explain the interpretation of the following:  One of you (being acquitted) will make his master drink wine and the other will be crucified and birds will eat his head.  The man to whom Joseph had given the interpretation of the dream, saying that you would be acquitted and you would make the king drunk, you also told him to mention ours to the king.  

But the man forgot about Joseph.  There is another dream in Soor and Yusuf.  This dream was dreamed by dear Egypt.  The king dreamed that there were seven fat cows which were eaten by seven lean ones.  There are also seven green and seven dry hairs. 

When the king asked the interpreters about the interpretation of this dream, they said that these are disturbing thoughts and we do not know their interpretation.  At that time, the butler of Badshah (who had been released from prison and had now been reinstated to his job and had forgotten Hazrat Yusuf by now) remembered Hazrat Yusuf, he took permission from the king and when he reached the jail  He said: 

Yousef Iyadha Al-Siddiq Aftnafi seven beaqrat saman yaklhan and seven ajaaf and a wide sanbalt khizr wa kharibast laali arjaa al-nas lallam yalmoun

LL that seven cows are fat they have eaten seven lean cows and seven left are green and (seven) are dry so that I may return to them and they may know.  Therefore, Hazrat Yusuf (as) interpreted it as follows: He said,  

شداد پاکلن ماقدمتم لهن عقليلا مما تحصنون ثم ياتي من بعد ذالک عام فيه بغاث الناس وفيه يعصرون {۵}  

A little of what comes into your food (take it out) then after seven years there will come those who will eat the stock which you have accumulated for those years.  The year will come in which there will be a lot of rain and people will also squeeze the juice.  

The sixth dream in the Qur'an is that which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw.  Are happening  When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned this to the Sahaabah, they were very happy.  They thought that they would enter Makkah in the same year because the dream of the Messenger of Allah is true.  

When the Muslims could not enter Makkah this year, Abdullah ibn Abi Abdullah ibn Nafil and Rafa'ah ibn Harith said:  According to a narration, when the Muslims had to make sacrifices in Hadbari as a result of the Hudaybiyyah peace treaty and they could not enter Makkah this year under the terms of the peace treaty, some of the Companions

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “O Messenger of Allaah! What happened to the dream that you had?

  ـمـنـيـن مـحـلقين رُوسكم ومقصرين لا تخافون فعلم مالم تعلموا الجمل من دونذالک فتحا قريباً 

(1) Surely Allah Almighty showed His Messenger a true dream  With some of you shaving your head and some of you shaving your head, you will not have any fear. Allah knows the things which you do not know. Then He gave a victory (conquest of Khyber) before that.  

The dream was fulfilled in the second year when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed 'Umrah al-Qada' with the Sahaabah.  It is said: Except those saints of Allah who do not fear them nor do they grieve for those who believe and believe in them in the life of this world and in the Hereafter without change of word.  

Allah (swt) is the Greatest, the Greatest (4).  Those (friends of Allah) are those who believe and do righteous deeds.  There is good news for them in this life as well as in the Hereafter, if there is no difference in the words of Allah.  This is a great achievement.  4


It is narrated from Hazrat Ata Bin Bayar (2: 1 AH 1-4 AD) that an Egyptian asked Hazrat Abu Al-Darda 'about this instruction of Allah Almighty,  Ever since I asked the Messenger of Allah about this verse. Only one person besides you has asked me this question. When I asked the Messenger of Allah, he said, "Ever since this verse was revealed.  

No one asked you about it except you. It is a good dream for a Muslim to see or see for it. [1]  It is narrated on the authority of Ibadah ibn Samit (2 AH, 2/3/8) that I asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):  This is a (human) nightmare that a Muslim sees or sees for another Muslim.  (1) Imamate of this second hadith (1-4)  5 AH / 2-9) has narrated in Sunan (2).  

