Obscenity from beginning to end. Part (1)



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Islam is a perfect and universal religion which has brought humanity out of the darkness of darkness and given the light of enlightened and pure teachings. 

If you take a look at the pre-Islamic society then clearly.  

But it will be seen how humanity was stuck in the mire of sins and the man who got the title of the noblest of creatures was living in a way worse than the animals.  

In a society afflicted and immersed in sins, the radiance of Islam began to spread its wings and brought man out of the mire of sins and made him subject to the commands of God. 

Islam collectively gave man a way of life by which humanity  The religion of Islam, which has become the prophet of fire, through its teachings, emphasizes and emphasizes the importance of obeying and obeying the commands of Allah Almighty and the things which are forbidden by Allah Almighty.  

Avoiding (avoiding) Islam is the best way for man to avoid sins  He exhorted N to follow the commands of God so that man could enjoy eternal life in the Hereafter.  

Hundreds of such victorious evils had taken root in pre-Islamic society.  

Man trembles on hearing them and the human intellect is amazed to see the imagery of this ignorance



vulgarity !  The pre-Islamic society was engulfed in the most serious sins. 

The sins were innumerable, but among these innumerable sins, there were some serious sins which were apparently very known but in fact hidden inside them.  

Repentance was very dangerous. 

One of the most serious sins was "adultery" which engulfed the majority of the Arab society and the whole Arab society collectively was the cause of this ugliness and wrath of Allah Almighty.  

Then when the pure teachings of Islam did not spread on this earth, Allah Almighty commanded His Beloved to warn the people of the dangers of Gata Hoon and let them walk on the sins.  

Fear the torment of Allah so that the wandering humanity may live in peace and tranquility and walk on the straight path.  

Then come where the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) began to warn the people about the avoidance of this serious sin.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) began to convey the blessed verses of the Holy Book of Allaah to the hearts of the people through his effective teaching  According to the teachings, adultery is one of the major sins which has been strongly condemned in the Qur'an and Hadith and Allah Almighty and His beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh) have repeatedly and strictly avoided this heinous act.  

For the adulterer, the Qur'an and the hadiths have been mentioned in the Shadd-e-Wa'id because this grave sin leads man to the worst torment of Hell and also causes great anger to Allah Almighty and His Beloved Prophet.  

Today's Muslim society 10

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Obscenity!  From beginning to end, a large section of Muslims are fond of the teachings of the people of the West, and the rulers follow the obsolescence and system of Western civilization by putting God behind them, due to which serious sins are rooted in Muslim society.  

It is spreading and the Muslim is fast preparing for hell for himself, oblivious to the torment of the Hereafter.  

What do the hadiths say about this (Muslims) so that the Muslims know that the sin they are fast approaching and which is being considered very light, they do not even know how great this sin is in the sight of Allah Almighty.  

It is a crime and the punishment is inviting to God and it is rapidly leading the Muslims towards this dangerous fire which can be consumed only by imagining the blazing fire with the right heart.  

This magazine has been compiled in the light of Hadith and an attempt has been made to adopt a very general understanding style so that every Muslim can read it easily.  

If I could and try to avoid this sin, it would be very rude not to mention Brother Kabir Maulana Ismatullah Muawiyah Sahib in this magazine, because he was compassionate towards Hindus, while writing this magazine line by line.  

He guided me and pointed out many mistakes and helped me to complete the magazine in all respects.  

He gave me and then added me to the caravan which follows the footsteps of man and I am the man of the Hereafter and nurtures the pleasure of Allah Almighty  By writing the beloved orders of the people 11

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12 r obscenity!  From the beginning to the end, I will bring it before the people so that the Muslims may also get enlightenment and the means of my forgiveness may be created.  

Naeem Ahmad Abrar 2-6 - 6 on Wednesday, Muzaffarabad

Obscenity!  In the light of Atez-e-Naqar-e-Majeed, in the brief introduction, you have read:  He sent different pansars in different periods and some of these prophets have their own dog and revealed scriptures so that these prophets and books sent by Allah can guide humanity and humanity wandering in the darkness of darkness is the light of faith.  

Enlightened by the success of the Hereafter, so in every age the prophets kept coming and preaching in the dog that descended on them and striving for the good of the people.  

Graciously, he sent his beloved Beloved Sardar Al-Anbiya for the guidance of mankind and gave him his most holy book along with his prophethood and prophethood and then after that he announced that no prophet will come now  The book will come from the heavens, so Allah Almighty revealed the teachings of the Holy Prophet and the Holy Quran  He declared humanity to be the standard for the guidance of human beings till the Day of Resurrection.  

Let him accept the commands of the Qur'an from the bottom of his heart and if a person tries to find a way other than these two (the Qur'an and the Holy Prophet) then that person will go astray and his method will be misunderstood.  

The success of a Muslim depends only on following the Prophet of Allah and obeying the commands of the Quran 13

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vulgarity !  From the beginning to the end, this magazine has been compiled in the light of the Holy Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with this in mind.  

Peace comes and man comes towards real success and then more than that it becomes quite easy for the Muslim to avoid the sin which is explained in the Quran.  

