He used to keep busy and explain his problems in an excellent way. He also had wisdom in his mind.
He had a special interest in the Qur'an and Sunnah. He had devoted himself to the dissemination of knowledge.
Hafiz Emad-ud-Din Ismail Ibn Katheer praises his knowledge, deeds, grace, perfection and taste of worship as follows: Daman held on firmly till his death, and gained a lot of knowledge from him. Before him, the young man was engaged in academic pursuits.
I used to stay in Wal-Hah, he would stay, he was a good reader and very moral, he treated people with love, he was not jealous of anyone, he did not hurt anyone, and he did not hate anyone, and I do not know anyone at that time.
Worship more than the young. Qazi Burhanuddin Al-Zarqi said: “There is no one under this sky who is more knowledgeable than a young man.
Write, you had a passion for knowledge, reading, writing and collecting books, you have accumulated so many dogs that others did not have.
Hafiz Ibn Hajar says: “You were strong-hearted and knowledgeable
He was well acquainted with the teachings of the forefathers.
Allama Shokani says: “He adhered to the correct arguments, and he liked to follow them, he did not rely on mere opinion, he was the one who proclaimed the truth and did not care about anyone in this regard.
Has written about his life and biography. Almost everyone has acknowledged his knowledge and grace which shows his high position in knowledge and practice, writing and composing and other arts. Death:
The sun of knowledge and cognition, the sun, the sun, She was buried in Damascus Cemetery.
(1) (1) The Mia Jamali sketch of the author's life is taken from the brief but comprehensive information presented by the publisher at the beginning of Maktab al-Manar al-Islamiyah Kuwait.
All the praises are due to Allah who created Paradise for the honor and glory of His servants, and gave them the power of good deeds to attain it.
Allah created this paradise for the people. He sent His slaves to the world to be tried and tested, and set the Day of Resurrection to enter Paradise.
May Allaah bless him with such blessings which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has any thought passed through his heart, except to mention him in such a clear manner.
It has been said that the pious servants of Allah can see it with their eyes, if not with their eyesight. Praise be to Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and made the angels His messengers to deliver them to the Prophets, and sent messengers to them as "evangelists" for the obedient and "warners" for the disobedient.
There is no excuse or excuse left for the people to say before Allah, because Allah did not create them in vain and without such a purpose, but gave them a great purpose.
And He has created for a great work and that is His worship and pleasure.
He has created for mankind a dwelling place, a paradise which He has prepared for His righteous servants, another hell in which the disbelievers and the polytheists and the transgressors and Fajra P will go to be punished.
Every kind of praise is due to Allah, Who is pleased with His servants for a little good deed and overlooks their innumerable faults and slips, and who has written in his book that The aspect of His mercy prevails over the aspect of wrath.
Grace and grace enabled him to accept this invitation and to work in heaven.
I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah Alone, He has no companion, and I bear witness that there are His servants and messengers, and in conveying the revelation They are trustworthy, and they are the best of all creatures.
Allah Almighty sent them as a model for all the worlds to be a model of mercy, for those who follow the right path and for those who are in the field of action.
Naqib was the leader of the path to paradise, the one who recited the divine book (Qur'an), enjoined good deeds and forbade polytheism.
But a long time had passed, and the people were wandering in the darkness of misguidance and misguidance.
Allah guided mankind through them.
He instructed his servants to obey him, to support him, to honor him, and to accompany him in his missionary mission.
Declared that entering Paradise is possible only if you are followed and follow the path you have been told.
Blessed and flawless is the One who opens your chest (to carry the message, and removes your burden from you, and illuminates your name, and who opposes you by command).
Humiliation and disgrace were destined for him, so he worked day and night for the secret and open chain of Da'wah to Allah, until the true Islam rose, the sun of faith shone, the word of Allah rose, the mission of Satan.
It was useless, and the light of your prophethood enlightened the earth when it was plunged in darkness, hearts became intertwined when they were separated from each other.
when Allah Almighty completed the religion through them and His After bestowing blessings upon the people, Allah gave them the option to stay in this world or to have a high companion (may Allah be pleased with them).
He left his ummah on a straight and enlightened path on which the Companions, the followers of the great and the counselors of the ummah deserved Paradise, The main objectives of your revelation are recitation of verses, self-purification, and teaching of the Book and Wisdom.
The Almighty is:
He is the one who is to perish, so that he who is to perish may perish after the resurrection of the argument, and he who is to remain alive may live after the resurrection of the argument, and surely He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
Allah is All-Hearing,
All-Knowing (Al-Anfal: 1).