Narrated by Abu Salma ibn Abdul Rahman on the authority of Ibadah ibn Al-Samit.  One of the narrators of the hadith narrated by Hazrat Abul-Walid is unknown, the rest of the rijals are trustworthy.  Imam Tirmidhi (2-9 / 2-9) has brought these two hadiths in his Sunnah.  Imam Ibn Majah (2-9 AH / 2-9) has narrated the hadith of Hazrat Ibadah bin Al-Samit in his book “11”.  This is the hadith of Hazrat Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal

Imam Hakim Neshapuri (2-9 / 2-9) has narrated both the hadiths in "Al-Mustadid Rak" (2). The narrators have also discussed the authenticity of the hadith.  Imam Tar Madhi has called both the hadiths "Hasan" (1).  Imam Hakim Nisha Puri says about the hadith of Hazrat Ibadah bin Al-Samit that this hadith is saheeh and on the condition of its rijal shaykhin I [1] these ahaadeeth are also supported by other saheeh ahaadeeth.  

Imam Malik (2-9 AH 2-9) has narrated this hadith of Rasoolullah (sws) from another chain of transmission that he used to say about this verse “  There is a righteous person whom a man sees as righteous or should be seen for it ۓ {۱۷.  

All the narrators of this tradition are sheikhs.  Imam Tabari (2-9 AH / 1-9 AH) has also narrated this hadith from Aamash on the authority of Abi Saleh on the authority of Ata ibn Yasarin Abi Al-Darda and its chain of transmission is beautiful and strong (1).  It has also been narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (2 AH-1-9) and its authenticity is Saleh (1).  

Imam Tabari (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated the narration of Hazrat Abuhar Miro (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:  

Marih al-Asnad is news (1) The multiplicity of hadiths can be judged from the fact that Imam Tabari has narrated forty such hadiths and relics in which the interpretation of human beings has been described as a virtuous vision (2).  This hadeeth is Qawi al-Naad, Jaid al-Sina dawar beh al-asnad (1). 

Therefore, the muhaddithin have called it saheeh.  Of course Abu Salma bin Abdul Rahman and.

۸۲ It also occurs in other hadiths in which dreams are called evangelists.  Therefore, in the transformation of human beings, it is known that the meaning of good behavior is closer to the right.  Even if it is accepted that it includes the good news that is given to the believers at the last moment.  

Even then, the concept of righteousness is not excluded from it, but is included in it.  Evidence of righteous behavior or true dreams is so abundant in the Sunnah of the Prophet that denying them is tantamount to denying a branch of religion.  

The Imams of Hadith have established permanent chapters on the subject of dreams in their books under the titles of “Kitab al-Ta'beer”, “Kitab al-Ruwayya”, “Bab Ma Jaa fi al-Ruwaya” and “Kitab Ta’beer al-Ruwayya”.  Al-Zakat and the Book of Al-Jaj have been established.  

Therefore, Hazrat Ayesha states that the Prophet (PBUH) started with true dreams.  The interpretation of the dream you had at that time was like a bright morning (1).  During the 5 years of Prophethood, you continued to enjoy the good news through equal dreams.  

Allah made him aware of the future events in a dream, took him on a journey to heaven and hell, and made him observe the punishment of Abra Rufiar.  The traditions of these dreams are so frequently narrated in the books of Ahadith and Sunan that a book can be prepared from them.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was informed in a dream about some of the things that happened later.  

She is his wife. (1) Allah Almighty came to him in a dream before the migration and observed the land of Madinah and informed him about the martyrdom of those who were martyred in the battle of Uhud.  You say, "I dreamed that I was migrating to a land where there were palms."

۸۳ I think that the land of Yamama or Hajar (is the name of two areas, but it turned out to be very interesting. I saw in my dream that when I called for a sword, it broke in the middle.  It fell on the Muslims in Uhud, then I shook it or it got better than before. 

This was the victory that Allah gave us and the believers gathered.  We heard that it is very good to be rewarded by Allah. Those cows were believers who were martyred in the battle of Uhud and the reward was what Allah gave us after Badr.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) narrated a dream in which he said: “

I saw a black woman with her hair coming out of Madinah and she became a citizen in a month.”  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was also informed about the false claimants of prophethood in a dream. You state that I was asleep at night.  

But revealed  I was going to blow on both of them.  I blew on both of them and they flew away.  I took the interpretation of these two that two lies will come out after me, one of them is Mansi and the other is Musalma is a liar.  

