(Hadees)Paradise and the people of Paradise (Part: 4)


Part: 4



 صاحبة الهرة التي فإن فطن له قال : إنما تعلق بمحجنى ، و إن غفل عنه ذهب به و حتى رأيت فيها ربطتها ، فلم تطعمها ، ولم تدعها تأكل من خشاش الأرض حتى ماتت جوعا ثم جيئ بالجنة و ذلكم حين رأيتموني تقدمت حتى قمت في مقامی ، و لقد مددت يدى و أنا أريد أن أتناول من ثمرها لتنظروا إليه ، ثم بدالي أن لا أفعل فما من شئ توعدونه إلا قد رأيته في صلاتي هذه ۔ ( مسلم کتاب الكسوف باب ماعرض علی النبی ﷺ في صلاة الكسوف من أمر الجنة والنار )

He saw that he was pulling his gut in the fire. He used to steal the pilgrims by means of his staff.  He saw in it a woman with a cat who tied it up and neither fed it nor twisted it so that the insects of the earth would eat it until she died of hunger. Then she was presented to Paradise.  

The time was presented when you saw me moving forward till I stood in my place.  In short, I have seen in all my prayers that which is being promised to you.  In Sahih Muslim, it is narrated from Hazrat Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said:

Step: 2

آپﷺ نے فرمایا : يا أيها الناس إنى إمامكم فلا تسبقوني بالركوع ، ولا بالسجود ، ولا ترفعوا رؤوسكم ، فإني أراكم من أمامي و من خلفي و أيم الذي نفسي بيده ، لو رأيتم ما رأيت لضحكتم قليلا ، ولبكيتم كثيراً قالوا : وما رأيت يا رسول الله ؟ قال : رأيت الجنة والنار ( 1 ) إنما نسمة المؤمن طير تعلق في شجرة الجنة حتى جو يرجعها الله إلى جسده يوم یہاں القيامة مسلم کتاب

He said: O people! I am your Imam, so do not bow before me nor prostrate and do not raise your heads before me) so I see you from before me and behind me, I swear by the One in Whose hand is my soul if you  Also look at what I have seen, then you have less laughter and more crying. The companions said: What have you seen, O Messenger of Allah! He said: I have seen heaven and hell. 

It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Ka'b bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) in Mu'ta (2) and Sunan Nisa'i (2) that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Allaah will return them to his body on the Day of Resurrection. Barkoo. But his words (M. Al-Dhi

Step: 3

ہے کہ لما خلق الله تعالى الجنة والنار أرسل جبريل إلى الجنة فقال : اذهب فانظر إليها و إلى ما أعددت لأهلها فيها ، فذهب فنظر إليها و إلى ما أعدالله لأهلها فيها فرجع فقال : و عزتك لا يسمع بها أحد إلا دخلها فأمر بالجنة فحفت بالمكاره ، فقال فارجع فانظر إليها و إلى ما أعددت لها لأهلها فيها ، ( ۱ ) ابو داود كتاب السنة باب في خلق الجنة والنار ۔

This hadith explicitly indicates that the soul enters Paradise even before the Day of Resurrection.  

Similarly, a hadith has been narrated by Ashab-ul-Sunan from Hazrat Ka'b bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) which has been declared as saheeh by Tirmidhi.  The souls of the believers enter Paradise even before the Day of Resurrection and the verses of the Holy Qur'an which mention it will also be mentioned. 

Abu Dawud (1) Sunan, and Musnad Ahmad (2) It is narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: When Allah Almighty created Paradise and Hell, He sent Gabriel (peace be upon him) to Paradise and said:  Examine Paradise and the blessings that I have prepared for the people of Paradise in it.  

The Almighty commanded and Paradise was surrounded by opposing things. Then Allah Almighty said to Gabriel (peace be upon him): Now go  Paradise
 and its (2) Musnad Ahmad.

