Creation of giants brick; Part (9)


When he started avoiding things, the black dog disappeared and the process of changing something stopped.  

This Part 9

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Now he converts something into a corner or something else.  

Another leg is said to have had some demons that it would ride on some people.  The family of the deranged person would come to him on Monday and ask him for healing.  Para said to his subordinate devils.  And leave the person.  

The family of the traumatized Khas would give a lot of money to this person.  Sometimes the giants used to steal people's grain and money from this Monday.  Once upon a time there were some figs in a house.  Monday ordered figs from the jinn.  They brought figs.  

When the family members saw the householder, there was no fig.  Another man is said to have had an academic hobby.  Some devils came to mislead him and said: We have forgiven you the prayer, and We will bring for you whatever you wish.  

So they brought sweets or fruits for him and at last the man came to the service of a religious scholar and repented before them and paid the price of the sweets which he had eaten.  Explaining some of the ways in which Satan misleads, Ibn Taymiyyah says: “I know well the people to whom plants speak. 

They are actually talking to the devil that happens in plants.  I also know the people from whom the tree and then we talk and say congratulations to you guardians of Allah who recite the verse of Al-Qari then this thing is over I also know the one who goes hunting birds  So he works and says: He would hunt me down so that I may become the food of the poor.

Part (1)

Enters and talks to people.  Some people are in a closed house but without opening the door they see themselves outside. 

Similarly some people are outside but without opening the door they learn by themselves that they are in the house.  

They are actually driven in and out of the house by the giants, sometimes a light passes by a human or sometimes a person comes to meet him.  All this is done by the devils.  The devils come in the form of human friends.  

Allama Taymiyyah says, "I am also familiar with the person to whom one speaks and says: I am the command of Allah and I assure him and say that you are the same Mahdi whom the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave glad tidings."  He also shows taxes for it. 

For example, the idea arises in his heart that he should make birds fly in the air.  He wants  If the thought of an animal standing or sleeping in his heart arises in his heart, then what he wants is done, apparently there is no movement.  

The devils take this person to Mecca and bring him back.  This is how the beautiful people of Kola came to him and said that these high-ranking angels have come to meet you.  He says in his heart.  

How could this beardless young man have become like this?  When he looks around, he has a beard. Satan tells him that the sign of your being Mahdi is that it will be found in your body.  There is so much more to it than meets the eye.  This is all Satan's deception.  Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Part (2)

Where prayers were stopped reading. This is because there are some secrets revealed to Satan and say things that they are doing things to tell the priests and idols and idolaters.  

Demons in some of those works do you like the wizard and lesbian sun worshiper moon worshipers, and the Sabians nations devil worship and then offer the utyc and clothing and perfume gift to Devil's introduce ourselves and assist hard  the decoding.  If the devil says or spirituality stars.  

Satan them to shirk services offering: May those who claim to be the devil factor in his work that he does not get closer to the devil by shirk to achieve your goals.  

Ibn Taymiyyah (35/19 collection Prophet says that they mostly do not write things in the Word of God, should never Qur'anic verses such as Surat al-Fatiha or pig pens Allah Ahad replace characters or other signs. You  that is what is written in the Word of God kukun or other unclean things ever written for the chosen objects of Satan the Qur'an. 

when mylug writes Satan's favorite things or certain tasks they are urdkrty  his routed helping eg blow in a well was a given in a water depth elsewhere or steal any property can not betray those who gave them the name of God, do not read. 

Satan is also the property of the people  in addition to the these and many other things. in order to serve the jinn Ibn Tammy (collectively verdicts 11/307 in the subject writes ruaه Ltd for hyn''ansan

Part (3)

There are a few ways a person to whom Allah and His Messenger commanded to worship Allah and obey the Messenger of God, when it also urged the people of God than they had the latest and genuine.  

If a person who will use the things that are prohibited by Allah and His Messenger, for example, to use him or kill anyone innocent.  Or put the wrong people in such a cutie.  Forgotten knowledge from memory.  

Or in case of any corruption, such as took a man or woman to immorality etc.  This was the case in respect of sin and Dalit oppression.  If it takes us to bear in disbelief disbelief.  If the work takes us into disobedience disobedient they would be either evil or sinful.  

Normal incidents of fraud and the demons of the jinn who wrote and read a good understanding of the Muslim religion can not be established in cases of usyatyn giants.  Satan's deceit and mislead humans ufryb the best result oriented tool that is pushing Muslims and others trapped under the guise of good and evil comes against the Giants.  

Evil life is a disease that causes the incidents of chantun disciples of Satan.  They are rebellious and unbelieving jinn and humans suffering from life demons.  

Ibn tymyه are under the overall Whoever is with the 19/39 are described as giants are human beings and sexual desire to love that person aboard and often hostility and administrative passion.  

For example, no one hurt them or they turned it urinated on the man bjhyn are deliberately disturb them or put a hot water or kill anyone.  Although he did not know this man (92)

Part (4)

However, the jinn have cruelty and ignorance, so they punish the human being more than he deserves.  