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala did not create man in such a purposeless manner, but created him with a great responsibility and to carry and fulfill the obligation by which all the heavens, the earth and the mountains were weakened and he showed his submission.
But man, being a weak creature in terms of his natural weakness and limbs and joints, and in spite of being "oppressed and swayed" in terms of his nature and temperament, carried the burden of this great trust on his shoulders.
Later, some men came out who fulfilled the duties and responsibilities that Allah Almighty had imposed on them, and thus they deserved divine mercy, but the majority remained of those who either He did not fulfill this responsibility at all or he neglected it very much.
He did not know his Lord, nor was he aware of his purpose of creation.
Even today, the condition of most of the people is that Everything is understood, their life is spent like cattle and cattle only in eating and drinking and fulfilling the desires of the soul.
They are lying in the shell of desires and hopes, worldly benefits and pleasures are very dear to them and they are very disgusted with the reward and the Hereafter.
They know only the appearance of this worldly life, and they are ignorant of the Hereafter.
Those who are heedless (Al-Rum: 4) are in a state of self-forgetfulness and forgetfulness of God.
Forgot Allah, the questioner himself forgot their souls from them, these are the disobedient people (Al-Hashr: 19). Surprisingly, the negligence of those who have only a few hours of their lives left, and the state of their breath is such that now they stop, then they are being taken to an unknown place at a fast pace due to night and day.
They may not even realize it, even when the time of death comes, they become anxious and worried, not because they are regretting their life of guilt and disobedience, but because this feeling bothers them.
That the pleasures of this world and the luxuries of this world are being lost, and sometimes by chance they think that we have been created to obey and avoid sin and disobedience.
They shake off the idea that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful even though they should know that Allah is with them severe punishment and severe punishment. His torment is very painful
On the other hand, there are the servants of Allah, who are well aware of their purpose of creation, they walk on the straight path in search of Paradise, they do not accept the bargain of such blessings which no eye has seen, nor any The ear has heard and no one has thought of it in its heart.
Deal these blessings with such a lowly and mortal world which is no more than a scattered dream and scattered thought. If it laughs once, it cries a hundred times. If one day brings happiness, it brings many months of sorrow and grief, its sorrows and pains are far more than its pleasure and happiness, so it is a great surprise and great surprise to this "wise" fool who.
Nevertheless, Confess prefers the mortal thing to the remnant, and sells this paradise, which is as wide as the heavens and the earth, in exchange for this narrow prison, which is full of misery and suffering, and the eternal paradise.
He wants to say goodbye to the immortal blessings in exchange for the few luxuries here.
But this great loss will be felt only on the Day of Resurrection. He will be driven away, and the caller will publicly declare about the obedient and obedient servants that they are the deserving servants of Allah's special rewards and honors, they are the inheritors of Paradise.
They will be seated, they will enjoy Hur and Ghulam and they will enjoy all kinds of fruits. Pointing to this kind of blessings, Allah Almighty said:
The boys who will always be with them will be carried away.
And the fowls will come to the mind, and the fruits which they like, and the maidens that they like, The deeds (Al-Waqi'ah: 2-5) will be like a hidden pearl, all this will be found in the reward of their deeds.
He said in another place:
Itaaf alayhim bishaaf min brought gold plates to them and gold and aquab and fiha will go and glass (too) and there he will get everything he wants, Which will be pleasing to the eyes, and you (Al-Zukhruf: O) will be here forever.
The promise of this paradise has been made in this world as well, but alas, no one paid attention to it except a few chosen servants, Has not arranged, they have heard a lot about its blessings and comforts but are not ready to give up the life of negligence ....
I worked hard in compiling and compiling this book (Praise be to Allah) and divided it into different chapters and chapters. Hadiths, and.
Paused works are a valuable repository of the Companions, while subtle points of knowledge, scholarly benefits, interpretive mysteries and codes, and valuable information about.
Islamic beliefs is an asset that may not be found in any other book with such breadth and strength that the reader can read it.
The passion for paradise and the zeal for the struggle for its attainment is created in the heart of the person.
It is as if he were seeing it with his own eyes.
I named this book "Hadi Al-Arwah Al-Balad Al-Afrah" (the book that draws souls to the city of happiness and bliss (Balat) through Hadi Khawani).
The truth comes, and Allah knows best what is my purpose behind writing this book, because Allah knows the heart and tongue of every servant and his intention, I can only say that this My purpose in compiling this book is to give the good news to Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah that Allah Almighty has prepared for them the things of honor and dignity in Paradise.
They deserve it, because they follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) completely, and do not fear the reproach of any reproacher in this regard. 3