Obscenity from beginning to end. Part (3)



Part (3)


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vulgarity !  From beginning to end, there was nothing more abominable than adultery.  

If every Muslim had this comprehensive admonition of the Holy Prophet (saw) and considered the sacred relationships mentioned in the above lines, he could not have imagined that he would like adultery for these relatives.  

Therefore, if the Muslim Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sincerely places this comprehensive and dying advice of the region in his heart and remembers it in his mind at all times, he will automatically become disgusted with sin and will be protected from serious sin.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:  The sign of a believer is that Allaah puts his greed in prayer and fasting, and the sign of a hypocrite is that Allaah puts his greed in his stomach.  

If we look at this hadith in the light of Mubarakah, it becomes clear that the adulterer also falls into the realm of hypocrites and for the hypocrites there are many promises in the pure Shari'ah.  

I go home on my own. 

Muslims think a little bit that if even a small sin is caught, what will happen to it on that day?  

Even if many great sins fall on the account of man automatically due to adultery, then what will be the fate of the adulterer or Allah is the one who is merciful, have mercy on us.  31



Obscenity is the calamity of adultery from the beginning to the end.  

(Musnad Shehab Qada'i (1)  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Adultery brings hardship and removes the radiance of the face. 

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):  It is a pity that I will make the adulterer poor and think of the person against whom Allah swears, then what will be the outcome for him?  

I will stand in the line of adulterers.  Troubles for the adulterer!  Amakam walzani fane zahab al-bahaa wa taul al-faqr waqsa al-amruwma al-lawati fi al-akhraat faskhat allah wsoo al-hasab wa khuludfi al-naar ..  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Stay away from adultery. 

It makes the body blossom.  

I am coming, one of which is the wrath of Allah Almighty, the second is the severity of the torment and the third (for a long time the adulterer of the Muslim) goes to hell.  

Read the hadith and estimate that the world is with adultery in the hereafter

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vulgarity !  From the beginning to the end, I will be the cause of loss and who can be brave enough to bear the torment of the Hereafter? O

Muslim!  And some of your bus will not be able to run there.  19) Dangerous punishment for the adulterer Qal Rasoolullah!  And may Allah be pleased with you, and may Allah bless you.

  فيتغيث لهل جهنم بصوت واحد ، ويقولون: اللهم العن لهل التوابيت  

I am most proud to see my servant doing nothing but gossip, which I know, if you know, I swear by Allah!  You laugh less and cry more. 

Listen to some of the coffins of Hell in fire. 

I will be imprisoned in these coffins.  

Then their sparks will fall on (the other) inmates of Hell, then they will cry out and say: O Allah!  Will  With this blessed hadith in front of you, imagine that in the blazing fire

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vulgarity !  From the beginning to the end, the inmates of Hell are also disgusted with the present coffin-bearers, even though they themselves are trapped in the plaque of fire, but the sparks of torment of adulterers are so severe that they feel more painful than fire.  

If he closes his eyes and imagines this scene, then he will think of this scene. 

Yes, happiness is for the person who got such knowledge about the torment of Hell and then started to take measures to save himself from this fire.  

There are eight kinds of people in Hell, the Messenger of Allah said ...  Egypt on Rami, Wala Nama, Wala Dioth, Wala Sharti, Wakhantah Rahm, Wala Qati, Rahm, Wala Alzi Yaqool Ali Ahdallah, if I do this, I will do this, and so I will not do it.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:  When Allah Almighty created Paradise, He said to him: Speak. 

He said: Blessed is he who enters into me. 

Allah Almighty said: I swear by my dominion and glory that eight of you will not enter you.  

There will be (1) rope of alcohol (2) Egypt on adultery (3) gossip eater (3) devotional (dishonorable) (4) policeman (who harass the people in illegal ways) (4)  Whoever engages in pornography and obscenity, and whoever does not do so does not refer to this hadeeth.  

Do not do this (if one swears by sin, it is not right to fulfill it.

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Obscenity!  From the beginning to the end (benefit) on adultery are those who always commit adultery and not a drunkard who always drinks alcohol  God forbid, and when there is a willingness to commit adultery, pass it (and do not forsake it).  

After reading these instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), a Muslim came to know that our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has repeatedly and in different ways emphasized the need to avoid this serious sin.  

The torment has been mentioned so that the Muhammadan Ummah may be saved from this sin by keeping these blessed commandments before it.  

Luqman Hakim's Advice Luqman (Hakim) advised his son: O son, beware of adultery, for the beginning of it is fear and the end is shame, and the end is to go to Naam (a valley of Hell).

In the ummah, the Companions who came after the Holy Prophet (sws) Rizwan Allah Alayhim Ajmeen and Tabein Azaam and the group of scholars who guided the ummah after him kept coming to the ummah in their own way so that people would be free from this epidemic of adultery.  

Be safe because doubt is such a thing that it is not forgiven except for faith and good deeds and it is stated in the following verse.  Weakening of the torment on the Day of Resurrection.  

On the Day of Resurrection, his torment will increase and he will be humiliated in it forever.  

Let man consider these commandments of the Holy Qur'an and think that the punishment: 35

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vulgarity !  From the beginning to the end of these horrible situations, one of the most serious sins is adultery, which kills a person and causes him to be subjected to divine punishment, says Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood.  

The manifestation of usury and adultery in the village except for the woman of Allah.  

Al-Jawab al-Qafi, p.  When usury and adultery are crushed in a settlement, then Allah Almighty grants permission for the destruction of that settlement.  

Because of this, they are subject to divine punishment and deserve the wrath of Allah Almighty.  

