A few small signs of the Hour will be fulfilled on incompetent persons (1)
What time is it? He said: If you lose faith, wait for the hour, he said: O Messenger of Allah! How? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was talking to the people in his assembly when a villager came and said, “O Messenger of Allaah! When will the Hour come? He said, "Wait for the Hour when the trust will be lost." He said, "O Messenger of Allah, how will the trust be lost?" He said, "When the matter (of work) will be entrusted to the incompetent people, then wait for the Hour." (2) ما يوما بارزا للنّاس ، فأتا رجل فقال يا رسول الله! What time is it? He said, "What is the responsibility of her with the knowledge of the questioner? The Messenger of Allah was sitting in front of the people one day when a man came and said: O Messenger of Allah! When will the Hour come? He said, "The one who is being questioned does not know more than the one who is asking, but I will tell you some of the signs of this, when the slave girl will give birth to her mistress (then the Hour will come)." (1) A slave girl will give birth to her master. Many meanings have been given to it. Our mothers will buy them as slaves, but they will not know that they are our mothers, nor will mothers know that they are our children. It also means that the child will disobey the mother and will treat the mother as a slave is treated. In addition, some of these gentlemen also practice this in a real sense and say that a slave girl will in fact give birth to her master as modern science has proved today that the sperm of a man can be obtained from a woman who has been hired. A baby can be born in the womb. After the birth of the child, since that child,
53 What are some of the signs of the Hour? "Resurrection will not take place even if people are proud of each other in big buildings. (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that a man came to the Holy Prophet and asked: When will the Hour come? So you expressed ignorance and while explaining the signs of it, you said: When the black shepherd is in the high and lofty buildings, they will be proud of each other (then the Hour will be near). (1) It was learned that skyscrapers will be constructed near the Day of Judgment. This sign of doomsday has also appeared and today tall buildings have been erected in different countries of the world such as Minar Pakistan in Pakistan, Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Eiffel Tower in Paris, Empire State Building in New York, Toronto CN Tower, World Financial Center in Shanghai, etc. If the construction of such buildings is due to any need, then there is no problem in it, but if it is for pride and arrogance and pride, then it is evil. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: will go . (1) The markets will be closer. This either means that the bazaars will be close to each other, if a person leaves one bazaar then he will enter another. Or does it mean that the bazaar will be close to the people, ie there will be a bazaar in Hargali neighborhood from where people can easily buy and sell? Or it could mean that the media and communication links will be so advanced that people will be able to buy anything from any market in the world at home, as is possible today with the globalization of the world. Done and you can shop at home online from online shops of different countries of the world whenever you want.
It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: This is one of the signs of the Hour when you see the barefoot, the naked, the deaf and the dumb (the very poor and destitute will become the kings of the earth) If I am proud, then this is one of the signs of the Hour. " They lived in the deserts, but then when the blessing of oil came from the Arabian Peninsula, these same old clothed people became the kings of the earth, the poor became rich, the old clothed old people started wearing silk clothes, the beautiful people living in huts They settled in houses and palaces, those who rode on donkeys bought their own (air and ships. Murder will increase (1). There will be days before the Day of Resurrection when knowledge will be taken away, ignorance will come down. And harm will increase. (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: He said: Al-Harj, the killer and the victim in the fire? "By the caste in whose hands my soul is! The world will not end until the day comes when the killer will not know why he killed and the victim will not know why he was killed. The companions asked, "How can this be?" The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
www.KitaboSunnat.com A few small signs of the Hour which are mentioned in the above hadith Explosions and suicide bombings in places have created such fear and panic that even when a person leaves the house, he is afraid that he will return or not and then of course the killer does not know why he is killing. Nor does the victim know why he was killed? Recent incidents of targeted killings are also known from this tribe. (Allah knows best) Mosques will be made the way. It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “(1) Allama Abdul Rauf Manawi Dale, says that mosques will be made the way. Nor will he sit in the mosque for a while (rather the status of mosques will not be more than a passage). (2) Undoubtedly, the retribution of the Day of Resurrection has also become apparent. Is . (Ha insha'Allah) Sudden death will occur. The Prophet's command is: (1) Allama Abdul Rauf Manawi Bana says that death will happen till Acha, ie a person will suddenly fall down and die even though he is standing at that time (Amcha Bhalla) is talking to his partner. (2) Sudden deaths have become commonplace today. In particular, most people are dying of heart attack (heart attack). Therefore, one should keep on asking for forgiveness at every moment and should be ready to meet the coach and his Lord from this mortal world.
Except for a few small signs on the Day of Resurrection, the moon of the first night will appear bigger. The Prophet said: This is the moon of the second night. (1) Religion will be sold for worldly possessions. Before the Day of Resurrection, tribulations will appear like a dark night. If you become a believer in the morning, you will become a disbeliever in the evening, and if you become a believer in the evening, you will become a disbeliever in the morning. People sell their religion for worldly goods (1) Those who sell religion for the sake of worldly interests have also appeared today and deceived people in the name of religion in exchange for worldly goods and petty gain. They are eating people's wealth in illegal ways. For the sake of their own interests, they are making the worst move to change the Book of Allah. However, the world is nothing but a washing machine. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mughal (may Allah be pleased with him) heard his son saying: “O Allah! When I do this (enter Paradise (then give me that palace). Ben Abdullah bin Mughal and
Some of the small signs of the Hour said: O my son, ask Allah Almighty for Paradise and (seek refuge from the fire of Hell). There will be people in the ummah who will go beyond the limits in purification and supplication. ” That the limbs of ablution should be washed more than three times, because the best method is to wash the limbs of ablution at least once and at most three times three times. It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: The time will soon come when the righteous will be resurrected. And only bad people will be left. Promises and trusts will be mixed. Good and great people will blend in like this. Then you complimented your fingers (ie inserted the fingers of one hand firmly in the fingers of the other hand.) People said what will we do if that time comes upon us? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Accept what you think is good and leave what you think is bad, and then go to your trusted special people and leave other people behind.” It is narrated from Hazrat Sooban that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: And God forbid
A few small signs of the Day of Resurrection: 58 One of them said: Shall we be reduced in number on that day? And Allaah will take away your terror from the breasts of your enemies and Allaah will put the disease in your hearts. A man said: O Messenger of Allaah! Hate. (2) Today this disease is also common. Everyone is worried about the world and no one is worried about death. They are also ready to follow the jihadi path of killing and invasion, leaving aside the worldly colors. That is why today Muslims are humiliated and disgraced all over the world and the infidels The dignity of Muslim women is not safe in the worst of slavery. Of course, there is only one solution to all these problems and that is that Muslims should give up the (blind) worries of this world and start loving death and take the prophetic path of jihad and fighting. Become a true Muslim by adopting Sahaba. It is narrated from Anas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If the conditions of the hour are high, there will be more ignorance, there will be more adultery, there will be more alcohol, there will be more men, and there will be more women. Signs include that knowledge will be raised, ignorance will increase, adultery will increase, alcoholism will become more common, there will be a shortage of men and an increase in the number of women, even one in fifty women will have a guardian. (1) Scholars say that there will be two reasons for such abundance of women. One is that women will be born more than men. Secondly, there have been a large number of deaths due to wars in recent times
