Why Beauty Should Be Free

18 minute read

 Why Beauty Should Be Free

Beauty isn’t just skin deep. At the heart of it, it comes from within and radiates outward, the ultimate display of confidence and self-love. Why, then, do we continue to pay for so much of what we need to look our best? From foundation to false eyelashes, there are plenty of beauty items that can either be made at home or purchased at the drugstore—it’s all about knowing how to make them work. This free article on why beauty should be free can help you learn more about your options when it comes to saving money in this area of your life.

The Birth of Free Beauty

Why not beauty? This was the question that started it all. Why not make beauty free? Why not let everyone experience the joy and confidence that comes with looking their best? The movement for free beauty has been growing in recent years, and we couldn't be more excited about where it's going next. The fight for a world where beauty is free has been ongoing since the ancient Egyptians, but now there are some companies who are making strides in our direction: Unilever has vowed to create more sustainable products, L'Oreal has promised to stop animal testing on its products by 2020, and Kylie Cosmetics was created by an entrepreneur who wanted her line of lipsticks to be all inclusive. When you stop to think about it, everything is connected: We work hard for what we want - sometimes too hard - so why not also work hard for what we need? For something as fundamental as good-looking skin or hair? For the most important features in our lives? It doesn't have to be difficult either; every single one of us can help push this movement forward with something as simple as buying organic shampoo or makeup. And if you don't know how to do that yet, that's ok! There are lots of resources online where you can learn how to find safe cosmetics, understand ingredients, and read labels like a pro. It doesn't matter how small your efforts may seem - they add up! Some people use safety pins to spread awareness by wearing them on clothing and bags, others buy cruelty-free cosmetic brushes instead of using ones made from natural animal hair. Every little action makes a difference when it comes to bringing about change. If you're interested in learning more about the future of beauty, check out these inspiring organizations that are already fighting for change: Cruelty Free International, Beauteous You, Makeup Revolution London Limited Company. 

In addition to great news about big companies embracing animal-friendly practices, there have been many fantastic advancements in alternative methods used for producing healthful, appealing cosmetics. For example, many doctors have weighed in on which chemicals are harmless enough to allow into human bodies via application through makeup. Although more research needs to be done, alternatives such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide appear promising. Due to pressure from social media campaigns and bloggers advocating green living (such as Michelle Phan), many major brands such as Too Faced Cosmetics now offer formulations that are completely paraben free - meaning fewer harsh chemicals getting absorbe body!

How We Get Attached to Expensive Products

We've all been there. We see a commercial for a new beauty product and we just have to have it. We convince ourselves that it's worth the money, even though we know it's probably not. But why do we do this? Why do we get so attached to these products? The answer is simple: fear of missing out. You see someone with a product you don't have and you think What if I had that? 

The truth is, if you really want something like this, it doesn't matter what the price tag says. You'll find a way to get it - but what does happen when you buy something at full price without considering if you can afford it or not? If your bank account is dwindling or if your paycheck isn't enough, then eventually your finances will be negatively impacted by expensive purchases like these. 

But then again, maybe you should worry about your budgeting skills before worrying about how much products cost! It's time to take a step back and remember that beauty shouldn't be expensive. There are plenty of free ways to look good in today's world. There are free apps on your phone that allow you to change up your hair style, skin color, clothing color - anything you want! All of these things are free (or very cheap) which means they won't add stress to your life because they're affordable and available anytime you need them. So instead of focusing on looking good now, focus on building habits that make sense in the long run; such as staying healthy or getting more sleep each night. These habits lead to great health over time which leads us back into being beautiful naturally! Not only is natural beauty free, but it also lasts forever. So why not choose this route instead of buying expensive products that offer short-term results? Sure, expensive products might be tempting because they're attractive to our eyes. They seem to promise better when realistically the best thing for you is actually good. In other words, spending your hard earned money on an inexpensive product that actually works better than an expensive one! When we put our money towards things that are practical and necessary rather than fads, we can live happier lives.