Step: 4

سمع قال فنظر إليها ثم رجع فقال : و عزتك لقد خشيت أن لايدخلها أحد ، قال : ثم أرسله إلى النار قال : اذهب فانظر إليها وإلى ما أعددت لأهلها فيها قال فنظر إليها فإذا هي يركب بعضها بعضا ثم رجع . فقال : و عزتك و جلالك لا يدخلها أحد فأمربها فحفت بالشهوت ثم قال : اذهب فانظر إلى ماأعددت لأهلها فيها فذهب فنظر إليها فرجع فقال : و عزتك لقد خشيت أن لاينجو منها أحد إلا دخلها قال الترمذي هذا حديث باب ماجاء حفت الجنة بالمكاره و حفت صحیحین حسن صحیح ترمذی كتاب صفة الجنة ، النار بالشهوات . ) (

He said, “Look at the blessings, then return to Faqal. Observe the blessings.  I fear that there will be no one in it. He said: Then I feel that no one will go into it now. He sent to the fire.  Then look at Hell and examine the torment that I have prepared for some of those who are fasting.  

Faqal: And honor and do it. They examined it, then they saw that Jalal did not enter it. One part of it was going up on the other.  Whoever hears about it, then he will not enter it, then he will not enter into it.  Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):  I am afraid that no one will be able to survive without entering into this paradise Hafta Al-Jannat Bal Makkara and Hafta.  In Sahih, it is narrated from Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:

Step: 5

يدخلها ضعفاء وسقطهم يارب مالها اختصمت الجنة والنار فقالت الجنة يارب مالها إنما الناس وقالت النار يدخلها الجبارون والمتكبرون فقال أنت رحمتي أصيب بك من أشاء و أنت عذابی أصيب بك من أشاء ولكل واحدة منكما ملؤها ( ۱ ) یا رب أكل بعضی اشتكت النار إلى ربها فقالت بعضاً فأذن لها بنفسين : نفس فی الشتاء ، و نفس في الصيف ( بخاری کتاب بدأ الخلق باب صفة النار و أنها مخلوقة . ) اپنی کتاب < (

Heaven and Hell have repeated. Heaven said: My Lord!  What is the matter, the weak and the weak will enter Paradise and Hell will say: O my Lord!  What is the matter with the arrogant and arrogant people that they will go to Hell? 

Allah said (to Paradise): You are My Mercy, I will give it to whom I will.  Will  Ibn 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet of Hell complained to his Lord and said: 
O my Lord!  One part of me is eating the other part, so Allah Almighty allowed him to take two breaths, one breath in winter and the other breath in summer.  

That both Heaven and Hell pray daily.  Muslim Book of Paradise and the description of Naeem and his family Bab Al-Nar

Step: 6

میرے مستحقین کو صحیح بخاری میں حضرت انس رضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ نبی کریم ﷺ نے ارشادفرمایا : بينما أنا أسير في الجنة ، و إذا بنهر في الجنة حافتاه قباب الدرالمجوف قال قلت يا جبريل ماهذا ؟ هذا الكوثر الذي أعطاك ربك : المسك الأذفر . فضرب الملك بيده فإذا طينه ( بخاری کتاب الرقاق باب الحوض ) (

.  Or Dozakh Kahti, Mary Harratt Teez Hoogee, Mary Gohari Ziyadah, Mary Angari, who is the one who has the skin of the skin, is worthy of being worthy of you.  ( 1 ) Sahih Bukhari, Hazrat Anas, may God be pleased with him. Narrated by the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, upon guidance.  .  

Anhui n answer dia.  Yes, Kawthar.  Dikha .  Sahih Muslim, Hazrat Jaber bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, narrated a narration by the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace:  52 52

Step: 7

فرجوت أن أكون هو ، فقيل ، لعمر بن الخطاب ، فلولا غيرتك يا أبا حفص لدخلته " قال : فبكى عمر و قال أو يغار عليك يا رسول الله لا صلى الله ( مسلم کتاب فضائل الصحابة باب : من فضائل عمر رضي الله عنه ) احادیث

Of a person belonging to, I hoped that I am the same person, but he will tell me that it does not belong to Umar bin Al-Khattab, O Abu Hafs!  (Omar's nickname) If I had not feared your pride, I would have entered into it.  