There will be some small signs of doomsday which will make men less and women more. Anxiety has not yet appeared. It is narrated from Hazrat Hudhaifah bin Yaman that I said: O Messenger of Allah! We were suffering from evil. Allah Almighty has given us good (through you). Will evil come again after this good and good? He said: Yes, I said: O Messenger of Allah! Will good come again after this evil? He said, "Yes." I said, "Will evil come again after this good?" He said, "Yes. I asked, 'How is that?' He said: Do not be afraid, and do not be deceived. There will be rulers after me who have not guided the people according to my guidance nor will they guide the people according to my Sunnah. Will be Hazrat Hudhaifah said: O Messenger of Allah! What do I do if I have time like this? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Listen to this ruler, obey him whether he slaps you on the back or snatches your property (in all cases listen to him and obey him.) It is narrated on the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that he said: And if a sword comes out in my ummah, it will not be raised till the Day of Resurrection. Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen Allah says that the misguided rulers are those who follow Shariat
A few small signs of the Hour will lead the people in the name of 60 * and they will oppress the people, as well as the corrupt rulers and misguided scholars who invite others to do whatever they want. Yes, that is the law of Allah. Imam Ahmad Khan has said that if I had the option of a popular du'a, I would have prayed for the ruler because the correctness of the ummah lies in its correctness. And the saying of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “And if a sword comes out in my ummah, it will not be raised till the Day of Resurrection.” Muslims continue to be murdered, they are killing each other and taking prisoners. (1) Trade will increase (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Masood that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: A woman will support her husband in business. “(1). (2) It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Amr bin Tughlab that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: One of the signs of the Hour is that wealth will become commonplace and trade will spread, knowledge will be revealed, man will bargain and then he will not sing. Will go but will not get (2) As today trade has increased due to scientific development and invention of modern machinery and computer etc. but the importance of handwritten scribes has decreased or it may mean that trade and business will increase. For this reason, people will put their children to work at an early age and will not educate them. That is why the writer, ie the educated person, will hardly be seen. (Allah knows best) There will be many earthquakes
61 Some Small Signs of Resurrection (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: In fact, on the Day of Judgment there will be a severe earthquake and everything will be destroyed in one go. (2) However, according to the Prophet's command, we will bring some pilgrims as a sign even before the Day of Resurrection. If we study the history, it is known that earthquakes have been going on for a long time and they are increasing day by day. It is not possible to say with certainty when and where the oldest earthquake in history occurred. However, the first earthquake recorded by man in his writings occurred in China about three thousand years ago in 1177 BC. An earthquake that shook the entire city in 226 BC in Rhodes, Greece, devastated the city of Cameroon, as well as the magnificent "Helo" statue erected on the city's shores. Which is counted among the seven wonders of the world. There were about 13 major earthquakes in the 18th century, which affected the United States, Japan, China, India, Iran, Italy, Ecuador, Peru, and Indonesia. In the 19th century, the number of earthquakes increased to 17 in the United States alone. This trend continued into the 20th century. Even in the 21st century, the worst of the catastrophe continued until December 26, 2004, when the submarine earthquake in the Indonesian state of Sumatra, followed by a tsunami called "Sona Mei", caused waves in Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and India. Went to Thailand, Sri Lanka, Burma, Maldives, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar and South Africa. The death toll from the disaster is estimated at more than 500,000. Then on October 8, 2005, the strongest earthquake ever hit the northern part of Pakistan. The quake had a magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter scale and caused severe damage to many small and large villages and towns including Kashmir, Islamabad, Balakot, Mansehra and Hazara. Desires will cause fitna of stomachs and private parts. It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Barzah Aslami that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: ) ,,,
Except for a few small signs of the Day of Resurrection * 62 * Fear the desires that will mislead your stomach and your private parts and also be afraid of the misleading temptations. Scholars say that in one of the narrations, “Mلzalat al-Hـw >i> misleading desires”, “Alghi is the name of unhaak in misguidance and evil. Problems are everything that turns people away from the truth and leads them to falsehood and kills them. Divine is everything that man desires, whom he likes, whom he is pleased with, whom he wants and to whom he is inclined. From this hadith it is known that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) feared that the people of the ummah would be misled by following the desires of their stomachs and private parts. So of course this has happened today and people do not care about halal and haraam to fill their stomachs or for sexual gratification. (Allah be pleased with him) It will rain but the grain will not come. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: Doomsday is apparently the catalyst for a united Khundia and their subsequent emergence as a galactic power. (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: It may rain on you, but the earth will not produce anything. (1) The sign of the Hour has not yet appeared, but it will appear before the Hour, and people will be deprived of produce and suffer from famine in spite of heavy rain. The resemblance of Judaism and Christianity will begin. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah
The Hour will not come until my ummah will be exactly equal to the first ummah as a pillow is equal to a pillow and a hand is equal to a hand. It was asked: O Messenger of Allah! What do the first nations mean by Persians and Ravi (Christians)? He said, "Then who else?" (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Saeed Al-Khudri that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: You will follow the nations before you in every pillow and in every yard, even if they enter a hole in the ground, you will follow them in it. We asked: O Messenger of Allah! What is meant by Jews and Christians? He said, "Then what is meant by distance?" Other festivals like this are celebrated by Muslims more than the infidels and they try to imitate them not only in festivals but also in dress and grooming, living conditions, manners and mannerisms. The politics, culture and education of the people of the West in particular have been tarnished, which is clear evidence that Muslims have subconsciously acknowledged that Islamic teachings and prophetic way of life There are ways for them to be useful and better as infidels and this is the main reason for their destruction, humiliation and disgrace, slavery, decline and daily degradation. Therefore, if Muslims today want real progress, prosperity and respect in the world, then they must abandon the imitation and blind imitation of infidels and adhere to Islamic teachings. The Quraysh tribe will perish. It is narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
65 There may be some small signs of the Hour, (1) The sign has not yet appeared but will definitely appear in the future. This sign will appear in the time of near resurrection (as is clear from the words of the above hadith when the time of resurrection is near). Imam Ibn Batal Bani has also preferred it. (3) Beasts and inanimate objects will speak. It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Saeed Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I swear by the one in whose hand is my soul! The Hour will not come until we have spoken to the beasts of man. What has been done in absentia? (1) The sign has not yet appeared but every Muslim should have full faith in it that it will definitely happen and it should be accepted without any interpretation. However, it should be noted that The incident of Bheetriya being in agreement with man has taken place in the time of Prophet (sws) and the Prophet (sws) has also confirmed it. (4) The land of Arabia will become green and lush. He said: Do not be afraid of the Hour until it reaches the land of the Arabs, which is customary in Anhara, and even in the distance between Iraq and Mecca.
