Why GTA 5 is the Best Online Game for PC
It’s no secret that GTA 5 has been one of the best games to come out in recent years. As a matter of fact, it was even awarded Game of the Year by gaming critics across the globe!
The game has sold over 45 million copies worldwide and its online component, GTA Online, continues to be one of the most popular games today, even though it’s free-to-play (with microtransactions). If you haven’t already downloaded the game yet, you should know that there are some amazing features in GTA 5 Online which make it stand out among other online games available today!
The vehicles
Vehicles can be used in GTA Five’s online game. The vehicles are not only very good to use in missions but also a lot of fun just to play around with. For example you can turn a car into a bomb and drive it into an area that has people hanging out. When you detonate it, you will surely kill many people and get some easy kills when no one knows what your intentions are.
Another vehicle that you can use is motorcycles; these work great if you want to travel faster than cars and have less chance of being caught by the police because they go more unnoticed than other vehicles. There are also planes which allow you to fly over any city or state in GTA Five and see things from above.
You can even shoot at people from up there. But keep in mind that planes do tend to attract attention so try to stay away from them as much as possible if you don’t want a wanted level. There are many different types of vehicles in GTA five so make sure you try them all out! It is definitely worth playing GTA five online for free on your computer.
It may seem like it would be better to play GTA on console instead of computer but nothing beats playing on computer! Especially since you can download mods onto GTA 5 that makes it way better and exciting than before. These mods range from visual changes to small gameplay tweaks such as bulletproof vests and much more!
They really help improve your experience while playing GTA Five Online. Make sure you check out gta5cheatsps4modsnow-com/GTA-Five-Mods/GTA-Five-Mods-Xbox360/ if you want cool mods on gta5. Or if you want cheats then look here: GTA 5 Cheat Codes for Xbox 360. If you need money then here is where you should go: GTA V Money Hack Xbox 360 . So why wait?
Go ahead and start playing GTA Five nownow! With tons of content and endless hours of fun GTA Five is truly a masterpiece. And we think you will agree once you start playing it yourself! Start playing GTA Five today and enjoy all its glory! This GTA 5 Guide was written by Admin_Cody_Foster on July 6th 2015.
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Story Mode
First and foremost, GTA V is an online game. This means that if you want to play a story mode, you’re going to be disappointed—because it doesn’t exist.
What GTA V does have instead of a story mode is Story Mode. This isn’t exactly an alternative narrative; rather, it’s a group of missions that follow a cast of characters who appear throughout other elements of GTA Online: Trevor, Michael, Franklin and their associates.
The missions aren’t particularly long or complicated, but they are fun in short bursts. If you want to experience GTA V as a single-player game, GTA Online will give you plenty of things to do without having to worry about competing with otherother players. But if you want to play GTA V as an online game, there are better options outout there. GTA V simply doesn't hold up against more recent games like Destiny 2, Warframe or Overwatch.
GTA's simple gunplay and structure make for a clunky competitive experience—but it's still a lot of fun. Whether you're playing by yourself or with friends, GTA Online is constantly adding new content (including guns, vehicles and clothing) at no additional cost.
GTA V might not have much in terms of plotline, but what's here is great — even though we would have liked to see more from Rockstar Games' take on Los Angeles after spending so much time in Liberty City over five years ago. It helps that everything looks fantastic on current-gen hardware thanks to enhanced lighting effects, improved texture work and 4K support on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.
Part of what makes GTA so appealing online are all of its missions. There’s a pretty serious variety to choose from, which can be played in any order you like and which constantly keep things fresh.
Unlike games like Destiny or World of Warcraft, there aren’t that many mandatory quests; instead, most tasks give you a set amount of time to complete them (some are over in just a few minutes).
This means you always have something else to do—even if it doesn’t feel urgent—which keeps players engaged and interested. And if your friends aren't playing at that moment? No problem: You can start doing jobs by yourself (either alone or with AI-controlled partners) without anything stopping you. The game's best feature has to be GTA Online Heists.
Not only are they fun, but they're also really challenging. They're not impossible to beat on your own (you can certainly pull off some great heists solo), but going through them with three other people yields better results than if you were going at it alone.
It's almost as if Rockstar designed these missions specifically for groups of four people because that's how each one plays out. Either way, it's hard not to love heists when they play out like they do in GTA V -- especially when you get paid afterward!
Free roam
The console version of GTA V (Grand Theft Auto Five) launched in September 2013 and it received stellar reviews from both critics and fans.
It won over a number of new fans with its incredible graphics, great soundtrack, open-world gameplay and popular single-player campaign. However, most gamers found themselves drawn to GTA V because of its multiplayer features.
The game's online mode offers players a truly open world that lets them roam freely as any one of GTA V's three protagonists or just one of hundreds of other characters online. This freedom gives you more than enough reason to keep coming back to GTA Online on your PC, especially considering how much fun you can have playing it with friends.
While GTA V has been out for several years now, Rockstar Games has continued to release new content for GTA Online, including events and missions. If you've ever wanted to play GTA V online but haven't had an Xbox 360 or PS3, we've got good news: You can play GTA 5 online on your PC!
You'll need a few things before jumping into Grand Theft Auto Online: an internet connection and either Windows 7 64-bit or Windows 8 64-bit operating system. From there, all you need is Steam software installed on your computer. Once everything is set up correctly, launching GTA V through Steam will automatically launch GTA Online if it isn't already running.
GTA Online is free to play, so you don't have to spend money to get started. There are two ways to earn GTA dollars in GTA Online: completing jobs and selling cars at Los Santos Customs shops. Jobs include racing against other players, delivering items around town and taking part in deathmatches.
