5 Benefits of Peanuts You Didn't Know About
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Peanuts are high in protein, low in fat, and an all-around healthy addition to any diet, but that doesn’t mean they’re essential to our health or weight loss goals.
There are plenty of benefits of peanuts that you may not be aware of, though—take a look at this list if you need some convincing! The skin of the peanut contains resveratrol and polyphenols.
Which have antioxidant properties that help fight cancer and slow down the aging process by supporting collagen production.
Nuts are a good source of protein
Nuts provide a healthy dose of dietary protein, and peanuts are no exception. Protein helps to maintain muscle mass and can help you feel fuller for longer than other food sources.
Studies have also shown that eating a little protein right before bed is beneficial for fat loss and muscle building, so if you're trying to shed a few pounds or look more defined in your next selfie, make sure nuts are on your menu.
And while they’re high in protein, they’re also high in calories—make sure you count them as part of your daily allowance. A few servings each day (about 1/4 cup) will do it! It's good for your heart.
Not only does peanut butter taste great, but this whole food has been found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by about 16% When eaten with vegetables like broccoli or Brussels sprouts.
Peanut butter provides an even better benefit against heart disease. Even if you don't plan on adding vegetables into every meal, be sure to throw some peanuts into the mix every now and then.
Incorporating 2 tablespoons per day has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels by up to 10%. Additionally, there's evidence suggesting that those who eat at least six servings per week may be less likely to die from heart-related problems later in life.
It might lower your risk of Alzheimer's: There’s still a lot we don’t know about what causes Alzheimer’s, but recent studies suggest that one way we might protect ourselves from developing this brain disorder is through our diet.
As far back as 2006, Harvard researchers were studying whether diets rich in unsaturated fats – including peanuts – could protect against cognitive decline and dementia.
The study followed nearly 100 elderly adults for four years, finding those who ate nuts five times per week had memory skills equal to people five years younger.
While scientists aren't exactly sure why this connection exists, they hypothesize that omega-3 fatty acids in these foods might prevent inflammation in the brain, which is linked to Alzheimer's.
But wait - there's more! Eating peanuts might boost fertility: If you've got trouble getting pregnant, don't forget to add nuts to your diet.
One study published last year found that women who increased their nut intake during pregnancy went into labor earlier and delivered babies with healthier birth weights than those who didn't increase their nut intake.
Why? Scientists believe nuts' nutritional value may promote fetal growth and development - plus, all that protein isn't bad either!
Nuts have many health benefits
they are packed with antioxidants, help control blood sugar and can even help lower cholesterol. If you aren’t a nut fan (many people aren’t), it may be worth trying some again, especially peanuts.
This particular nut is actually not a true nut – it’s a legume, which means it grows in pods on trees – but to most people there isn’t much difference between nuts and legumes! Read on to find out why peanuts should become part of your diet.
1) They're good for the heart: Studies have shown that eating peanuts regularly can reduce bad cholesterol levels and prevent coronary artery disease.
Heart attacks and strokes. One study found that the regular consumption of three or more servings per week reduced the risk of developing diabetes by 45%.
2) They're great for your weight: Research has shown that peanut butter is an excellent food choice for anyone looking to lose weight because it's high in protein and healthy fats, like omega-3 fatty acids.
It also helps manage hunger so you won't overeat at other times during the day. 3) The right kind can help improve athletic performance.
Whether you're training for a marathon or just hitting the gym, eating a small handful of peanuts before your workout will give you a boost.
A recent study found that runners who ate two ounces of roasted almonds (a type of nut similar to peanuts) 30 minutes before running experienced improved performance and increased endurance as well as better recovery time after their workouts.
4) They're loaded with nutrients: All nuts contain significant amounts of magnesium, vitamin E, potassium and zinc; however, one ounce (28 grams) contains 8% daily value for all four minerals. In addition, peanuts contain tryptophan - an amino acid that promotes sleep - making them perfect for snacking before bedtime.
5) They come in many forms: In addition to being eaten raw and roasted whole, peanuts can be made into peanut butter (they're used as the base instead of tree nuts); ground into flour for baking.
processed into paste form used in Asian cuisine; pressed into oil form known as oil roasting; or boiled down to make peanut sauce. When purchasing peanuts, choose ones that are unsalted and unshelled.
Since these types of nuts contain more calories than shelled ones, only eat them in moderation. There are many ways to prepare peanuts, but if you really want to reap the health benefits, go for unprocessed, unsalted and unshelled varieties.
These peanuts are rich in the nutrients that can protect against diabetes, heart disease and strokes. And while they’re rich in fat, it’s the good kind of fat that helps you feel full and maintain a healthy weight.
Peanuts can reduce cancer risk
New research has found that eating peanuts and peanut butter can reduce your risk of cancer. Researchers at Purdue University have found that peanut oil has high levels of freeradical scavenging activity.
This means it can fight away harmful molecules which could cause cancerous cells to spread and multiply. Scientists suggest substituting peanuts for other vegetable oils, such as corn or soybean, when cooking.