Al-Jat Israr al-Ma'a will be a few small signs of the Hour ** even though there are lush green pastures (gardens) in the land of Arabia and in the canal. A rider will travel between Iraq and Mecca, he will have no fear except to get lost and the chaos will increase. The companions said: O Messenger of Allah! What's the matter The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (1) Shaykh Ibn Bazullah has said that the land of Arabia means the Arabian Peninsula, the face of the land refers to the green fields (gardens and chamanistan) and the canals refer to the water that flows due to heavy rains. (1) Some scholars say that one of the implications of the Arabian Peninsula being transformed into gardens and cities is that the inhabitants of the region will dig wells and cultivate the land as is being done today. While another meaning of this is that the climate will change, the hot weather will change to mild and pleasant weather and Allah Almighty will create canals and springs in this area which will make it barren. The land will become fertile and hard land will give the appearance of a lush and lush area. This concept is more obvious and according to experts the Arabian Peninsula was like this before and will return to the same state again. A man of Qahtan will become the ruler It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Hi people. “(1) Imam Ibn Batal Allah says that the Hour will not be established” proves that the appearance of this ruler is a sign of the Hour. Imam Ibn Athir, Imam Ibn Jozi, Imam Qurtubi and Allama Beni (2) say that “he will drive away the people with cherry” does not mean the real meaning but it is an indication that Allah is on the people (66). 66
A few small signs of the Hour will prevail and people will follow it and agree on the government. However, there is a saying that he will actually chase people with sticks like chasing cattle because he will be very strict in establishing justice. The sign of resurrection has not been revealed so far. (1) A person named Jahjah will become king. "Day and night will not end until a man becomes king who will be called Jhajah." (1) The sign of the Hour has not yet appeared. According to the statement of Hafiz Ibn Hajar, the king named Jahjah will be someone other than the above mentioned Qahtani because he will be one of the free people while he will be one of the slaves. (1) Malaali Qari Datta says that in one narration these words are even used by one of the slaves (ie Jahjah will become the king). It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (5) (5) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Towards Al-Madinah Kama Tarz Al-Hayat to Jahraha This means that the believers believe in their religion 67 (6).
Some small signs of the Hour * will run to Medina to save faith. (2) Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzan says that the meaning of this hadeeth is that in the last days religion and faith will be gathered in Hijaz and they will take refuge here as a hunter takes refuge on the top of a mountain. (2) Believers will become strangers. It is narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: (There is good news for the believers. ”(Islam begins with a stranger Imam Suyuti Rai, says that it means that in the beginning the number of the people of Islam was small then they spread and prevailed (even half of the world was converted to Islam). And soon (due to the appearance of tribulations and innovations before the Day of Resurrection, the corruption of the people and the non-establishment of the obligatory faith) One of the meanings of being a stranger to the believers has been stated that in the realm of non-Islam, only the wicked and immoral people will be able to hold positions while the pious and pious people will be removed from these positions. Except for those who will sell their conscience and sit in the service of their superiors as if they are sitting in front of the teachers. Wigs will feel less and less alienated. Toby means good news. Imam Ibn Athirullah says that this is a name of Paradise and according to a saying, the name of a tree in Paradise is also Tobi. (3) The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) himself explained the meaning of “Ghar ba, ie, the strangers of the believers”. (1) And in another narration there are two words that “
*** Some small signs of the Hour and for the sake of reforming the society) will have left the tribes. (2) The bottom line is that in the beginning of Islam, Muslims were very few in number but then gradually the scope of Da'wah and Islamic conquests became wider then Islam reached all over the world and Muslims became very numerous Near again Muslims will be reduced in number by falling prey to tribulations and innovations and superstitions They will not hesitate to do so and will lay down all their possessions until (in time of need they will leave their homes and migrate in the way of Allah). These are the small signs of the Hour, the great signs of the Hour are being mentioned in the following pages. First and then the rest of the symptoms will be mentioned
وان اشعار الساعة - Fitnah Dajjal and Ways to Avoid Them It means to confuse, to lie, to deceive and to make candles, etc., and thus Dajjal means very much a liar and a deceiver. Imam Ibn Athirullah, while explaining the meaning of Dajjal, mentioned the following words: (1) In the interpretation of the word Dajjal, he further says that (and the origin of Dajjal al-Khalat) is actually the name of mixing and mixing. In the Arabic language, it is said, “And the Antichrist is the Messiah, the liar, and the Antichrist is the liar, the liar, the liar.” He further says that the Antichrist is a Jewish man who will appear at the end of this Ummah. His name is Dajjal because he will confuse truth with falsehood. (2) The meaning of the word Dajjal is mentioned in Al-Mujam Al-Wasit as follows: Also, the plural of the word antichrist is antichrist. (2) It should also be noted here that one of the meanings of Christ is “a person who travels a lot” (4) and since the Antichrist will travel the whole world spreading his temptation, he is called Christ This is also explained by the explanation of the peoples of the nations:
***** 2 * (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Hisham bin Amir that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Until the Day of Resurrection, there will be no fatwa in Allah's creation (in terms of body) greater than Dajjal. (2) (3) It is narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Hawala that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: went . The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said the same thing three times (and then at the time of my death) The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Do not be afraid of some of the tribulations of the Antichrist and do not be alone with him before you save us and the industry of the tribulation from which the world was small and not large except the tribulation of the Antichrist. I am more at risk of the tribulation among you than the tribulation of the Dajjal. Whoever of the first people was safe from this tribulation is actually safe, and whatever tribulation has appeared in the world to this day, small or large, is the tribulation of the Dajjal. (4) (5) It is narrated from Hazrat Jabir that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Near the Day of Resurrection, some liars will appear and there will be Dajjal