The question you should ask yourself every time you want to buy something extravagant: Is this going to make me happy in the long term? If the answer is no, then don't spend your money on it. You deserve happiness, too!

The Truth Behind the High Cost of Cosmetics

Have you ever wondered why cosmetics are so expensive? The answer may surprise you. Most people think that the high cost of cosmetics is due to the quality of the ingredients. However, the truth is that the majority of the cost actually goes towards advertising and packaging. In fact, some studies have shown that as much as 80% of the cost of a cosmetic product goes towards these two expenses. That leaves only 20% of the cost going towards things like research and development, which help make up for the other 80%. To put it in perspective, for every dollar spent on your average lipstick or mascara, just 20 cents will go toward what's inside. Compare this to something like toothpaste, where 60% of the price goes into the actual materials used. So how do companies keep prices up when they're not spending enough money on quality ingredients? They resort to cheaper ingredients that can be more harmful than helpful if they're not properly regulated. 

A prime example of this is lead in lipstick, which has been found in some lipsticks sold by certain brands. Lipstick contains trace amounts of lead - but this amount isn't dangerous until it's ingested over time. And although most beauty products don't contain lead (which would be illegal), there are still cheap chemical substitutes available for many formulas (particularly for color cosmetics) that could potentially cause harm down the line without being detected by current regulations or lab tests. The problem is compounded by the fact that these alternative chemicals are often marketed as natural or green. Consumers need to know that not all chemicals labeled natural or green are necessarily safe. For instance, parabens- one of the most common preservatives found in cosmetic products- have been linked to hormone disruption. 

Another major factor contributing to high costs for consumers: the lack of competition within markets. There aren't very many stores selling cosmetics at all, let alone ones selling inexpensive options, which means no one really has any incentive to bring prices down. The few stores that do sell low-cost items are usually wholesale clubs with limited selections. When considering all of these factors, it becomes clear why it's hard to find an affordable beauty routine. If we want cosmetics to become more affordable, we'll need policies from organizations like the FDA and the FTC who protect our safety from unsafe products. Until then, it might be best to use less toxic alternatives or explore homemade recipes instead! One good option for those looking to make their own makeup includes using egg whites. It sounds gross, but they provide the perfect matte finish while giving skin an extra boost of hydration. Just combine 1 tablespoon of water, 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of egg white, and 1⁄2 teaspoon of olive oil. Mix together well before applying to the face. Here's another great idea! Why not look through old magazines and newspapers for advertisements? Cut out pictures of models that represent a variety of different ethnicities and use them as makeup guides! Doing this will teach children about diverse appearances while getting them involved in makeup artistry at the same time. You can also use the Internet to search for inspiration and ideas for makeup looks. Sites like YouTube, Tumbler, and Pinterest are loaded with tutorials and tips. Alternatively, you could make a small investment in beauty products that are higher quality and safer than most of the cosmetics on the market today. Regardless of which route you choose, one thing is for sure- we should all be able to enjoy beauty without it costing us an arm and a leg!

Supermarkets – A Solution To Our Spending Problem?

Do you ever find yourself wondering why the cost of living is so high? Do you feel like you can't keep up with the Joneses because they always seem to have more money than you? Well, it turns out that supermarkets may be part of the problem. A recent study found that the average American family spends about $1,500 a year on groceries. That's a lot of money! And it's not just food. Supermarkets also sell clothes, electronics, and other household items. The prices are really low in comparison to other stores, but when you start adding everything up you end up spending a ton of money every month. So if you're struggling financially or want to save some extra cash, then consider taking your business elsewhere. One way to save some cash is by buying bulk items instead of individual ones. They might cost more upfront but will end up saving a lot in the long run. You'll also be able to buy things for friends and family too. Another idea is to shop at warehouse clubs where you can get discounts by paying for an annual membership fee (around $50). Plus, there are often coupons for members as well as free samples and freebies given away all the time. You could also make your own toiletries like soap, body wash, shampoo, toothpaste etc., since these products often have very cheap ingredients inside them. We don't need a new tube of toothpaste every week - we should use what we already have! When you take into account all the little costs like this, over time they add up and become quite expensive. If you want to save money, then maybe it's time to rethink how we view shopping for groceries and personal care items. Stores know that most people won't remember the small details about their purchases so the price difference between an item from Walmart versus Costco doesn't seem significant enough. But over a lifetime of grocery shopping, that price difference adds up! According to research, Costco prices are 10% lower than those at Walmart. 

