7 Ugly Relationship Truths You'll Probably Learn The Hard Way
Relationships are never easy, and no matter how hard you try to avoid it, the hard lessons tend to be more memorable than the good ones. Whether you're single or in a relationship, you can expect to learn some painful truths about life when it comes to your love life. Here are seven ugly relationship truths you'll probably learn the hard way.
1) Communication
One of the most important things in any relationship is communication. Without it, you can't resolve conflicts, you can't understand each other, and you can't grow together. But even with the best of intentions, communication can be difficult. Here are seven ugly truths about communication that you'll probably learn the hard way.1) Relationships don't happen over night: if you want to work on your relationship, don't expect to see improvements overnight. It takes time to build a connection, trust, and intimacy between two people who are already close- which means building those elements will take time too. 2) Be honest with yourself: Honesty doesn't mean putting all your cards on the table right away. In fact, some argue that being 100% transparent from the get go can actually make relationships less healthy as it puts pressure on partners to act differently or live up to their partner's expectations. Honesty does mean showing your true self and communicating openly so both partners feel heard and understood. 3) Don't wait for problems to solve themselves: If there's an issue or problem in your relationship, there's no point waiting for it to fix itself before addressing it. Problems won't go away until they're dealt with. 4) Remember what made you fall in love: Though every couple goes through highs and lows, how many people do you know who didn't initially fall in love because they were happy all the time? Sometimes when we're feeling low, we tend to forget what originally attracted us to our partner (we might also find fault with them). Reminding ourselves of why we fell in love helps put things into perspective and can give us renewed hope for our future. 5) Spend quality time together: We spend lots of time checking social media feeds, texting friends and colleagues during work hours, watching TV at home alone etc., but how much quality time do we spend actually doing something together? Spending more time together not only builds closeness, but it also recharges our batteries and gives us better insight into each other. 6) Don't let sex define your relationship: Sex is one of the key components of a healthy romantic relationship, but it shouldn't define everything else about it. There's more to a relationship than sex--and remember that not everyone needs sex to enjoy their partnership. 7) Give space to have individual interests: A good balance can help keep boredom at bay while still maintaining strong emotional ties with your partner. How often do you let yourself explore outside interests without guilt?
2) Time
1. There's no such thing as a perfect relationship.
2. Everyone argues, and that's normal.
3. Jealousy is a natural emotion, but it can be destructive if not managed properly.
4. Trust is essential in any relationship, but it takes time to build.
5. Relationships take work, and you have to be willing to put in the effort.
6. Sometimes relationships end, and that's okay.
7. Ultimately, you have to be with someone who makes you happy. If your partner isn't making you happy anymore, or doesn't make you feel like your best self, then it might be time to move on. 8. And finally, don't forget about yourself! You're important too! Make sure you focus on things that are going well for you and enjoy spending time doing things you love (without guilt!). The good news is, when you do this, other people will want to spend more time with you because they enjoy being around positive people.
3) Trust
1. Trust is built over time and requires patience and consistency.
2. It's natural to have some trust issues after being hurt in the past, but it's important to work through them if you want a healthy relationship.
3. Lack of trust can be a dealbreaker in a relationship.
4. If you don't trust your partner, it's important to communicate your concerns and try to work through them together.
5. Trust takes effort from both partners and should be a priority in the relationship.
6. It's not always easy, but trust is worth it when you have a strong, healthy relationship as a result.
7. Keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes and that trust can be rebuilt if it's broken. 8. Be careful about who you date and make sure they're trustworthy before investing too much into the relationship.
9. Always be honest with your partner about how you feel; lying by omission can lead to distrust down the road.
10. Trusting someone doesn't mean letting them walk all over you or tolerating bad behavior; on the contrary, trusting someone means believing they are good enough for you even when they screw up sometimes.
11. When two people love each other enough, trust will grow stronger with time. 12. Don't give up on a relationship just because you can't trust your partner yet-give it time to develop! 13. Losing someone you care about isn't worth the risk of never having any form of trust in your future relationships-so do what it takes to get there! 14. Put forth an effort every day and stay committed to making things better! 15. Remember: anything worthwhile is worth working hard for! 16. Sometimes, even our loved ones will let us down... 17 ...but at least we know they cared enough to be there when we needed them most.
11. When two people love each other enough, trust will grow stronger with time. 12.
4) Emotional States
The truth is, relationships are hard. They take a lot of work, dedication, and compromise. And even then, they don't always work out. Here are seven ugly truths about relationships that you'll probably learn the hard way.3) It's not just one person's responsibility to make the relationship successful. There needs to be an equal investment from both people in order for it to work. If someone is doing all the work and still feeling lonely or unhappy, it may be time to move on.