among them. The greatest tribulation will be the Antichrist. ”(5) (2), 72
The Great Tribulation from the Creation of Adam to the Day of Resurrection The greatest tribulation on earth is the tribulation of the Antichrist All the Prophets have warned their ummah against the temptation of Dajjal. Wani anzarkumoh and what about the prophet except the people of the nation, but I ask you to say something in it, I did not say that the prophet is a woman, and God is not with her? "I warn you of it, and there has not been a prophet who has frightened his people with it, but I will tell you a new thing about it which no prophet has told his people. It is narrated that Abu Rasool (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: حا حذر أمته ... “O people! Surely there is nothing in the earth greater than the persecution of the antichrist. Where is the Dajjal at this time? A saheeh hadeeth shows that the Dajjal is still present in the world, which Allah Almighty has kept hidden in a deserted island by handcuffs and keeping information of every part of the world through satellite system. The claimants of Dajjal have not been able to find the Dajjal till today, of course this is an open challenge from Allah Almighty for them. Come on On Fatima bint Qais said, “Listen to the preacher of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace.” , (2)
The temptation of the antichrist and the ways to avoid it. I heard him announce that you should gather for prayers. I also went to the mosque and I prayed with the Messenger of Allah. I was in the row behind the people in which there were women. When you prayed, you sat on the pulpit. You were laughing and you said every man is sitting in his place. He said: Do you know why I have gathered you? They said, "Allah and His Messenger know best." He said: I swear by Allah that I did not gather you for the purpose of inciting or frightening you but for the sake of Tamimdari being a Christian he came and he swore allegiance and became Muslim and narrated to me a hadith which This was in accordance with the hadith that I used to tell you about the Dajjal. He said that he was aboard a ship with the men of the Lakhm and Jazm tribesmen so that the waves would play with his boat all month long until his boat landed on an island to the west and then he would embark on a small boat. Kar landed on the island where he found a thick-haired animal whose face was impossible to identify. He asked, "Who is it?" The animal said, "I am a spy." He said, "Whose spy?" He said, "Come to this man, Judi (in a deserted place) and he is eager for your news." Tamim said, "Then we walked fast and entered Dir. There we saw such a big man that we had never seen such a tall man but he was tied up." His hands were tied behind his neck and his feet were tied with strong iron to his ankles. We said, "Who is poor?" He said, "You will get my news. Tell me who you are." People said that we were traveling among the Arabs and in a ship that the sea was flooded which caused our ship to be in waves for a month. We found this animal whose face or back was not known due to its abundance of hair. We asked him, "Who is the poor one?" So he said, I am a spy, you go to the man in this age, he is eager for your news. So we hurried to you, and we consider him a devil. The Antichrist said, Tell me about the oasis of Besan (Syria)? We said do you want any news about it? He said, "What brings ten fruits?" We said yes. He said it was almost not going to bear fruit. Tell me about the sea of Tabari? What 74?
The temptation of the antichrist and ways to avoid it? We said, yes, it is going well. He said, "It is about to dry up." He said, "Tell me about the spring of Zaghar (Syria). Is there any water in it?" And do people cultivate with its water? We said, "Yes, there is water in it and people are cultivating with its water." He said, "Tell me about the Prophet of Arabia." We said that he had migrated from Makkah to Madinah. He said that he had fought with the Arabs. We said yes. He said, then what was the result? We said no, he has prevailed around us. He said, "Has it really happened?" We said, yes! He said that it is better for people to obey him. Be aware of me! I am Christ the Antichrist. Soon I will be allowed to go out and I will conquer the whole earth in forty days. However, Mecca and Medina are forbidden to me. If I turn this way, the angels waving their swords will stop me who will be on guard there. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) struck his stick three times on the pulpit and said: This is Tayyiba (Madinah), this is Tayyiba and he said: The people said: No, it is strange that the hadith of Tamim is the one who agrees with you that you are the one and only from Madinah and Makkah except that it is in the sea of Syria or the sea of Yemen but not before the east what is before the east and what is in the east (He did not tell about Dajjal? People said, why not! Then he said: I like Tamim's talk because I am like the news which I have given to you about Dajjal and Makkah Wamad Bend.) He used to say: Beware! The antichrist is in Syria, in Yadar or in Yemen, but he is towards the east, he is towards the east, he is towards the east. He pointed towards the east with his hand. It is to be noted here that there is an opinion about the existence of the Dajjal that the Dajjal does not exist in the world at this time because the Prophet Mullah said in the last days of his life Time exists. (1) According to the above hadith, since the Dajjal was present at that time, he did not remain after 100 years. Will send it again () (Allah knows best) 75
The Tribulation of the Antichrist and the Ways to Avoid It The following are some of the signs of the appearance of the Antichrist. Appearance of small signs of the Hour: The small signs of the Hour refer to the signs that will appear before the big signs, such as men becoming less and women becoming more and strangers and I become strangers, knowledge rises, ignorance increases, fascism Promoting, people becoming stingy, giving false testimony, abundance of wealth, appearance of false prophets, trust disappearing, alcohol being considered lawful, time approaching, abundance of earthquakes and immorality. Becoming normal and so on. Undoubtedly, the appearance of these small signs will prove that the great signs of the Hour are about to appear and remember that the Antichrist is also one of the great signs of the Hour. Few of the small signs will be a sign that has not appeared until the present time, but whatever you have read and searched for in your time, you will see in front of you. Therefore, Muslims should For the forgiveness of sins, start asking for forgiveness and doing good deeds so that when the antichrist appears then no one's repentance will be accepted. 3 (0) Number of Romans: Increase in: Hazrat Masturad said to Hazrat Amr bin Aas that “Listen to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). That is, the Christians will be the most numerous. Hazrat Amr said: Think and speak. Mustard said: I am saying what I heard from the Messenger of Allah. That is true because Christians have four characteristics: tolerant in times of trouble, quick-witted in times of trouble, and quick to attack again after fleeing. Pancho also has the great virtue of being able to prevent the tyranny of kings more than the people. (1) It should be noted that according to recent statistics, the number of Christians in the world is the highest.
