Satan sent brlant.
Part (4)
The Giants have built the temple built by November call Jinn Temple of Solomon commands the Israelites gzarr even in a time when people have died and David Solomon became his successor.
He ordered them to open the temple of Solomon in building distributed among the jinn and devils collected human beings and each group is given darqrar ultimately responsible.
Mrmrlany stone giants and men appointed by the ears. Contact Solomon built the Marble City ordered and gravel. And divided it into sections, and folded into a section for each of these time pieces.
When you are finished with the construction of the building began to build. Giants are divided into several parts. Mining and minerals from a group appointed zrujuahr Place.
Another group was appointed to the export of gems and actually diving into rivers and oceans. He put on a fall of musk and amber and the perfume. And he did so riches, wealth hand that is not a style but Allah.
Then nrmndun horse in the yadfr Maya carved these stones and ordered tables (slabs) and trim the holes in the beads. It started work in marble and hand though the noise was caused by plaque of the gems.
He did not like the noise B multitude. The men called and said you have knowledge of cutting noise multitude without those diamonds and gems and experience?
He said: "O Messenger of Allah! If any one of the jinn Zohar 'is not much knowledge and experience he is attending Maya (translated much unless the vol 9, p. 97) God rewards the Prophet Solomon I was one of the most primitive giants evil birds and Cho found that the travels were placed at their disposal. 641
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As Quranic pig Naml's said in the verse "uhsr lslyman jnud from mankind ualans uatyr Comprehension yuzaun"
and their legions of Solomon giants and the birds they are all together they all (like Shil) were set up (so it runs like) as well as was said in verse 82 pig ualanbyaء.
Mann "spew ash-Shayateen from ygusun Him and yamlun practically Doon must beware of knalهm them died" and dip into those (Sea of Giants by (GEMS) were out and do the other work (the subject of Solomon did we not go away that these were overseers),
Al zaryat verse in the Quran about the social responsibility of giants in 52 stripes that 'the daradu option like humans and duties and responsibilities are handed and the right to worship in terms of marine life that is their target. as it says in the Qur'an.
"maklqt mankind ualans unless lyabdun" "we can pray about what created the jinn and mankind. the * 42
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The server cleric Ali al-Islam Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet took off dishes on the giants of the jinns and demons to hear words of inspiration came from heaven came to Earth.
And the words were heard.
I would add my own. The demons had myqdymy constitution.
When the Prophet when he was sent from the heavens.
The evil demons have to mention this when he says that the accident occurred an organization.
Some demons left for conditions to recover. It arrived in Mecca, the Prophet saw demons walk you to prayer.
I swear to God, they said they have been prevented from going to heaven because of them and kill demons because these coals. Face these coals are burned first hand.
The demons were like giants, but could still be made before the advent of the giants of the heavens were closed after the Prophet.
(Certificate mqrrthy place easy to sit giants in the tradition of Ibn Abbas that sit above for each group of giants Thar.
The fact that jinn and devils, speak to your hearing from divine places that
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The priests were not found.
The advent of the Prophet giants have been exposed to these locations.
Do men off easily tell the news when he said that the Arab people in heaven who died. Then you have a camel, a camel, cow or sheep which he had to slaughter a cow or a goat everyday.
(Msndabunym) right in raising the unseen voice of the giants of the Prophet Muhammad Umar reported that they have passed a beautiful man. Omar has recently discovered it.
He said that the priest of the Arab-Islamic era. Umar said, hear a strange thing modern, he said dhlyh read poems that they found in the market sounded pain called on mankind's sa ubasهa mind after they sهa ulhunهa balqlas uahlasهa Umar he said he really was the same story with me. One day I was asleep beside a statue.
A man was laying on the image of a baby cow. This person is a child born of coherent noise maternal baby belly in front of the idol sacrifices.
Or jlbh fact njyh person referred eloquent yqul La illā Allah (AP amrnjat giving men advice he is to bring God says this voice heard dubarush twelve dta in and I have fled to Cologne.
No words in this incident was not the elapsed time, the Arabs in the famous story of the advent of the Holy Prophet.
Bayhaqy Mujahid said that that ground was rqbylh be forgiving. It is reported that Omar * 45
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Farooq become mainstream! Told qarb hear that bringing Islam.
A friend of mine was riding the night I was sleeping, he woke me up I know you've been sent a messenger then read the myasaar.
Ajbt I lljn and anjasهa usdهa alays bahlasهa surprised to jinn and am amazed by the giants of the filthy people and they forge kady on their camels they jumumn these giants do wish mail by giants.
Mecca and guidance they fatهz not like their impure giants seeking beneficial sfrة from Hashem uasm baynyk Ali rasهa this is the South going towards the abstract and the children see that the Prophet should be taken to draw.
Hashim his eyes with his eyes the South Ross. The update changes the poems he heard derogatory manner palatable to me, God has sent a prophet Muhammad Zahid will be entitled to this verse.