Also, try adding some peanut butter to a sandwich or a salad. The antioxidant-rich nuts will boost your intake of healthy unsaturated fats, while lowering your overall calorie count.
Plus they’re so tasty! Make sure you eat them in moderation though; too many calories can negate their health . If you want to use them on the go, grab a pack of natural honey roasted peanuts from Costco! These snacks are perfect for taking with you on your way out the door and taste great too.
They're a good source of protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. They're also much cheaper than store bought protein bars and won't spoil if you forget about them! Another favorite option is simply buying raw peanuts and making them yourself.
One way to do this is by roasting them in the oven until browned. Another is by boiling water, pouring it over shelled raw peanuts, covering them with aluminum foil, then steaming for 3 minutes until cooked through.
For both methods, let cool before eating! If you're not a fan of salty peanuts, make some homemade chocolate covered ones instead. Melt dark chocolate chips in the microwave using 50% power for one minute.
Stir until completely melted and smooth. Remove from microwave and dip each half into the melted chocolate (both sides) before placing on wax paper to dry.
Once dry, place into an airtight container to keep fresh! It's super easy to make these no matter where you are--just add two tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water into a small pot with one cup of semisweet chocolate chips over medium heat stirring constantly until melted.
Stir in 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Then take your parchment lined baking sheet and line up ten crackers per row spaced evenly apart.
Drizzle the chocolate mixture on top of the crackers then top with peanuts and press down gently to create contact points between the chocolate mixture and nuts Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving but be careful because they'll melt quickly.
Nuts can help you lose weight
If you’re looking to shed a few pounds, incorporate peanuts into your diet. A 2011 study found that participants who ate a diet rich in peanuts and peanut butter lost more weight than those who followed a low-fat diet.
This is because nuts are loaded with good fats (monounsaturated fatty acids) that help you feel full longer, causing you to eat less during meals.
Additionally, peanut butter can help keep blood sugar levels steady throughout the day, preventing your energy from dropping too low.
Lastly, peanuts are packed with nutrients like folate and magnesium, which both aid in weight loss by fighting insulin resistance and keeping your blood pressure regulated.
For best results: Make peanut butter one of your go-to snacks. Place a spoonful on apple slices or celery sticks for a great source of protein, fiber, healthy fat and slow-burning carbs.
A couple tablespoons of natural peanut butter per day can also lead to significant weight loss.
If you're eating out at lunchtime, be sure to ask for an extra side of peanut sauce or chili sauce when they bring out the entrees so you can add it onto your meal before eating it.
That way, you won't be tempted to overindulge in unhealthy side dishes such as fries or fried chicken fingers.
The following five benefits of peanuts will ensure that you'll get enough vitamins and minerals to power through your workday.
1. Almonds have more vitamin E than any other nut - Vitamin E protects cells from oxidative damage, which can speed up aging and cause chronic diseases.
2. Walnuts are the most nutritious nut - They contain an antioxidant called ellagic acid that has been shown to inhibit prostate cancer cell growth in laboratory tests.
3. Pistachios contain about twice as much potassium as bananas - Potassium helps maintain electrolyte balance and regulate heart rate, two important factors for optimal muscle function during exercise sessions or intense workouts.
4 Cashews are high in manganese - Manganese supports bone health and regulates inflammation.
5. Macadamia nuts have the highest content of monounsaturated fat - Monounsaturated fats support cardiovascular health, lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation in the body.
Nuts improve your skin and hair
Nuts have a high concentration of essential fatty acids and minerals, which can improve your skin and hair. These nutrients help to grow thicker, shinier, healthier hair and stronger nails.
It also helps reduce wrinkles on your face by increasing collagen production (collagen is a protein that keeps skin firm). Consuming nuts is believed to increase testosterone levels in men as well - which helps with muscle growth/development as well.
Given these benefits, it’s no wonder why nuts are one of nature’s perfect foods! They're versatile, tasty, and healthy for you. They offer the best type of fat for weight loss because they contain unsaturated fats that make you feel full longer.
They're naturally cholesterol-free and lower blood pressure because they are high in magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamins E & B6 which act as natural anti-inflammatory agents.
Studies show that eating 1 ounce of peanuts everyday has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol, boost HDL cholesterol, and protect against heart disease.
They are also known to be beneficial in the prevention of cancer because peanuts are packed with phytochemicals like sulforaphane.
Peanuts contain an abundance of antioxidants and resveratrol that may aid people who suffer from Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS or Crohn's Disease.
Eating peanuts every day is said to provide relief from depression because they are rich in niacin, tryptophan, and serotonin.
The many benefits of peanuts extend beyond just their nutritional value. The oil extracted from them can be used as a fuel source if needed; this oil can be used as biodiesel or jet fuel substitute.
Peanuts are not only delicious but also sustainable and environmental friendly. The water required to produce them is considerably less than other crops such as corn, soybeans.
potatoes, wheat and rice since there's no need for tilling or plowing the soil when growing them; just plant the seedlings into furrows made with a hoe and cover with 2 inches of soil until they reach maturity at around 100 days time.