I am in the middle.  One of them is Sana'a wala (Ansi Kadhab) and the other is Yamama wala (Musalma Gazab).  I drank so much that I found the effect of the infusion of milk in my nails or I gave it to my young age.

۸۳ Once he was resting during the day in the house of Hazrat Umm Haram bint Talabaan, wife of Hazrat Ibadah bin Al-Samit.  Hazrat Umm Haram asked, “O Messenger, why do you become?  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Some of the people of my ummah, while fighting in the cause of Allaah, were shown as kings sitting on thrones in the middle of the sea (on ships).  Please make me one of them. ”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed for them and fell asleep with his head down.  Some people came to me fighting in the way of God, as had been said for the first time. 

Hazrat Umm Haram said,  Hazrat Umm Haram (on the occasion of the conquest of Cyprus) Hazrat Mu'awiyah set out on a voyage.  When she got out of the sea and sat on the horse, she fell down from the horse and was martyred. [1]  Numerous hadiths have been narrated in this regard.  In these ahaadeeth, dreams are one of the components of prophethood.  

The 5th, 3rd and 8th part has been mentioned.  These are the three traditions in which the dream is said to be the 7th, 8th and 8th part of Prophethood (1).  These three traditions have been brought by Imam Muslim in his comprehensive.  Other traditions are narrated in books other than Muslim.  

Imam Tabari believes that the difference of tradition refers to the condition of the dreamer.  The dream of a righteous believer can be the 7th part of prophethood and the dream of a sinner can be the 7th part (2).  It is also said that

The secret dream is the 7th and strongest part of Prophethood (2).  The good dream of a righteous man is the 5th part of prophethood. This prophetic instruction is also narrated in these words:  This hadith has been narrated in many ways and this is the most famous narration in this chapter.  

Imam Bukhari has narrated this same hadith from many sources.  Imam Muslim has also brought it to many places.  Other narrators have also narrated this hadith in various ways.  The commentators of the hadith have given different interpretations of this hadith.  

Imam al-Khattabi (2: 1-4) has quoted three sayings of scholars in this regard.  2) Some scholars are of the opinion that from the beginning of the guardian to the death of the Prophet, the Prophet lived in the world for 5 years.  He spent five years in Makkah and ten years in Madinah.  

For the first few months in Mecca, revelation kept coming to you in a dream.  This is a period of half a year.  Therefore, this period became the 7th part of the period of Prophethood.  2) Other scholars say that it appears in accordance with the spirit or prophecy.  

That is the rest of the prophecy.  This is the meaning of this hadith.  2) Another group says that its meaning is that it is the remaining part of the knowledge of prophethood.  The proof is not left after the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

AY ذہبـت الـنـبـوة و بقيت المبشرات: الرؤيا الصالة يرا ها المسلم اوتري له ۴۲ ۴۲}  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I have heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saying:  O Messenger of Allah, what are the evangelists?  

He said: “Al-Rawiya al-Saliha”. Good dreams. * * * Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) removed the chador during the (last) biyari and the rows were standing behind Hazrat Abu Bakr.  

He said: O people!  Of the glad tidings of Prophethood (Mubashrat al-Nawawat) only the righteous attitude that a Muslim sees or someone else sees for it remains (1) It is narrated that he said:  

The evangelists are the only evangelists left after me. The Companions asked, or the Messenger of Allah, what are the evangelists? He said:  The righteous man sees or is seen for it is one of the three components of prophecy

AL You have stated this fact in a few words: 

ذحبت النبوة وبقيت المبشرات 1;  

The aspects are highlighted.  The way in which you have pointed out the guiding principles of semantics is exemplary.  The most important stage for the dreamer and the interpreter is the place where the cry or the knowledge gets mixed up.  An example of this is found in the Qur'an itself.  

When the king of Egypt asked the courtiers for the interpretation of the dream, they excused themselves by saying that it was an apology.  Later Hazrat Yusuf interpreted this dream.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained the difference between vision and knowledge.  