Fatna Dabal and Ways to Prevent It (2) Muslims and Christians to fight an enemy together: When Hazrat Jubair asked Hazrat Dhi Mukhbar about peace, he said: Has heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say: The Christians will fight an enemy other than themselves and how will you go to help you get the booty and be safe The cross will be conquered (a Muslim man will be angry and kill him when he sees me). It is narrated from Hazrat Pir bin Jaber that: Taqoom hati la yaqsim meiraat wala yafrah baghnimah tam qal bidu lahkza wanjaha nahu al-sham faqal ado lahl al-islam Abdullah bin Masood! Resurrection has come. Hazrat Pir (may Allah be pleased with him) says that Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) was reclining. There is no happiness in attaining it. Then, pointing to Syria with his hand, Malik said, "Enemies will gather here against Muslims and Muslims will gather here against their enemies." He said, "Yes. At that time a fierce battle will break out. An army of Muslims will swear allegiance to death and say that we will not return without being defeated. Then we will fight until night falls between them." And both groups (ie Muslims and Ravi will return without victory and the condition will be fulfilled). Between them
The Imam of the Hour will be the tribulation of the Dajjal and the ways to avoid it *** and both groups will go back without victory and the condition will end then (on the third day the Muslims will go out on the condition of death and victory and will fight till evening) Then the two groups will return victorious and then the condition will be fulfilled. Then on the fourth day the rest of the Muslims will move towards the Romans and Allah Almighty defeated the enemy through them and they will fight such a battle that someone like him The bird will pass through their pieces but two centers will fall and will not be able to move beyond their corpses. If a father has a hundred sons then only one of them will be left on his return. On what booty will there be happiness and which inheritance will be distributed? In the door they will hear so much more than that a preacher (ie Satan) will raise his voice that Dajjal has come to your family, so they leave everything there. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: I know their names and the names of their forefathers and the color of their horses. Days will be the best riders on earth. (1) (9) Appearance of the mountain of gold: (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: The Hour will not come until a mountain of gold appears from the river Euphrates, on which people will fight and ninety-nine out of every hundred will be killed while every servant thinks (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abi Bin Ka'b that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: When people hear about it, they will walk towards it and those who are near (the mountain) will say that if we leave it, other people will take it away. He said, "Then people will fight to get this treasure and ninety out of a hundred will be killed." (1) (2)
The temptation of the Antichrist and ways to avoid it. (2) It should be noted that the Euphrates River is in Iraq. Some scholars have referred to the mountain of gold as petrol etc. but their statement is not correct but the mountain of gold refers to the real mountain. Some people say that the acquisition of this treasure will be the cause of the Great War which will take place before the emergence of the Antichrist. (Allah knows best) (9) Conquest of Constantinople: (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Between us and those who know tomorrow, we will say to them, "Muslims do not believe in God, but do not leave us ..." "Resurrection will not take place until Ravi Amaq or Dabq (camp at the place of Syria. An army will come out towards them from Madinah (for the purpose of fighting). When they come to the battle, Ravi They will say: Get away from us and our people who have become ungodly. The Muslims will say: By Allah! They will start and one third of them will turn their backs which you will not accept by Allah Almighty. One third of the people will be martyred. Then they will not be persecuted, and they will conquer Constantinople. Then, when they have stuck their swords to the olive trees and are gathering booty, Satan will shout at them and say: The Messiah (the Antichrist) has come to me. He (Ben Kar) will come back but will be a liar without knowing it. Then when they reach Syria, the Antichrist will come out. نماز ک If they say iqamah, then Hazrat Eesa Maya will come down and lead them. When the enemy of Allah (Dajjal) sees them, they will melt like salt in water. If they leave him as he is, he will die on his own
The tribulation of the Dajjal and the ways to avoid it will be killed by the hand of Aini Band. He said(1) (3) It is narrated from Hazrat Nafi 'ibn Utbah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Then the conquest of Rome will be conquered by Allah. Then the conquest of the Antichrist will be conquered by Allah. Allah will make him victorious, then you will fight Rome and Allah will make him victorious, then you will fight the antichrist and Allah will defeat you He will also conquer it. Then Hazrat Nafi 'said: O Jabir! To the best of our knowledge, the Antichrist will not emerge until Rome is conquered. (1) A study of history reveals that Constantinople was conquered by Sultan Muhammad the Conqueror in 1453, but remember that the Antichrist emerged. Muslims will take it again. This is the implication of the above arguments. (0) The return of the era of swords: The narration which mentions the conquest of Constantinople states that it is not possible for us to capture the spoils of war after the conquest of Constantinople. They will be hanged and they will be distributing the spoils. ”(4) Some scholars have argued that the sword era will return before the Antichrist emerges. In war, all modern weapons will be destroyed and,
This is also supported by the hadith in which it is mentioned that Jesus (sws) will kill the Antichrist with all his six. (2) If there were modern weapons in the time of Dajjal, then surely Jesus (pbuh) would have killed him with this weapon while the hadith is against it. And there will be six. The Place of Revelation of the Antichrist (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Fatima bint Qais that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: Bed to the East »Beware! The Antichrist is not in the sea of Syria or Yemen, but he is the enemy of the East. * There is Anb, it is towards the east. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Balar that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: He will come out of the land which is called Khorasan. He will be followed by nations whose faces will be like white shields. (3) It is narrated from Hazrat Nawas bin Simaan Ma that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: Hazrat Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
The Tribulation of the Antichrist and the Ways to Avoid It. There seems to be some contradiction in these traditions as some say that the antichrist will come from the east. There is no contradiction and the scholars have applied it in such a way that the antichrist will leave the settlement of Isbahan in Khorasan on the east side from Judah and then take the desert area between Syria and Iraq to come towards Hijaz. Thus, the meaning of all the hadiths became clear and the contradiction was also removed. At the time of reappearance, the state of the antichrist will be in a state of extreme anger at the time of reappearance, as narrated by Hazrat Nafi ' What do you think of Ibn Sayyid? I know that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: I met Ibn Umar Ibn Sayyid on a road in Madinah and said something to him which made him angry and he forgot even to fill the whole street. Hazrat Ibn Umar went to Hazrat Hafsa Mullah and he was informed about this so he said. May Allah bless you. What did you want from Ibn Sayyid? Do you not know that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said that the antichrist will come out of anger? (1) The status of Dajjal in the sight of Allah is stated by Hazrat Mughirah bin Shu'bah as follows: I have asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about the current situation. Can hurt? I said people say that with it will be a mountain of bread and a river of water. He said, "Rather, it is easier for Allah Almighty than that." (1)
The temptation of the Dajjal and the ways to avoid it is even easier. The meaning of the Dajjal is that the status of the Dajjal in the sight of Allah Almighty is less than that which Allah Almighty has placed in the power of the Dajjal, that is, the mountain of bread. And the river of water, etc. And some scholars have explained it in such a way that this habit of the Dajjal has no value in the sight of Allah Almighty because Allah Almighty is able to reveal things that are far more than these things. The form and likeness of the antichrist (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He frightened his people. Be aware that it belongs to you and not to your Lord and between his two eyes is written "Kafir". (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: It is narrated on the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that he saw in a dream: His hair was curly, one eye was brown, one eye was swollen like a grape, people said it was Dajjal, his face was very similar to Abdul Aziz bin Qatan. (2) (4) It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: It will happen. Then he spelled it out and said that every Muslim will be able to recite it. ” Whether he is illiterate or ignorant. ”(5) 83 (4)
It is narrated from Hazrat Hudhaifah that the Messenger of Allah The eye will be deaf, it will have thick hair and with it will be paradise and fire. Its fire is in fact paradise and its paradise is in fact fire (7). The antichrist will be blind, he will have a left eye, his eye will be like thick nails, like a bright green star, neither too much injury nor too much. (2) (8) It is narrated from Hazrat Hisham bin Amir that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: And his head will be a little bald from the back. Soon he will say: I am yours. Whoever says this is a liar, you are not our Lord but our Lord Allah, we trust in Him and turn to Him and we seek refuge in Allah from you then there is no power over him. It will work (ie the antichrist will not be able to harm anyone who says so). (2) (9) It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about the Dajjaal: Of course, he will be most similar to Abdul Aziz bin Qatan among the people. (4) (10) It is narrated in a narration that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
The temptation of the antichrist and the ways to avoid it. (2) The Antichrist is a human being. Some modern thinkers have claimed that America is the Antichrist and some have called Israel the Antichrist. However, the fact is that the antichrist will be only a human being, as some of his arguments are as follows: He said, "The people of this nation will intervene for this man in the future. He said, "Go to the man (ie Dajjal) who is late and eager for your news." (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Ibadah bin Samit that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: (3) (3) It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) described the characteristics of the Dajjaal and said: The Almighty showed the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) the Dajjaal not once but twice so that he could guide the people in this regard. It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: The hair on his head was straight and water was dripping from his head (but I looked up). I asked, "Who is this?"