Can you be honored too?  In addition to the ahaadeeth mentioned above, there are other ahaadeeth which show that heaven and hell are created.  

If it is difficult to understand why you did not argue with the story of Adam (pbuh) on the existence of Paradise at that time who was asked to enter Paradise and was expelled from Paradise as a result of eating from this tree.  

From which Allah forbade even though the reasoning from it is very clear.  The answer is that there is a great deal of disagreement about the paradise in which Adam (peace be upon him) was given a city.  

Is it the Paradise of Al-Khild in which the believers will be admitted on the Day of Resurrection or is it some other paradise in a higher part of the earth?  Some said, "Insha'Allah, we will mention both the statements and their arguments in detail."

Step: 8

Was there any paradise in which Adam (peace be upon him) was seated?  

There is a difference of opinion between the scholars of the ummah and the commentators as to which paradise Adam was sent to. 

Hazrat Munther bin Saeed says in his commentary:  Janat-ul-Khald (Eternal Paradise in which the believers will be admitted on the Day of Resurrection) Others say that it is not Janat-ul-Khald but some other paradise in which they have been made city. ”Abul Hassan Al-Mawardi in his commentary  He writes: “There are two opinions of the people regarding the determination of the Paradise which Adam and Eve went to: A. 

That is the Paradise of Al-Khald.  Yes, it was only for testing and disclosure. It was not Janat al-Khald because Janat al-Khald is Dar al-Jaza 'and not Dar al-Batla. (1)

Step: 9

Those who are convinced that it was not Janat al-Khald do not seem to agree on its own definition, but they also have two views on its determination.  

The first statement is that he is in the sky because Allah Almighty sent Adam down to earth from the sky. This statement seems to be good.  The second statement is that he is on the earth because Allah Almighty had tested Adam and Eve on the earth and in that they were forbidden to eat from a certain tree.  

According to Ibn Bahr, this incident of trial took place when Iblis was commanded to prostrate before Adam but he refused to prostrate out of arrogance.  Ibn al-Khatib wrote in his famous commentary: “Scholars differ as to whether Paradise is in the earth or in the heavens.  

And if it is assumed that it is in the sky, then the question arises whether it is the Paradise of Al-Khald which is called Dar Al-Jaza or some other Paradise, Abu Al-Qasim Balkhi and Abu Muslim Al-Isbahani etc. 

are convinced that this Paradise is the Earth  On the other hand, they say that the mention of Adam being sent down from Paradise means moving from one part of the earth to another, as Allah Almighty sent the Children of Israel from one place to another.  

Ordering: "Ahbatwa Misra" You go down to a city (go away) These gentlemen have presented many other arguments in support of their statement.

Step: 10

Is on  The third statement of all our companions is that this paradise is the abode of retribution and reward.  Abul Qasim Ragheb says in his commentary: There is a difference of opinion about the paradise in which Adam (pbuh) was sent.  That was not the place for a regular city for him, since then he has offered some arguments for both statements.  

Abu Isa al-Ramani also mentioned this difference in his commentary. He adopted the view that it is Jannat-ul-Khald.  And this is the opinion of our Shaykh Abu Bakr and most of the companions. This is also the opinion of the commentators.  Thus, according to him, this is the fourth statement. He says that there is every possibility in this regard because the arguments about it are contradictory, therefore it is obligatory to pause.  

Al-Mundhir ibn Sa'eed says: “The statement that it is a paradise on earth and not the paradise of Al-Khald, Imam Abu Hanifa and his companions. Ibn Mazin al-Maliki says in his commentary that  Is he born  He replied: It is better to remain silent in such an issue.  Hazrat Ibn Ayyina (may Allah be pleased with him) says in connection with the verse:  Also, there is no precedent for such personalities.


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