You have said: The vision is from Allah and the dream is from the devil.  So once a Bedouin said, "O Allah's Apostle! I saw in a dream that my head was tilted and he was falling down. I kept following him. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) heard the dream and said  Do not mention the devil's teasing to the people in the dream (1) or when the devil teases any of you in the dream, he should not mention it to the people (2).  

He used to say to his companions: "When any one of you likes to dream, it is from Allah, so he should give thanks to Allah for it and mention it when he does not like it."  If he has a dream, it is from the devil, so seek refuge from his evil and do not mention it to anyone. He will not harm him (1).

It is narrated in a hadith that he said: “The cry is from Allah and the knowledge is from the devil.  It will be delivered (1). It has been narrated in a hadith that there are three types of dreams on the left side (2). There are other hadiths in this chapter.  Some of them are dreams of Satan which frightens the Son of Man.  He sees in dreams and some dreams are those which are the 7th part of prophecy. (1) In another hadith it is explained as follows:

  ماو کرنے وال  ا ہو۔  

Anyone who has an unpleasant dream should get up and offer prayers.  Dreams are not always the same.  The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:  This is the case with Baha'u'llah

حد يحدث بها الناس

 (1] When the time is near, the believer's dream will not come true  There is a part. There are three dreams. One is a good dream which is good news from God.  And if he sees a dream, he should get up and pray and not mention it to anyone. 

This hadeeth has been narrated in other books of hadeeth with slight change of words.  Imam Bukhari has narrated it in the following words:  And the believer's dream is one of the forty-six components of prophethood.  

After all, when day and night are equal.  According to Imam Abu Dawud (1/2/2/3 AH), this means that when day and night become equal (1)  The commentators say that the worst dreams are those which are seen in the season of Rabi and the days and nights are in equal or moderate days (1).

Interpreters state that the dreams of the beginning of the year and the dreams of the fruits coming out and ripening come true.  Day and night are equal twice a year, on March 3 and September 4.  In both cases there is a complete digestive tract.  

Therefore, the interpretation of the hadeeth seems to be closer to the truth and the closest analogy.  The meaning of the hadith is that when day and night are equal, the believer's dream does not lie.  Dreams are seen day and night at any time when a person is asleep.  

But sometimes dreams are more childish.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:  Even among the commentators, it is a fact that everyone dreams by dreaming because at that time light and blessings are revealed.  A dream is ineffective unless it is interpreted.  

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:  When the interpretation is given, he sits down.  Imam Tirmidhi has narrated this hadith in two ways.  The words of a narrator, “The vision of a Muslim is one of the seven and forty parts of the Prophet”

That is the interpretation.  Her husband would come back and I would give birth.  One day she came as she used to.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was not present. He had the same dream.  I asked him: O servant of Allah!  Why do you ask about the Messenger of Allah?  

He said, "I dreamed what I saw."  I have come to the Prophet.  I will ask you the interpretation.  When you say that it is a good dream, its interpretation is the same as what you give.  I said, "Tell me that dream." She said, "Let the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) come.  I swear to God I did not leave him until he told me the dream.  

I said to this woman, "By Allah, if you really have this dream, then your show will die and you will give birth to a fajr boy."  The woman sat down and began to cry.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had come in that number.  He asked, "O Ayesha, why is this woman weeping? 

I narrated the incident to you, and I asked for the interpretation which I had given. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:  Tell or interpret the dream, then give it a good interpretation. The dream appears according to its interpretation. 

By the interpretation of this dream, by God, the husband of this woman died and I saw that she gave birth to an immoral child.  This is further confirmed by the events I have given. A man dreamed that he was castrated. 

He went to the interpreter to find out the meaning of the dream. Some people said that this man would die soon.  He said that he would be separated from his sons. Some said that he would lose his property. 

Another said that his offspring would be cut off.  He divorced the woman. He took the children on a voyage and boarded a boat to cross the river. A storm came and the boat sank.  Done  Now the interpretation turned out to be the same as that given by the commentators

1 was (2).  Therefore, Hazrat Jafar Sadiq says that it is not permissible to ask the interpretation of a dream from four classes.  (1) From ungodly people (2) From women (3) From ignorant people (4) Enemies The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has instructed this guiding principle in the following words: 


The interpretation of dreams is base on their names and surnames and the two dreams correspond to the interpretation of the first interpreter.  He described his dream and its interpretation as follows:  Gu or Aqaba bin Rafi's house.  