Al-Khalid Sharar Al-Sa'a Fitna Dajjal and Ways to Avoid Them People said that this is the antichrist. His form was very similar to that of Abdul Aziz bin Qatan. (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas Bayan that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He was colored, tall and had curly hair. It seemed as if there was a person from the tribe of Shuna and I also saw Hazrat Isa Alina who was of medium height with medium body, red and white color and straight hair. I also saw the keeper of hell and also the antichrist. May Allah Almighty show me the signs of His power. (Dajjal will be childless) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Saeed Al-Khudri (PBUH) that Ibn Sayyid said to his companions: I do not know what you think of me. I am a Muslim and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has also said: I have narrated some hadiths in which it is explained that the antichrist will have a fringe between his two eyes. Because if it were possible for him, he would have done it in order to mislead people further, but the fact is that it would not be possible for him, but every Muslim could easily read the word B on his forehead, as is the tradition. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
The Dajjal's tribulation and the ways to avoid it The Dajjal will have an apparent Paradise and Hell. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Hudhaifah that the Messenger of Allah There will be one paradise and one hell (and remember that his birth is in fact heaven and his paradise will be hell. ”(2) (2) The one who sees that the fire burns, and the one who sees that the people burn, the one who burns, the fire burns, the one who moves, the one who understands, the one who sees, the one who burns, the one who burns, the one who burns? ” It will actually be cold water and what people think of as cold water will actually be a burning fire. (2) (3) It is narrated from Hazrat Hudhaifah that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: Will come out With it will be the city and the fire. Jones will enter his fire, for which his reward is obligatory, and his sin is forgiven, and whoever enters his city, his sin is obligatory, and his reward is gone. (1) Imam Nawawi Jan has narrated that (“This is a sentence of fitnah, test of Allah by worshiping the truth and invalidating the falsehood, then exposing it and manifesting it to the people).” And in one hand Paradise will be a part of the temptation of Dajjal. Allah will test His servants through it so that they may prove the truth and eradicate falsehood, then Allah will disgrace him Will give and will show its helplessness in front of the people. ”(4)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: It is narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: و الداجال و دابة الأرض) “When the three things appear, it will not be useful for a person who does not believe before him or who has not done any good deeds in the state of faith. The sun would rise from the west, the antichrist would appear and the earth would rise. (2) Fear of Dajjal Ayesha Taro Read Hazrat Ayesha's statement Shortage, O Messenger of Allah! The remembrance of the Antichrist, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: When the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) came to me, I was weeping. He asked, "Why are you weeping?" I said, "O Messenger of Allah, I am weeping. So on behalf of all of you, I will suffice for him, for him, but if he comes out after me, then it is not your Lord's fault. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever hears the antichrist, let him go.” By Allah, when a person comes to him, he should think that he is a believer, but when he sees what has been sent to him in doubt, he will start following him. ”(1) Lashkar (1), 88
The temptation of the Antichrist and ways to prevent it The real army of the Antichrist will be the Jews because he will be one of them. In addition, the nations with wide and fat faces will also join his army and it is possible that the people will be people from China, Japan, Korea and Russia etc. because their faces are like that. Infidels and hypocrites will also join his army and women will be the biggest victims of his sedition. Some of the arguments are as follows. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq Bed that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: There will be many people with him whose faces will be like leather shields (thick and wide. ”(1) It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that (3) The antichrist is only Mecca and Madinah ... Fakhrullah Allah is all infidels and hypocrites. Then the earth of Madinah will shake three times, from which Allah will drive every disbeliever and hypocrite out of it. ”(1) (4) It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Umar that.
He will go to his aunt etc. and will tie them with ropes for fear that they may join the Dajjal. (4) 89 ,,,
The Tribulation of the Antichrist and the Ways to Avoid It * People will climb mountains because of the fear of the Antichrist. He also said a little? "People will go to the mountains for fear of the antichrist. O Messenger of Allah! Where will the Arab Muslims be on this day? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: At that time they will be few in number. (1) The Antichrist will claim the first prophecy. It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Amma that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) instructed us during the sermon that the Antichrist will come out of the desert between Iraq and Syria He will give (therefore) O servant of Allah! Before Akbar there will be a few small antichrists and they will all make false claims of prophethood as the prophet has said: The Hour will not come until the two factions are at war with each other. Here is the antichrist. Every one of them will claim that he is the messenger of Allah. ”(1) Then the antichrist will claim divinity He will claim to be God, and those who are subjected to his temptations and accept him as their Lord, He will send down for them rain from the sky and will bring forth crops and fruits from the earth, so that people may be more steadfast in their obedience and submission. And other people will be forced to think about believing in it. But those of us who are sincere believers will claim that you are a false antichrist, not you.