So next time you go grocery shopping, try going somewhere besides your usual supermarket - even if it's a different store in the same chain. Check around for deals and special offers before making any purchases. And try to stick to one store for one type of product only; otherwise, you'll end up with clutter at home and in your life that you didn't need in the first place! You might be thinking why would I pay less for stuff? Well, isn't it worth a few dollars to help our environment? Environmental groups recommend sticking to local farms and produce markets instead of supermarkets, which send tons of trucks across the country each day. And sometimes produce grown locally tastes better anyways! Not only does your health benefit from eating fresh fruits and vegetables, but you'll save loads of cash too.

So, What Do We Do About This?

There are a few things we can do to help change the way we think about beauty. First, we can support businesses and products that are making an effort to be more inclusive. Second, we can have honest conversations with the people in our lives about what beauty means to us. Third, we can make an effort to diversify our own idea of what is beautiful. fourth, we can be more accepting of ourselves and others. Fifth, we can celebrate the unique qualities that make each of us special. Sixth, we can teach the younger generation that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and forms. Finally, we can lead by example and show others that it is possible to love yourself just the way you are. If we work together as a society to challenge the norms around beauty, then we will start to see some changes in how society defines it. It may take time but I believe that if we take these steps today and every day, eventually our definition of beauty will shift so that it includes everyone. We should focus on celebrating the whole spectrum of diversity and uniqueness. Let's commit to never paying for anything related to beauty again (especially when there are free alternatives) until we see positive changes in the world around us. If we're not going to spend money on cosmetics, clothing, or fitness programs, why not put those funds towards something else? 

Let's also invest in companies who are challenging society's ideas of beauty through their products and campaigns. Supporting them would encourage them to continue fighting for this cause. Lastly, let's use social media to spread awareness and share articles like this one with our friends and family. Every little bit helps! If we don't buy into the system, it'll become irrelevant. When we finally stop buying into the system and refusing to fund it, it'll crumble from within. Until then, however, let's keep talking about it--not for me or for you--but for the next generations of girls coming up behind us. And remember: We're ALL beautiful.

Will Cosmetics Ever Be Affordable Again?

The world of beauty has changed drastically over the past few years. Once, cosmetics were seen as a luxury item that only the wealthy could afford. But now, with so many affordable options on the market, everyone can enjoy a little bit of luxury. However, there are still some cosmetic items that are priced out of reach for many people. So, will cosmetics ever be affordable again? What does it take to make makeup and skincare more accessible? For starters, it takes an incredible amount of research and testing to develop a formula that is safe for consumers and won’t cause an allergic reaction. It also takes time and effort to package these products in ways that keep them fresh while they are being shipped across the country. In addition, marketers have to invest in social media campaigns in order to make sure their products get noticed by potential customers who may not know about them otherwise. There are so many factors that go into making a product like mascara or lipstick, and this means prices need to stay high in order to cover all the costs associated with developing them. If you want inexpensive lipsticks or mascaras, it’s better to buy ones made by brands like Rimmel or L'Oreal instead of buying high-end labels like Tom Ford or Chanel which cost twice as much but offer very similar formulas. 