We have already said that the jinn are the pandas of sharia and in the country therefore if a Muslim can talk to them as he is riding on human beings then he must talk.  

If the person who is riding on it due to sexual desire and love has a forgiving deed which Allah has forbidden to both humans and jinn, then it is not permissible even if it is done with the consent of the other difference.  

Therefore, it will be discussed with the jinn and they will be told that it is haraam, forgiving and cruel so that victory may be established over them.  They will also be told that Allah and His Messenger will be judged about them.  The Messenger whom Allah has sent as a Messenger to both man and woman.  

If a person who is riding on a human being for some other reason (hurting him) and the human being has done this act without knowing it, then it will be said that he did it because he did not know and that he did it unintentionally.  But Vehra has no right to hurt.  

If a person has done this act in his own house and in his own property then the jinn will be told that the house is his property and he can do whatever he wants in his property.  You go to the deserts and deserts where people do not live.  ۔  

Ibn Taymiyyah says that the point is that if the jinn oppress the people, they will be informed of the command of Allah and His Messenger and an argument will be established against them.  The well-known will be commanded and the disbelievers will be restrained, as is done with human beings, for Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Part (5)

Don't send a messenger to explain the difference. "  Did not Messengers come to you from amongst themselves, reciting to you My verses and warning you of the end of that day?  (Al-An'am: 1) House snakes and jinn: 

Ibn Taymiyyah says that is why the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade killing the molds of the house three times without warning.  Killing jinn unjustly is just as unlawful as killing a human being unjustly. In any case, the pen is haraam.  Go back with justice.  

Doing justice is more appropriate than God.  (Al-Maa'idah: 8) If the house snake is jinn, he should be warned three times that if he runs away, then it is okay, he will be killed by Dardana.  

If it is really a snake then it has to die and if it is a jinn then it appeared in the form of a snake and terrorized the people and insisted on aggression.  An aggressor is an attacker. 

Anything that can repel his damage can be used against him, even if it is killing.  However, it is not permissible to kill jinn without any reason.  Ibn Taymiyyah says that it is the duty of a believer to help the oppressed brother.  

The afflicted person is also oppressed but according to the command of Allah we have to help with justice.  If the jinn also explained: 6949

Part (6)

If he does not stop even after that, then it is permissible to scold him, insult him, threaten him and curse him as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did to the devil who brought the flame of fire to kill you.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: I seek refuge in Allaah from you. I send the curse of Allaah upon you. You said this three times.  The stomach is needed.  So he is killed a lot.  

It falls on the margin.  The deranged person does not realize it.  When he regains consciousness, he himself says that he did not feel any pain, although at least three charsols are killed on his feet.  

This beating actually happens to Jin.  Ibn Taymiyyah says that he has experienced it over and over again in the presence of many people.  But in modern times this method is based on ignorance.  The demons don't seem to be the cause of the apparent appetite.  

Even a physical illness can drive a person insane.  Only those who cannot be killed on the basis of suspicion.  

The giants teach medicine to man.  The author of Ikam Al-Marjan Fi Gharaib Al-Akhbar Walban, Allama Qazi Badrald Main Shelley Hanafi Muhaddith in his book Afaq-e-Shehra Afaq writes while hunting down the fact that Nazar Ibn Umar Harithi says that in Jahiliyyah we had a pool of water.  

Sent the girl to fetch water.  When the two did not return for a long time, we searched for her but could not find her.  A long time later I was sitting in my gun one night when an old man came to me and after a while my daughter came.  I asked him 4959

Part (7)

The fever left her and gone and healthy.  He said to tell you that the way to attract women.  So that he will hurt their husbands.  He said yes, they said that if I would not tell it.  

Ziyad narrated exactly the story of the Anne of Harris is in this that the fever is a fever from those Tell verse treated or removed gyauh treated this came as a man that has been copied from the shi  he also discovered that the treatment response and the treatment Hazrat Zaid bin Wahab told that if we arrived on the island when we were in a battle we lit a fire.  We saw a huge mjrh.  

One of our colleagues said that they fire away from him that it should not disturb the living qluq our cause.  When we moved from their fire there is a voice that was like a hand that you got away from the fire and we tell you the best treatment.  

You will have great benefit from it.  He mentioned that when a patient should be treated immediately apnamrz come before you and hear your mind to heal him so he is cured.  Ahmad ibn Ali says: Man fighting giants have a man that was a man who heard the argument that abumyrh.  

About Madain wells had been her decision to Qazi Mohammad Ibn area.  Ahmad ibn Ali asked Abu Merah whether those had been revealed to them that he said, but he commanded to hear the Word and the judge is the one that you take from sunrise to sunset.  to turn water into giants and then at 97

Part (8)

If it goes after the man takes the stone.  The Giants are cowards narrated from Abu Mujahid that he was praying in a night.  There was a boy who form them they attacked him as he ran to catch jumped from the wall you did not then heard the sound of her falling.  

Imam Mujahid also said that the way you were afraid to walk the streets at night in fear that the Giants Giants are afraid of Abu sraad said.  CNN Islands got the news, he said, what you fear is fear more than your man.  Abu M

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