The temptation to suppress it and the ways to avoid it. On the contrary, those in the heavens believe in Allah Almighty as their Lord and trust in Him. Will not harm (1) It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Abu Amma Bahli that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: There is no prophet after me but he will say: I am your Lord and you will not be able to see your Lord before you die. He will be able to recite it. Whoever among you finds it, let him spit on his face and recite the first verses of Surah Al-Kahf. ”(1) (2) It is narrated from him that We have been narrated that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: He said, "You are a liar. You are not our Lord, but our Lord is Allah. We trusted in Him and turned to Him, and we seek refuge in Allah from you, then He will not be able to control him." No harm in saying that (3) (3) It is narrated by Hazrat Nawas bin Simaan that the Messenger of Allah, while mentioning the antichrist, said: He will come to a people and invite them to believe (in his Lordship) and the people will obey him. The antichrist will command the sky, then it will rain, and if he commands the earth, then the plants will grow. (1) The Dajjal will not be able to enter Makkah and Madinah
The tribulation of the antichrist and ways to avoid it ******* 92 Al-Madinah (2) (2) It is narrated from Abu Bakr that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: On that day, there will be seven gates of Madinah and two angels will be on guard at each gate. (1) After leaving, I will go round every town except Makkah and Madinah for forty nights. Both (Makkah and Madinah are forbidden to me. Whenever I go out with the intention of going to either of them, there will be an angel in front of me holding a sword who will prevent me from entering it and these (both cities) (4) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: The angels are watching over us. Neither the plague nor the Dajjal can come here. ”(4) (5) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Saeed Al-Khudri that one day the Messenger of Allah He also said that the antichrist will come and it will be impossible for him to enter the valleys of Madinah, so he will stay on some shores near Madinah. (5) (6) In another narration it is said, Therefore, the Ahmed Mosque, then the city of Madinah, was built on (2).
The temptation of the antichrist and the ways to avoid it. The antichrist will come out and ascend Mount Uhud and look towards Madinah, then he will ask his companions: Do you see me tomorrow? This is the mosque of Ahmad (ie Muhammad) then he will come towards Madinah then he will find an angel sleeping on every path. (1) The antichrist's whims and fancies have always been the principle of Allah Almighty to test and test His believing servants. The tribulation of Dajjal is also one of these trials and if this tribulation is called the greatest tribulation in the universe then surely it is also lifeless because Allah Almighty must have given Dajjal such strength and power through which he will drive cool winds, rain He will fill the earth for the people and sing the praises of everything. The purpose is to leave no stone unturned to mislead the people and to provide the people with all the means of prosperity except those who obey His command. And they will deny his deity. He will make them suffer from famine, ruin their crops and throw them into the fire in one of his hands which is in fact paradise. That is why the Holy Prophet He said that whoever is in the temptation of Dajjal should prefer his fire. It is also to be remembered here that whatever the Dajjal will do through his power and might, it will be with the permission of Allah, without the permission of Allah Almighty, he will not be able to do anything. (1) It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Mughirah bin Shu'bah that Taksi did not ask as much as I asked the Holy Prophet (saw) about the Dajjal and he told me that what harm will it do to you? قلتُ لأنـه يقم يكولون إن معه جبل خبز و نهر ماء قال: أهون على الله من ذالك 4 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: It is easier for Allaah to do such things. (2) (2) Hazrat Abu Saeed Al-Khudri narrated from him in a narration that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sa
So he will stay on a noisy land near Madinah. Then on that day a believing man will come to him and he will be one of the best of people and will say to him: I bear witness to that which the Messenger of Allah has revealed to us. The Dajjal will say to him, "What do you think? If I kill him and bring him back to life, will you have any doubts about me?" People around him will say no. So he will kill this person and then bring him back to life. I had more insight into your case than before today. The antichrist will want to kill him again but this time he will not be able to kill him. (2) (3) It is narrated from Hazrat Nawas bin Simaan (may Allah be pleased with him) that the remembrance of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. One day in the morning, the Holy Prophet mentioned the Dajjal! To despise him and to organize his sedition, even though I thought that maybe the antichrist has come in the thicket of these trees, then we went to you in the evening and you asked, what is the matter? We said that you were well informed about the antichrist and we thought that maybe he is in this oasis. He said, "Do you fear me more than death and tribulations?" If the antichrist appears in my life, I will be a barrier between him and I will save you from his evil, and if he appears after me, then some of you will be an argument against him and Allah Almighty will make every Muslim But he will be my caliph and guardian. The Dajjal is a young man with curly hair who has one eye full and he will be similar to Abdul Aziz bin Qatan so whoever among you sees the Dajjal should recite the first verses of Surah Al-Kahf. The antichrist will emerge from the desert route between Syria and Iraq and will cause sedition on the right and left. O servants of Allah! Be steadfast The Companions asked how long the Antichrist would stay on earth? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Forty days, of which one day is equal to one year, one day is equal to one month, one day is equal to one week and the rest of the days will be like ordinary days. The companions then asked: O Messenger of Allah! How can we offer prayers on a day that is equal to a year? Will one day's prayers suffice for us? He said no! Rather, you should estimate it. The companions said: O Messenger of Allah! What will it be like to walk? You said, like the rain that 94
The temptation of the antichrist and the ways to avoid it pushes the wind from behind. Then he will go to a people and invite them to disbelief and they will accept this invitation. He will command the heavens and send down easy rain, then He will command the earth, then the earth will grow grain on which their animals will eat. Then the antichrist will come to a people and invite them to disbelief, but if they refuse, then the antichrist will turn away from them and they will suffer from famine and drought until they have some wealth left. There is a canal. The Antichrist will come out on the barren and desolate earth and command it, O earth! Take out your treasures, and the treasures of the earth will be gathered to him as the bees gather to the queen of the hungry. Then the antichrist will call a young man and tear him to pieces, just as something aimed at a target breaks. Then he will call her back alive so that the nine young men can shine and come towards her with a happy face. At the same time, Allah Almighty will send down Jesus (Jesus) dressed in yellow near the White Tower in the city of Damascus to the east. He will place both his hands on the wings of the two angels. When Hazrat Sisi Mada bows her head, she will sweat and when she raises her head, she will not fall like a pearl. The disbeliever to whom Hazrat Eesati will descend will feel the steam of his breath and two will die and the steam of his breath will reach as far as his eyes can see. Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I have always loved Banu Tamim because of three things which I have heard from the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about them: The narrator of the hadith states that once Zakat was received from Banu Tamim, then the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: This is the Zakat of our people. One of the women of the sister's team was in the custody of Hazrat Ayesha Pa when she asked him to set her free. (Jihad against the Antichrist is narrated in a long tradition narrated from Hazrat Nawas bin Simaan Ma that when Isa Aleem will be revealed, his 95
The wind of breath which reaches the disbeliever will die then and They will kill you at the place. Camp near Damascus It is narrated on the authority of Abu Darda 'that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: The city will be located in Ghouta on one side and P city is one of the best cities in Syria. (1) Destruction of Dahli Lashkar (1) It is narrated in a long narration from Hazrat Ibn Mas'ud that the Muslims will fight against the Romans and achieve victory and then they will be distributing the spoils of war. Ga and will say that the antichrist has appeared in their family, then they will sneeze at everything that is in their hands and will turn towards him and will send ten riders to get information. (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Nafi 'bin Aqeba that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: You will fight against the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will make us its victors then you will fight against the Persians and Iranians and Allah is its victor. He will make it, then you will fight against Rome and Allah will make you its conqueror. He said: O Jabir! According to our knowledge, Dahbal will not come out till Rome is conquered. (4) (3) It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Umar that “ .. "Then Allah Almighty will impose the Muslims on the Dajjal and the Muslims will join the Dajjal and his army (1)."