In other words, if you want your favorite cosmetics at lower prices without sacrificing quality, then investing in your own beauty blog might be just what you need! Start your own blog today and start earning revenue from ads and affiliate marketing. Start small with free PLR articles, free articles, tips & tricks guides, etc., then branch out to higher paying gigs when you're ready. Write reviews of different brands and share new ideas with readers every day. You never know - you might find yourself as one of the next big YouTube influencers! Creating content around beauty is not just profitable but allows you to connect with others who share your passion. It's no wonder why millions of people visit blogs related to fashion and lifestyle every single month. If you've been interested in writing but don't think anyone would read it, here's your chance! The majority of readers tend to gravitate towards blogs centered around topics they love. And thanks to blogging platforms like Tumblr and WordPress, setting up a website is easier than ever before. Thousands of bloggers succeed each year because they found their niche and poured themselves into their work. Now is the perfect time for anyone looking for a change or something exciting to consider starting their own blog! With so many easy to use blogging platforms, you don't even need any coding skills or web design experience. Some of the most popular blogging sites include Blogger, Squarespace, and Wordpress. Each of these services offer step-by-step tutorials that are designed to help newcomers build their own websites with ease. The best part is that it doesn't cost anything to sign up for a basic account! With so many opportunities out there waiting for you, it's worth considering starting your own blog. Blogging is not just a hobby or an interest, it's a career. Many people who started blogging as a side gig eventually turned it into their full-time job. Bloggers like Zoe Sugg and Michelle Phan started out as simple beauty enthusiasts but are now millionaires. Even though they started with nothing, they are living the dream and you could too! Your blog should be a space where you feel comfortable sharing your opinions, thoughts, and knowledge with readers. Start by creating free PLR articles to attract attention to your site then add in paid gigs once you feel confident enough to do so. Whether you already have a makeup collection or not, this guide can still be helpful. Have fun experimenting with different looks and finding new products to add to your list of favorites. Remember that while makeup is always a great investment, it shouldn't break the bank either! Give this guide some thought and keep in mind that cheap makeup isn't always the answer - low-quality cosmetics will usually only cause skin irritations in the long run. I hope this post has helped shed some light on the topic of beauty being expensive vs. affordable; I'd love to hear what you have to say about this controversial topic below!

Food For Thought

It's been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, what happens when we take this adage a step further and say that beauty should be free? After all, if we can all agree that beauty exists, then why should anyone have to pay for it? Here are a few reasons why we think beauty should be free.First off, there's absolutely no such thing as true beauty. There is only an idea of what constitutes beautiful. If we could all get on board with the idea that true beauty doesn't exist (or at least hasn't yet been found), then everyone would be able to see themselves as beautiful. Second, not everyone has the same resources or finances. How could someone who doesn't have a lot of money feel like they're beautiful if they can't afford to buy makeup or even eat? Lastly, what about those who are born without features people might deem attractive? They've still got to wake up every day and look in the mirror. As much as they may try to avoid their reflection, it's impossible to escape reality: They're different from most other people. But by making beauty free, these individuals would finally be able to accept themselves for who they are because beauty wouldn't come with any strings attached. Ultimately, the best way for us all to achieve real happiness is by coming together and agreeing that true beauty doesn't exist. Or better yet, let's agree that beauty should be free! With society slowly starting to focus more on inner-beauty, this new perspective will give each and every one of us hope for the future. Now it's your turn: What do you think? Is beauty worth paying for? To answer this question, we need to consider what beauty means and where it comes from. While many believe that true beauty lies within, others believe that external forces play a role. When we define beauty as something outside of ourselves—whether it be clothes, makeup, jewelry—then yes; I believe it's worth paying for. Especially since external forces don't change who we are on the inside; they just help bring out our natural selves and make us feel good about ourselves in the process. We owe it to ourselves to put forth our best effort and maximize our assets so that others can enjoy them too. Plus, putting time into looking good sends a positive message out into the world--that you care enough about yourself to take care of yourself!


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