It will be found that entire settlements were destroyed by earthquakes, floods and various other means.  

V, dishes, cable VCRs and other means of pornography and nudity were plentiful and the inhabitants of the township were addicted to all these illegal things.  

Now when one considers these causes of obscenity and nudity, it is becoming more and more the cause of adultery in this age among the things that promote unwholesome obscenity and adultery is common in Muslim society thanks to these things.  

The implication is that if Muslims are to eradicate this scourge from their society, from their territory, they must first eliminate the things that serve as a stepping-stone to this sin, and then today.  

The Muslim is a slave of his own soul and has become a slave of his own soul instead of being a servant of Allah.

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vulgarity !  From beginning to end, Muslims have been repeatedly urged to avoid the desires of their nafs and to live according to the Shari'ah, because the desires of the nafs lead one to the dangerous hell which makes one tremble.  

Gets up  Due to the mention of this nafs, an incident came to my mind which I consider it appropriate to write here so that the Muslims may know about the harm of following the nafs and the reward for controlling the nafs.  

And Muslims too should make this nafs accustomed to obedience to Allah Almighty instead of enslaving the nafs for the sake of attaining the beautiful and auspicious rewards of Paradise.

vulgarity !  Hazrat Ibn Abbas quotes Hazrat Ka'b ibn Ihbar as saying that there was a righteous person in the Children of Israel who had a unique place in worship.  

He used to worship in his monastery for a while. 

He used to visit him daily in the morning and evening and ask him if he needed anything.  

He replied: Allaah knows best my need. 

Allaah had planted a vine at the monastery of this devotee who used to pick one grape every day (ie it seemed like a grape.  

The water used to boil and I used to quench my thirst by drinking this water. 

In the same way, a long time has passed.  

O servant of Allah, this great man said: This servant said: Behold! Behold, the woman said: Is your Lord seeing you? 

He said:  He is Allah, the One, the Furious, the Living, the Knower, the Knower of the mysteries of the hearts, and the Rise of those who are in the graves.  

The old man said to the woman, "Come upstairs." So the woman went upstairs and reached the monastery of the old man.  Throwing the wire, Orangi stood up and in front of this devotee 38

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R obscenity!  From the beginning to the end, the old man closed his eyes when he saw his naked body, and when he saw the unseen, he said, "Either you become thirsty or cover yourself." Hearing this, the woman replied,  If you take the leader from me tonight, the elder, hearing this, addressed his nafs and said: O nafs, what do you say?  

Nafs said, "By Allah, I will reap the benefits."  Sayyid N. Kar-e-Buzurg turned to Nafs and said, "If it is destroyed, will you ask for the clothes of Hell of Sulfur?"  Asks for a fire pit?  Want to waste my long worship? 

Then he said: There is no forgiveness for every one who commits adultery. 

The adulterer will be thrown into Hell on his face and this is my fire which will not be extinguished and its punishment will not be accepted. 

I fear that Allah may be displeased with you that  He did not agree, but the old man's nuts told him well about this woman. 

The old man addressed him and then said,  I will benefit from this girl at night. Hazrat Ka'b bin Akhbar called and said, "After the old man said this, he filled (the lamp) with oil and made the lamp dim. 

This woman was also watching this scene and  She was also listening to the conversation of the old man with herself. 

Then the old man after lighting the lamp put his hand on the burning lamp. 

The lamp was burning but it did not light the hand of the old man.  

He said, "What is the matter with you? Why don't you burn it?" She also ate his thumb (Leni was burnt), then his fingers were eaten, then his hand was eaten. Seeing this scene, the woman screamed and  Coached again  The elder covered the woman's body with her clothes.  When morning came 39

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vulgarity !  From beginning to end.  

Here I shouted and said O people!  So-and-so's daughter has committed adultery with such and such a person and after committing adultery, she has killed him.  

When he reached there, the king shouted loudly and Abid answered him.  

The king asked Abid where is the daughter of such and such?  Abid said no, I have it.  Becoming king, he said to Abid, "Tell her to come to me.

The elder said, "She is dead."  The king began to say, "Because she did not consent to adultery, even though you killed a soul which Allah (swt) has forbidden."  

Then the king became angry and threw a chain around the house of Abid and dragged him away.  

It was the custom of the people of that time to cut the adulterer with a saw.  

Abid's hand which was burnt in the night incident was hidden by Abid in his sleeve and Abid was not telling the truth of the incident to anyone so the saw was placed on Abid's head and the burners were ordered to fire.  

As soon as the command was given, the executioner obeyed and started firing.  

The shock of it has whipped my throne-bearers to the dwellers of my sky. 

I swear by my dominion and glory that if this devotee sighs a second time, I will bring down the heavens to the earth, so this devotee did not come a second time.  

He did not say anything until he died in the same condition.

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Obscenity!  From the beginning to the end, Allah Almighty restored the soul in this man and woman (who had passed away after seeing the deeds of Abid). 

The woman addressed the people and said: By Allah!  He did not commit adultery and I am still a virgin. 

After that, this woman narrated the whole incident of last night in front of the people.  

Seeing this, people began to say that if we had known what the real truth was, we would never have torn her body.  

Then they went to the grave to bury both of them. 

They smelled of musk, amber and camphor. Then their corpses were brought to read the funeral of both of them. 

Someone from heaven preached to them.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was patient until the angels performed the funeral prayer on him.  

The cow saw a plaque on his grave on which it was written.  The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.  

Allah is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. 

From Allah, the Exalted, to His servant and to his guardian (friend).  

That I married this guardian to fifty thousand (5, 6) women of Paradise and I

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