The tribulation of the antichrist and the ways to avoid it, even if a Jew touches a tree or a rock, they will shout and tell the Muslim that this Jew is behind me, kill him ( 1) Trees and stones will indicate the army of Dajjal. It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: O Abdullah! Therefore, the Jewish caliph will not be killed unless he is drowned from the tree of They will also shout and say: O Muslims! O servant of Allah! I am a Jew behind me. I will not tell you about the two trees of Gharqad, because it is the tree of the Jews. "It should be noted that" Gharqad "is the name of a thorny tree. This tree is highly revered by the Jews. The historical cemetery is also called Baqi al-Gharqad for the reason that there were a lot of Gharqad trees at this place. This is why this cemetery was called Baqi al-Gharqad in the time of Prophet (saas). It is narrated on the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Then when Allah (swt) sees them, they will begin to dissolve as salt dissolves in water. Will kill him then they will show him (the Muslims his blood in their spears). ”(2)
The tribulation of the antichrist and the ways to avoid it. It will come out and last for forty days. I don't know if he said forty days or forty months or forty years then Allah Almighty will send Hazrat Isa Ali, his form is that of Urwah bin Masood There will be no enmity between the two men, then Allah Almighty will send a cold wind which will come from Syria, then there will be a city on earth with a mustard seed in its heart. Bad luck or goodness, but this wind will take his life, even if one of you enters the heart of the mountain, this wind will reach there and take his life. Abdullah said: I am the Messenger of Allah I have heard you say that then bad people will be left in the world, they will behave like hasty birds or like fools and beasts. They will not consider their words good or bad. Then Satan will come to them in disguise and say: You are not ashamed. They will say, "Then what do you command us?" Worship the devil. They will ask idols and in spite of that their livelihood will be abundant and they will live happily then the trumpet will be blown. Will be doing He will become unconscious and other people will also become unconscious then Allah Almighty will send water which will be like drops of dew. It will make people's bodies grow. Then the trumpet will be blown and all the people will be standing and watching. Then it will be called: O people! They will come to their master and they will be made to stand, they will be questioned then they will be asked to send an army for hell. How many people will be asked? The order will be to take out nine gold and ninety (9) out of every thousand (ie one out of every thousand will be in Paradise). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: This is the day that will make the children old and this is the day when the shin will be opened. (1) The killing place of the antichrist is in a long tradition that “Fatalba hati yadrka babab lad fiqatla” Hazrat Eesa Alia will find the antichrist and (after a long battle he will kill him at the place of death). It is learned that the place of killing of Dajjal is Maqam-e-Lid
The Tribulation of the Antichrist and the Ways to Avoid It (1) And Imam Ibn Athir Batmatar has narrated that (“Luz Mouza Balsham wa Qil Bafleestin”) “There is a place in Syria and it is also said that there is a place in Palestine. (2) Land But during the period of the Antichrist's existence, the Antichrist will roam the earth for forty days and during this period he will circle the whole earth. The first day of these forty days will be equal to the real year. The reason is that it will be as long as one year. The evidence for this is the following hadith in which the Companions asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) if five prayers of one day would suffice for us on that day. In the same way, the second day will be equal to one month and the third day will be equal to one week and the remaining thirty seven (37) days will be equal to normal days. (1) Hazrat It is narrated on the authority of Nawas ibn Simaan that one day the Messenger of Allah (sws) mentioned the Dajjal and advised him to be steadfast, O servants of Allah. فرمای Forty days of forty days, one day is equal to one year, one day is equal to one month, one day is equal to one week and the rest of the days are like ordinary days. The Companions then asked: O Messenger of Allah! How can we pray in a day that is equal to a year? Will one day's prayers suffice for us? You said no! Rather, you should estimate it. (2) (2) According to the narration of Hazrat Hudhaifah (may Allah be pleased with him), the tribulation of Dajjal will be forty days. (4) The battle against the Dajjal will be the last battle of Ahl-e-Haqq. It is narrated from Imran bin Hussain that the Messenger of Allah
* الجات اشراط الساعة فتنہ دجاجال اور اس سے بچواء # يقاتلون على الحق ظاهرين على من ناواهم حتى يقاتل آخرهم المسيح الداجال
The group will wage jihad against the antichrist. (1) Virtue of those who fought against Dajjal together with Isa Alida It is narrated from Hazrat Sooban that the Messenger of Allah دو Allah Almighty has saved two groups of my ummah from the fire of Hell, one group which will fight against India and the other group which together with Hazrat Eesa bin Maryam will fight against Dajjal. There will be a long story about the antichrist. It is narrated in a long narration from Hazrat Abu Imam that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: O people! The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned his ummah against the antichrist. So I will present an argument before him from every Muslim and if he came out after me then every man will present his own argument and I will leave Allah after me for every Muslim I am He will come out of a rift between Syria and Iraq and will create chaos on the right and left (everywhere). O servants of Allah! O people! Be steadfast, I will describe to you some of its attributes which have not been described by any prophet before me. He will say: I am your Lord, but you will not see your Lord before you die. And the Dajjal is Kana but your Lord is not like that. The word Kafir will be written between his two eyes. Every literate and illiterate believer will be able to read it. If it is a tribulation of the antichrist, then it is