7 Benefits of Almond Milk You Didn't Know About
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Almond milk has become an extremely popular alternative to dairy milk in recent years, and it’s easy to see why.
Not only does it have a delicious flavor that can range from unsweetened to sweet and fruity, but it’s also filled with all kinds of health benefits.
Many people use almond milk instead of soy or rice milk because they are allergic to other types of nuts, but the fact that almonds are one of the healthiest nuts around helps too!
#1: Easy to digest
If you've been struggling with lactose intolerance or any other kind of digestive issues, you should consider switching to almond milk.
The proteins in cow's milk aren't easy for some people to digest, but that isn't a problem with almond milk. Not only that, but almond milk is one of the easiest non-dairy milks to digest! It's usually easier on your tummy because it has less total fat and calories than regular dairy milks.
Plus, many brands are fortified with extra calcium and vitamins (check out our post on high calcium foods). For more information about lactose intolerance symptoms and what you can do about them, check out our guide: 7 Steps to Stop Lactose Intolerance Symptoms.
2: Awesome vegan option: A lot of people switch to veganism when they stop drinking cow's milk. But if you're trying to cut back on animal products, almond milk is a great option because most brands don't contain any animal products at all!
3: Lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Many researchers think that cows' milk may increase the risk of Type 2 Diabetes - an autoimmune disease which is linked to obesity and insulin resistance.
Of course, this doesn't mean that everyone who drinks cow's milk will get diabetes; just like everyone who eats candy bars will get diabetes. However, there does seem to be a link between the two, so if you have an increased risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, it might be wise to switch to almond milk instead.
Of course we're not suggesting you make this decision based solely on this information alone; talk to your doctor first before making any changes! #4: Higher levels of healthy fats: Most dairy milks have higher levels of saturated fats, and those contribute to weight gain.
But almonds contain monounsaturated fats that help keep your cholesterol levels down while providing lots of protein. In fact, nuts in general are lower in both cholesterol and saturated fats than meat, eggs, poultry or fish (source).
So by swapping out cow's milk for almond milk in your diet, you'll automatically boost the nutritional value of your diet! On top of that, you'll save money as well.
Yes, we know that almonds cost more than cow's milk...but how much? On average, it costs $0.47 per ounce for almond milk versus $0.20 per ounce for whole cow's milk (source).
That means a little over half the price! And remember that unlike dairy milks, almond milk lasts up to three weeks in the fridge...so you won't need to run out every week to buy more (just give it a shake!).
Oh, and did you know that almond milk has higher levels of vitamin E, potassium, riboflavin, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and zinc? You might want to read about the health benefits of almonds too.
#2: Great source of protein
Unlike dairy milk, which is low in protein, almond milk has 6 grams per cup. Protein has several positive health benefits and can help you feel full longer, so it’s a great idea to incorporate more into your diet.
In fact, our bodies don’t make protein—we must get it from food sources like almonds or other nuts and seeds. Choose cold water varieties of almond milk that are sweetened with stevia for added nutritional value.
Stick to unsweetened milks if you have type 2 diabetes or are watching your carb intake closely. Do keep in mind that almonds are high in calories (170 calories per 1/4 cup), so do watch portions! They also contain plenty of fat and cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fats.
And if you're trying to lose weight, remember that almond milk contains about 50% less sugar than the average dairy milk, according to the World Health Organization. Make sure to try these healthy almond milk recipes too! #1: Frozen almond lemonade: A refreshing way to use up those leftover lemons from last week's baking.
Mix together coconut oil, vanilla extract, frozen blueberries, and an iced glass of ice cubes then pour over a quart of iced almond milk.Unl ke dairy milk, which is low in protein, almond milk has 6 grams per cup.
Protein has several positive health benefits and can help you feel full longer, so it’s a great idea to incorporate more into your diet. In fact, our bodies don’t make protein—we must get it from food sources like almonds or other nuts and seeds.
Choose cold water varieties of almond milk that are sweetened with stevia for added nutritional value. Stick to unsweetened milks if you have type 2 diabetes or are watching your carb intake closely.