I marvel at the giants in the night he woke me myasaar sounded ajbt lljn uttlabهa usdهa alays baqtabهa glb and the Giants and their camels * 46 *
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We saddle forge mail by هuy seeking beneficial Sep tbgى alهdy masa dqua mankind ككzabهa the giants Mecca that uamad usfr wonder at them and the righteous of you wish the.
Giants is the third night like their kzabun which to me sounded poetry of this article to hear this poem continuously since been in love jagz Islam in my heart I have embraced Islam honor hukz came to the.
Prophet (ruaulyty) narrated Jabir bin Abdullah in Medina was the subject of a woman one day and Vision sitting at a house wall in case of a bird she refused to disembark him whom, he said, which has sent a prophet in.
Mecca declared adultery kutram and refused us to die here (Tabarani in al-Awsat) are Artat bin Mundhir I heard zmrh says a woman in Medina was one who had intercourse with some days he was absent.
Given one day come to the Peek roof of the house or the woman said, what if he is a prophet in Mecca is why Turkey should come to me who said it prohibited the immoral and was sent by Islam.
(Ruauabunaym) the time of the Holy Prophet It is narrated from Abdullah bin Abbas gave up on Jabal Abu myauaz and read poems. Translation: defeat the Ka'b bin al-Rai list of 647 people in many subtle wit
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Translation: The Kab religion is the religion of those who support their native scholars Wu are blamed her religion.
Translation: Your company will give the Giants the time to reduce you and your men into the junkul and atam:'ll have two forbidden that you will see the riders closer to the situation in the major cities of the nation shall kill.
These poems were a pagan language that is so popular in Mecca say this article is to be happy and ordered to leave the city look at you and saying Muslims unseen.
Muslims are very grief. It was said before. He said the devil was sar Allah will punish function. The third day was a professional zura the UK.
God put his name Abdullah Abdullah should allow the Agency to msar. Atafrmady authorization scheme.
Msar said before today will be happy to kill Muslims .In the evening, a loud harsh voice from the mountain. Translation:
We casein has msar devil were killed by them when he read the defiance and saw him near the arrogant written statement of the giants of history treasurer that stayed in nklh in return anhzrtﷺ Taif midnight prayer .
Tilt the machine and the seven MISA poet and Nasir al Amin billion the minister and the Prophet's recitation in prayer and brought back, and there were broad in the nation, engaged in the most significant event of the Holy Qur'an (48)
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Mysat people were giants who first brought the faith to anhzrtﷺ.
Service giants delegation Prophet of nsybyn: kin say when seven were converted nsyhyn gave back his people from nzlh stopped coming three sucnun delegation in June, and he came to the.
Prophet he said the Prophet peace and is present in the blood for a meeting with a delegation scheme of healing our nation should honor the Prophet said atafr Maya will meet in the night.
Hazrat Anas narrated from his father anhzrtﷺ states that do not have a group of men came to Mecca, Prophet said, fear in his heart the only person left with the pollution.
Hazrat Abdullah bin msaudfr says that anhzrtﷺ the draw has filled a pot nbyz until we reached the Prophet me around the letter I sit in one place (tied ring) and then when I come back to there shall be then the.
Prophet saw went to the giants giants backs brought came to him before time doing things overnight from anhzrtﷺ crowds were at me and he asked me that night .
I said you're standing ﷺﷺ had asked me to stay until I come.
I asked him who were apﷺﷺ said he disagreed in many cases Yasin were giants are upon you, I have decided to come for a then said to me that you have water ablutions.
I said nbyz the palm is holy and pure water. Then you saw was what made ablution and prayer stand. 49
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So I came to the Prophet drug giants and both said that the Messenger of Allah, we believe that this is the correct server before you can use our leadership in the world in their prayers.
The prayer of the Prophet which says illadhi and Al grew. Ibn Mas'ud says anhzrtﷺ I saw the last one.
The rest of us are living far those reported in the anhzrtﷺ he said to me and they ask the way.
The Holy Prophet said that I would become a bone of meat and bone dates for you.
Prophet said that those who refused to toilet you saw the bones and dung will spoil our diet.
Abdullah bin Masood says that the place where the light of the Prophet Muhammad r had been found seventy camels sit there all night marks.
Tabarani and the tradition of Prophet Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood's statement that there was no cloth on the giants of the body.
The baujudan of srmgau did not appear. They were thin and tall. They were gathered around the anhzrtﷺ if they want to be on board before the server world. Prophet recited the Quran in front of them.
Malik was the second event in a person companionship of the Holy Prophet in the Night of mankind in one server asked Abdullah to you.
Ibn Mas'ud said, but not before a night ﷺﷺ Mecca went out of Mecca without notifying anyone. We are worried all night.
In the morning I come from the Prophet's companions Hira see the trouble He said that my