4) One partner does not need to complete another person in order for them to be happy or satisfied with life outside of their relationship. Relationships should complement each other, not define who you are as an individual. For example: just because your partner doesn't like sports doesn't mean he can't find fulfillment elsewhere in his life. Your happiness should come from within first, before relying on someone else for validation - this applies equally if you're single too! 6) Communication will never be perfect, but it's important to try and maintain open lines of communication between partners at all times.
7) Fighting is inevitable and necessary sometimes. Couples will disagree on things, sometimes major things (it happens). Arguments happen more often when couples stop communicating or start withholding information (like secrets). A good rule of thumb is to speak up about everything- big or small- and ask questions instead of making assumptions. When we fight, we have the opportunity to listen better and empathize with our partners point of view. Sometimes fighting brings us closer together. But if fighting becomes toxic or starts hurting others, it might be time to end things for good. Another bad sign is if there's been domestic violence; most cases of violence escalate over time, so it's important to know when enough is enough. Another red flag is infidelity, either emotionally or physically cheating on your partner. We've all had that friend whose significant other has cheated on them and it feels terrible knowing they lost the love of their life over something so selfish and superficial. Ending a relationship for these reasons isn't easy- but staying in a toxic relationship only ends up harming everyone involved anyway.
I hope these tips helped!
5) Money
No matter how much you love someone, money can always be a source of stress and conflict in a relationship. Here are seven ugly truths about money and relationships that you'll probably learn the hard way. A) There is no one-size-fits-all formula for how to split expenses or make financial decisions.
B) You're not going to agree on everything, which means someone's going to end up feeling like they're getting shortchanged or taken advantage of.
C) Your partner will think it's their responsibility to take care of you financially if they do more than half the work around the house (e.g., if they work outside the home).
D) When both partners work outside the home, money discussions can quickly turn into disagreements over who is providing more financial support and who is sacrificing more time with kids or friends. E) How couples spend their free time together can influence feelings of fairness when it comes to handling money matters. F) If your partner doesn't have the same priorities as you when it comes to saving, spending, investing, or borrowing money—or if they never consult you before making big financial decisions—you may need a different living arrangement. G) And finally: communication is key! You should discuss any and all sources of friction regarding finances early on in your relationship so that any underlying issues don't become too big to resolve later on down the line. Make sure you know what making and taking mean to each other before moving in together, get clear on the steps necessary to maintain a joint account, and avoid falling prey to anyone telling you there's only one right way for you to handle money as a couple.
6) Sex
1. Communication is key in any relationship, but especially in a sexual one. If you're not communicating with your partner about what you like and don't like, you're not going to have a very good time.
2. Sexual chemistry is important, but it's not everything. If you're not sexually compatible with your partner, it doesn't mean the relationship is doomed. It just means you need to work a little harder to find other ways to connect with each other.
3. Sex isn't always going to be mind-blowing. In fact, it's often pretty average. But that's okay! Just because the sex isn't always amazing doesn't mean there's something wrong with your relationship.
4. Everyone has different sexual needs and desires. And while some people might say they don't care if their partner wants more or less sex than them, the truth is nobody should ever feel pressured into doing anything they're not comfortable with. 5. People lie during sex all the time (it's called faking it). That doesn't mean you can stop enjoying yourself though. 6. Relationships are messy AF and sometimes people do things for their partners even when they really want to say no (like when someone does favors for their significant other). 7. There are no rules on how many people can be in a relationship at once (but make sure everyone knows this from the get go). There are also no set rules on who does what in a relationship; it depends on the people involved.
The most important thing is honesty and communication. When you start dating someone new, remember that those seven truths will come up eventually so keep an open mind about them. For example, maybe you enjoy having lots of sex but your partner doesn't. Or maybe you both want the same amount of sex, but one of you prefers missionary position while the other likes being on top. All these differences won't matter as long as both of you agree that these are minor things and love each other enough to compromise occasionally.
7) Love
1. Love is never easy. There will always be ups and downs, no matter how perfect you think your relationship is.
2. No one is ever truly ready for love. It just happens, and you have to go with the flow.
3. Love isn't always pretty. It's messy and complicated and sometimes it hurts like hell. But it's worth it, because in the end, love is all that really matters.
4. Don't try to change the person you love. Accept them for who they are, even if they're not perfect.
5. Communication is key in any relationship. Without it, things will start to fall apart quickly.
6. Trust is essential in any relationship worth having. Without trust, you might as well forget about being happy. 7. If someone treats you right, don't let them go too easily. If someone is giving up on a good thing, don't get mad at them for doing what's best for themselves (although it may hurt). Sometimes we want people more than they want us. Sometimes we take love for granted when we shouldn't. Sometimes people need time and space before deciding whether or not their feelings will last forever. All relationships require work - but don't give up if something good comes along! Remember these seven truths, and make sure to enjoy every second of life- love doesn't come around often.
8. Give back to your partner. Share everything with them, do things together and have fun without other people sometimes, too. And most importantly, stay true to yourself.