Earning cash by selling cars at Los Santos Customs shops allows you to buy weapons, ammo and vehicles that can help during jobs or when simply exploring Los Santos and Blaine County with friends. To make sure everyone stays safe while playing GTA V online, Rockstar Games has implemented some safeguards into GTA Online on PC.
The same high-octane gunplay that makes GTA V's campaign so exciting also translates to its multiplayer component. If you've played GTA V in any capacity, then you already know what you're getting into: One of the most refined open-world shooters around.
You'll be firing your way through close-quarters battle and wide open firefights alike; it's up to you to make sure that none of your online opponents get their hands on your loot. That said, there are a few things new players should keep in mind when diving into GTA Online's competitive modes. Chief among them: CrewsCrews are key.
In GTA Online, teaming up with other players gives you access to perks and bonuses that can really turn the tide of battle. It's easy enough to do: Simply walk up to another player while playing GTA V's story mode or while browsing through GTA Online's menus (you can even add friends from within Grand Theft Auto V) and hit X/Square to invite them into your crew. From there, it's time to start making some real money by working together in one of GTA Online's many cooperative jobs.
There are several different types of missions available in GTA Online--from straightforward races to more complex heists--and they all pay out cash based on how well everyone does. If you want to earn big bucks quickly, though, you need to put your skills as a thief to good use.
GTA Online features a number of ways for players to rob banks and stores across Los Angeles, but if you don't feel like doing all that work yourself (or if you just want something quick), consider joining an existing group of criminals looking for extra help. As long as no one gets caught during a heist mission (which usually requires multiple people), everyone involved gets paid based on how much damage they did during each job. Heists aren't GTA Online's only source of lucrative missions, either.
Many random encounters will net you thousands of dollars worth of cash if you manage to complete them successfully. Just remember: I
f someone tries to kill you after accepting a random encounter, it means they were trying to steal your reward money. Don't let anyone take advantage of you!
The GTA V economy isn't exactly stable right now, which means you may have trouble finding people willing to spend money on cars, guns, clothes and other upgrades. Fortunately, Rockstar has implemented a feature that lets you sell items directly to your friends. To do so, simply press R3/RSYNC to bring up your phone and select Friends from GTA Online's main menu. From there, select Sell Vehicle, choose an item and set a price before hitting Sell.
Your friend(s) will receive a text message notifying them of your sale; they can accept or decline it at their leisure. Once they confirm payment has been made (this happens automatically), all that stuff is theirs forever! If you want to buy something from a friend, the process is almost identical.
Simply go to their garage in GTA Online and scroll through their inventory until you find an item you want. Then, select Buy Now and enter the amount of money you'd like to spend. If your friend accepts your offer, they'll instantly transfer ownership of that item over to you.
Money: The GTA V economy is still in flux, so it's hard to say how much money is enough for now. But if we had to guess, we'd say $1 million would probably cover all your needs for the foreseeable future--at least until Rockstar releases a bunch of new content or introduces microtransactions into GTA Online. Good luck!
* What's your favorite GTA Online money-making method? Let us know in the comments section below. If you've played a lot of GTA V's multiplayer, you've probably seen tons of vehicles going up for sale for an absurdly low price. And it doesn't take a genius to figure out why: Unlike in single-player, vehicles are useless in GTA Online unless they have a specialized function (like the submarine or helicopters).
This means that buying vehicles is an absolutely terrible idea if you want to rack up cash fast. Instead, think about putting your money towards other equipment like armor and weapons--these are always useful and won't rot away on your garage floor like vehicles will.
Mini Games
Every game (that is, every game mode except GTA Online) has its own set of mini games that you can access through your in-game cell phone. These are just extra activities you can play while waiting to join an online session or waiting to respawn after death.
Not all of them are great—some feel like unfinished features and aren't fun at all—but some, such as Hunt The Beast and Last Team Standing, are quite good. And then there's tennis... I'll let you discover why that one's great on your own. The best part about these games is that they're completely optional.
They don't require any extra money from you; you don't need to have purchased a certain DLC pack to unlock them; they're not tucked away in some submenu behind a bunch of menus; and they're not hidden behind a paywall. If you want to play, it's right there when you boot up GTA V and click Multiplayer.
And even if it isn't your thing, it doesn't hurt anything by having these around as options for players who might enjoy them. That's what GTA V does best: give players choices about how they want to enjoy their time with it. GTA Online may be where all of GTA V's development resources went, but that doesn't mean Rockstar didn't spend any time working on other parts of GTA V.
In fact, many would argue that outside of GTA Online, GTA V has never been better than it is now. It takes almost no effort to get into a game with other people and start doing something crazy together. It's easy to jump into a random matchmaking lobby in order to participate in whatever activity someone else is hosting.
And because everything is so easily accessible, you can spend hours upon hours playing GTA without realizing how much time has passed because everything feels fresh again each time you load up another activity or switch between different modes within an activity.
GTA V was already an amazing game before GTA Online came along. But since GTA Online launched, GTA V hasn't stopped improving itself. Even though most of its updates have been under-the-hood stuff that only developers care about, small things keep getting added to make GTA V more and more enjoyable.
As long as GTA Online continues to grow and evolve over time—and there's no reason to believe it won't—GTA V will continue to do so too. And whether you prefer GTA Online or single player is irrelevant; both experiences benefit from each other in ways we've never seen before in video games.
GTA Five Online Games for PC – We've made plenty of jokes about the idea of a racing mod , GTA IV 's jetski tracks, and various vehicles ripping across Liberty City, but I think we're forgetting one very important point here. GTA IV wasn't designed to be played this way.
GTA Five Online Games for PC- If you wanted boats in GTA IV , you went out into an open area and did it there. The water physics were terrible, but you could do it if that's what you wanted to do—if it was worth doing—and then move on with your life because everything else was still fun. GTA V isn't as forgiving.