Do keep in mind that almonds are high in calories (170 calories per 1/4 cup), so do watch portions! They also contain plenty of fat and cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fats.
3: Treats acne
The antioxidants in almond milk help prevent skin irritation and kill bacteria that causes acne, which can improve your complexion.
For these reasons, many people use almond milk as a natural remedy for acne. It may not be an overnight solution, but some users find it very effective in clearing up their skin.
If you’re prone to breakouts and want to try something new, you might consider switching to almond milk with vitamin E. #4: Prevents heart disease: Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
They're also naturally low in sodium and cholesterol. All of this can contribute to lower rates of cardiovascular disease. #5: Builds muscle: Protein is important for maintaining muscle mass.
The high amount found in almonds makes them an excellent source of protein. And because they're plant-based, they don't have the same side effects as animal proteins (i.e., animal fats).
6: Maintains healthy weight: Thanks to its nutrient-rich nature and satiating effect, almonds make a great snack when you're trying to maintain or lose weight by keeping you feeling full longer than most other snacks would allow.
The high protein content has been shown to increase feelings of fullness, while providing enough energy so you don't feel fatigued after snacking. #7: Helps with digestion: Almonds contain nutrients like magnesium and potassium that support proper kidney function, along with fibers like cellulose that act as prebiotics in the digestive tract.
Their high levels of dietary fiber mean they can help keep digestion running smoothly. In addition, soluble fibers bind to cholesterol and toxins in the body before passing through our system--the more we eat, the less we absorb from food sources.
4: Reduces cholesterol
Contrary to popular belief, almonds are not high in fat. Although almonds are high in calories due to their high fat content, they also contain mono-unsaturated fats which actually help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
So next time you’re planning a healthy meal, consider adding some ground almonds. Not only will it lower your cholesterol but you’ll also be able to reap some serious health benefits from eating them.
5: Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels: With the rise in diabetes cases, many people have turned to almond milk as an alternative for those with dietary restrictions or concerns about sugar consumption.
AStudies show that almonds may even help people maintain normal blood sugar levels. Plus, if you're concerned about weight gain caused by a higher calorie intake (like when switching from cow's milk), then almond milk is the perfect substitute because it contains significantly fewer calories than cow's milk or other dairy products.
6: Protects against heart disease: Just like with their ability to lower cholesterol, almonds can also provide protection against heart disease. They contain monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids which work together to protect the body against stroke and heart attack risk factors.
7: Good source of vitamin E: There are two types of vitamin E - alpha-tocopherols and gamma-tocopherols - both found in different foods.
Alpha-tocopherols come from vegetable oils like sunflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, peanut oil or cottonseed oil while gamma-tocopherols come from nuts like almonds. But despite what most people think, almonds are actually one of the best sources of gamma-tocopherols.
According to research done by The International Agency for Research on Cancer, these tocopherols may even prevent cell damage and promote growth of cells such as skin cells.
8: Contains Vitamin D: Vitamins A and D play a huge role in bone health and immune system function. Research has shown that individuals who consume more than 600 IU per day of Vitamin D tend to have increased bone mineral density whereas those who consume less than 400 IU per day experience decreased bone mineral density.
5: Aids in weight loss
It is naturally low in fat and calories, so it’s an excellent option for weight loss. It also has a high calcium content which reduces the amount of calcium leached from your bones and can thus be beneficial in preventing osteoporosis.
Also, its high potassium content improves muscle function and insulin levels, meaning that regular consumption could help reduce blood pressure and risk of heart disease. It is also said to relieve symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as lowering bad cholesterol levels.
This milk is known to be rich in antioxidants and vitamin E; both essential for keeping skin healthy, soft and supple! #6: Lowers the risk of certain cancers: A study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention found that people who consumed one or more servings of almonds per week had significantly lower rates of colorectal cancer than those who never ate them.
The research showed that eating just half a serving of almonds per day lowered bowel cancer rates by 20%. #7: Decreases chance of Diabetes: Another study found that consuming almonds regularly reduced diabetes incidence by 29% after five years among people at risk for type 2 .