They were brought to us from the palms of Ibn Tab.  I interpreted this to mean that Rifat is for us.  In the Hereafter the end is imminent and our religion is good.  If the true dream is called evangelism on the one hand, then on the other hand it has been instructed not to narrate knowledge.  

In addition, there are some people who go around telling people false dreams.  It is strictly forbidden and promised in the hadiths.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:  {cr} <

Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:  In another hadeeth, the promise of the torment of the Hereafter is given to those who have false dreams:  } ۷} 

Whoever concocts a false dream, he will be tormented on the Day of Resurrection to tie a knot between two grains of barley, and he will not be able to tie a knot between them.  It is not safe from the interference of the devil. 

The devil can come in any case and deceive 1 human being. However, we have some exceptions in this category.  I have no doubt because according to the authentic hadiths, the devil cannot take the form of the Holy Prophet (saw).  This is: Whoever sees me in a dream, he will come soon (ie on the Day of Resurrection).

He will see me in awakening and Satan cannot take my form.  The narrations that are frequently narrated in the books of Hadith about dreams show how much importance Islam has given to good behavior.  The dreams of the prophets and sages have been considered especially practicable and real (1).  

Also, just as the consensus of Muslims on an issue is considered an argument, so too, if a group of Muslims has a dream, it is also a kind of argument.  Some of the Companions saw Shab-e-Qadr in a dream during the last seven nights of Ramadan and some during the last ten nights.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said after listening to a dream: “Al-Mutsooha fi al-Sabee al-Akhwar” (See the last seven nights)  (2) has Shab Qadr.  The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: I see that all of you agree on the last ten days of your dreams.  

Therefore, a person who seeks Shab-e-Qadr should seek medicine in Khair-e-Ushra (1).  The issue of gathering Muslims for prayers was considered. Some people suggested that fire should be lit during prayers. Some said that flag should be raised during prayers.  

It should be blown. One of the opinions was to ring the bell. But none of these opinions were liked by the Messenger of Allah (saw).  He is standing in the mosque and is reciting the words of Adhan. In the morning he came to the service of the Messenger of Allah.

۹۷ And stated his dream.  He said that Allah has shown you a good dream.  Ask Bilal to give the adhan according to your dream. When Bilal gave the adhan then Hazrat Umar Farooq came and swore that this is the dream I saw but Abdullah narrated it and I was ashamed to narrate it.  

I have come to know that this dream was seen by fourteen Companions (2 Companions have also narrated from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) the interpretation of various things seen in the dream.  The meaning of green is paradise. 

The meaning of woman is goodness and blessings.  It has been narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to turn to his Companions as soon as he finished the morning prayer and say, “Did any of you have a dream at night?”  He used to interpret them (1). 

It is narrated by Hazrat Samra bin Jundab (d. 2/3) that when the Messenger of Allah (sws) had finished the morning prayer, the blessed face would turn towards him (towards the Companions) and say:  Opinion of one of the twelve visions (2)  Did any of you have a dream last night?  

This is what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in the words:  Is (1).  Imam Malik has narrated this hadeeth from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) finished his morning prayers, he would turn to the people and say:  Did any of you have a dream during the night?  I dreamed

۱۷ That one of the blessed limbs of the Messenger of Allah is in my house, I was scared.  She came to the service of the Messenger of Allah and narrated the dream.  He said, "It is a good dream that a boy will be born from Fatima (2 BC / 2-9) and you will feed her the milk of the team.  

They were handed over to me and I gave them milk.  And there are eighteen people, some less and some more, and I saw a rope easily reached to the ground and I saw you, you grabbed it and went upstairs.  He grabbed it and climbed on it. Then a man grabbed it and climbed on it. 

Then after that another person grabbed it and the rope broke. Then it became attached. Hazrat Abu Bakr said:  Father, I am a sacrifice to you, allow me to interpret this dream.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Give it to me.”  

And the teaching that is received from heaven to earth is the truth which Allah Almighty has revealed to you.  By grasping it, Allah Almighty will ascend you, then another person will ascend after you, then another person will ascend.  

Then another person who catches it will break it.  O Messenger of Allah, may my parents be sacrificed on you.  Tell me, did I give the correct interpretation or did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say, “Something is right, something is wrong. 

He said, “O Messenger of Allaah!  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not swear.”  رسول ﷺ

JA has asked Hazrat Abu Bakr the interpretation of his dream.  Once he narrated his dream to Hazrat Abu Bakr. “O Abu Bakr, I saw in a dream that you and I climbed a ladder and we went two and a half steps ahead of you.  

The Almighty will keep you as long as you are happy and your eyes will remain cool. This was repeated by Abu Bakr three times. The third time the Messenger of Allah said:  That you and I climbed a ladder and we went two and a half steps ahead of you.  Hazrat Abu Bakr said: 

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, will call you to His mercy and forgiveness, and I will live after you for two and a half years. (2)  I came and fell.  I narrated my dream to Hazrat Abu Bakr. 

He remained silent.  When the Messenger of Allah died and you were buried in my room, Abu Bakr said to me, "This is one of your three moons and it is the best."  Hazrat Omar died.  

Thus the three moons came into being and the interpretation of the dream came true.  Experts in the field of interpretation have also quoted Hazrat Abu Bakr in such a way that the intellect is stunned after reading it.  The second caliph, Hazrat Umar Farooq, was also an expert in interpretation.  

He said in a speech on Friday before the martyrdom.  I dreamed that a rooster bit me twice.  I think that Allah Almighty will grant me martyrdom and I will be killed by a great man. Hazrat Usman Ghani  On the day of his martyrdom, he said to his companions, "I saw the Messenger of Allah in a dream."

Othman! Open the fast with us." Hazrat Uthman fasted and was martyred on that day.  Al-Mu'minin will not do it at all. Hazrat Uthman said: I saw the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr and Umar.  Dani is also famous. Numerous incidents of his interpretations have been narrated in the books. 

Apart from him, other Companions were also well versed in the science of interpretation.  Historians have mentioned the interpretations of Hazrat Ayesha. Hazrat Asma bint Abi Bakr had learned the interpretation of Al-Ruwa Kafan from her father.  2) Hazrat Asma bint Umays is counted among the Companions who are experts in the science of interpretation.  

Before his martyrdom, he said to Hazrat Asma bint Umays, "I saw in a dream that a red-headed man hit me with two fists."  He interpreted that one of the non-Arabs would kill him (1).  Bint Umays was married to Hazrat Abu Bakr.  

What was the position of the dream among the Companions, its style and events can be determined by the narrators who have narrated with authentic evidence.  Experts in the Qur'an and Sunnah have presented them as an argument.  Allama Ibn al-Qayyim, a student of the famous critic of Sufism, Imam Ibn Taymiyyah

Incidents have been murdered.  In his book Al-Ruh, he writes: From Hammad ibn Salma Thabit and from Shihr ibn Hoshab, it is narrated that  There was a confrontation between them.  Hazrat Sahab said to Hazrat Auf, "Brother, whoever of us dies first will come in a dream and meet his brother. Hazrat Auf also became supportive. 

First Hazrat Saab passed away.  He asked, "Brother, what happened to you?" He replied, "We were forgiven after suffering. Hazrat Auf saw a black spot on his neck.  what's this ?  He replied, "These are ten dinars which I have borrowed from such and such a Jew. They are in my horn. Give him back that dinar.  The news of the death of our cat was received here a few days ago. Brother, I also know that my daughter will die for a few days. You people should treat her well.  Auf narrates that when morning came, I said that there is guidance in this dream. I went to his family and they welcomed him and said: Oof!  You did not even come near us after Saab's death. 

I looked at the horn and took it off. I took out what was in it. I found a bag containing ten dinars. I gave it to the Jew.  He called and asked, Do you have any debt to Saab?" He said, "May God have mercy on Sahab.  He said, "Yes, I gave him ten."  I presented those ten dinars to him and he said, "By God!"  These are the same dinars ", I said. One dream item was sold. I asked,

Next  Part:3


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