6: Does not cause an allergic reaction
Many people cannot tolerate dairy products, and often soy is a good alternative; however, almond milk might just be what you’re looking for if you’re allergic to both. Studies have shown that less than 1% of people with a tree nut allergy will experience an allergic reaction to almonds.
Due to its mild flavor, almond milk is well-suited for use in everything from sweet recipes to savory sauces. A popular application? Toss it with pasta or chicken like you would regular milk! It also makes a great addition to hot cocoa.
If you're lactose intolerant or vegan, but love the taste of cow's milk (or don't want to give up cheese), almond milk can help fill that void. And those who are already vegan know the benefits of avoiding dairy: it doesn't require any animal byproducts (like eggs or butter) and can be made at home without any animal ingredients at all.
That's right - no more cracking open coconuts! To make your own, soak raw almonds overnight, then drain and rinse them. In a blender or food processor, combine one cup of filtered water with 1⁄4 teaspoon salt (optional), 1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional), one tablespoon maple syrup (optional) and 4 cups raw almonds.
Blend on high until smooth. Pour mixture into a fine mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth set over a bowl for about two hours to remove excess water. Once strained, add 1⁄4 teaspoon salt plus 1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla extract plus one tablespoon maple syrup to taste.
Transfer almond milk into jars/containers/squeeze bottles as desired. Store in refrigerator up to three days or freeze indefinitely! #5: Provides protein: Some types of milk contain vitamin D and calcium which aid in bone health.
Almond milk contains only small amounts of these nutrients, but does provide a significant amount of protein per serving--1g per 8oz glass--to maintain muscle mass.
When cooking with almond milk, keep in mind that this change will affect the protein content in other foods as well so adjust accordingly
4: More environmentally friendly than other milks: One 8 oz glass requires 74 gallons of water to produce--less than cows' milk which requires 149 gallons.
7: Lowers blood pressure
High blood pressure is one of a long list of health problems that can be improved and even resolved by including more plant-based foods in your diet. Doctors and researchers attribute much, if not all, of almonds’ heart-healthy qualities to their high content of monounsaturated fatty acids.
These fatty acids—which are also found in olive oil, peanut oil, avocados, and hazelnuts—have been linked to lower blood pressure thanks to their ability to relax and widen blood vessels. Research published in Nutrition Journal showed that just one week on a diet rich in monounsaturated fats lowered blood pressure significantly.
In fact, it had an effect similar to consuming certain medications used for hypertension therapy! Keep your heart happy by keeping your body healthy. Drinking almond milk can provide you with protein, calcium, vitamin D, and omega 3s to help support your immune system.
If you want to keep the benefits of almond milk coming while giving up dairy, try making your own homemade nut milks or adding raw nuts into smoothies and desserts. Just make sure to soak the nuts first.
6: Aids digestion:
5: Prevents constipation:
4: Helps weight loss: Recent research has shown that drinking almond milk may reduce appetite and promote weight loss because of its natural low calorie count.
That’s because drinking one cup contains only 60 calories (1% fat), which makes it an excellent choice for people looking to cut calories from their diet without cutting flavor. Who doesn't want that? #3: Reduces inflammation.
Constipation and inflammation both have something in common - they cause pain. And there's no better way to reduce pain than by using almond milk as part of your daily routine.
It's loaded with magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, zinc, copper, selenium and many other anti-inflammatory nutrients like calcium phosphate and choline that can decrease pain caused by arthritis or osteoporosis.
With so many positive effects of almond milk already listed here, why not add this one too?
2: Promotes dental health: Calcium isn't just good for your bones; it's essential for maintaining healthy teeth as well. Luckily, almonds contain about 30% of your recommended daily allowance per ounce.
So whether you drink almond milk by itself or include it in recipes such as pancakes, muffins, sauces, and soups you're taking care of two important aspects of your health at once. #1: Lowers blood sugar levels:
#0: Best for vegans and vegetarians