Considering the teachings of the Qur'an, first of all we get the light of what he is commanding about the harms of this sin so that every Muslim can save himself from this great sin in the light of Qur'anic teachings.  

Adultery is immoral, and do not approach adultery because it is obscene.  

From this verse we learn that adultery is a great indecency and one should not even approach immorality because because of its proximity a person gets involved in this great sin and angers Allah Almighty.  

Avoid all forms of immorality. 

 وَلَا تَقربرَبُوا الفُواحَشَ مَظِه منرَ مِنهاهُ وَمَا بَططننَ 

And in the interpretation of this verse of the Holy Qur'an, the jurist Abu al-Laith Shamar Qandi writes:  Kanar etc. and they are also included in Zina as it is mentioned in Hadith Sharif that hands also commit Zina and eyes also commit Zina and the jurist further writes that

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S obscenity!  It is directed from beginning to end.  Say to the believers that they should be angry with their opinions and keep them safe from them.  

[Al-Noor: 1.2] Translation:  You should tell Muslim men to lower their gaze and guard their private parts. 

It is a matter of greater cleanliness for them. Surely Allah knows what people do and tell Muslim women that  Keep your eyes down and protect your private parts.  

In this blessed verse, Allah Almighty has commanded men and women to keep their eyes down and to protect their private parts from haraam deeds.  

And what greater sin can there be than to tarnish the honor and dignity of a believer and to tarnish his lineage? 

Allaah says in the Qur'aan who enters the gardens of Paradise.  

And those who sell their preservation, except for their spouses, or their property, their faith, they are not known, except in the most honorable way.  

[Al-Ma'arij: 2, 3, 4]  Such people will enter the gardens of Paradise with honor.  15

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vulgarity !  From the beginning to the end In this blessed verse, Allaah is giving glad tidings of the gardens of Paradise to those who guard their seventy, that is, protect themselves from adultery, and are content with that which Allaah has given them.  

Declared lawful for  And there is another place for such pure people.  

And those who are saved, except those who are married, or those who are not believers, they are not the same, but they are the same as those who are the heirs of those who inherit Paradise.  

They protect their seventies except for their wives and concubines because they are not to be blamed but those who are ashamed of anything else are the transgressors.  

They will inherit Paradise and will live in it forever.  

In these blessed verses, with the glad tidings of Paradise, there is a promise for those who have illicit desires (zina) besides their wives and slaves.  

Therefore, O heedless Muslim, it would be sufficient for you to be safe from the torments of Hell.  

Owners of the upper chambers of Paradise and those who do not invoke Allah with the help of Al-Hurula, kill the soul which is the sanctuary of Allah except with the truth and do not know it ...

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Obscenity from the beginning to the end  And those who do not call on any other god besides Allah (ie do not associate others with Allah in His Divinity, who do not slay unjustly any soul whom Allah has made honorable) and they do not worship women.  

In return you will find the upper chambers of Paradise where they will be greeted with prayers and peace. 

They will abide therein forever.  

Al-Ahzab (2).  

In this blessed verse, Allah Almighty is giving the glad tidings of reward to the pious men and women. 

Praise be to Allah Almighty.  

And those who deserve punishment and those who do not invoke Allah with Allah, the last, and do not kill the soul which is forbidden to Allah except with the truth

  ن ط ومن يفعل ذلك يلق اناما 0 [الفرقان: ۲۸]

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vulgarity !  Translation: And those who do not associate anyone with Allah and Allah has forbidden them, they do not kill him except in truth and do not do evil deeds. 

And whoever commits such an evil deed,  Will be preceded by a sentence.  

Considering this blessed verse, I am quoting this verse that in the sight of Allah Almighty, adultery is as great a crime as polytheism and unjust killing.  

Dear Muslims!  By studying these verses of the Qur'an, you have come to know that this serious and consequent sin has been condemned in various places in the Qur'an and Islam has got rid of this sin.  

It has become clear that if a person saves himself from adultery, then Allah Almighty is promising Paradise to the Muslim as a result and is giving happiness to the hearts with the rewards of Paradise.  

By studying these Qur'anic teachings, the Muslim came to know how avoiding haraam acts like adultery can take a person to great heights and exaltation, and adopting this haraam act plunges man into the abyss of humiliation and indeed human.  

Even the intellect is not ready to accept this act. It is narrated from Hazrat Ja'far ibn Abi Talib that he did not commit adultery even in the time of Jahiliyyah and used to say that when I do not want anyone to violate my honor, I  How can I violate someone else's honor?  

I wish the Muslim thought about adultery became like this.  

Adultery is a sin which is utterly harmful and it deprives man of Islam and pushes him towards the darkness of darkness.  

I fall  And the dangerous fire about which the human heart comes to the mouth after reading, so save yourself from the painful torment of Hell as much as possible.  

Let us now take a tour of Gulshan Hadith so that we know that Nabi 18

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vulgarity !  From the beginning to the present, what are the commandments of the Holy Prophet (saw) saying about the blessed adultery and I pray to Allah Almighty to protect all Muslims including me from this ugly act.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in a long hadeeth that two men took me to the Holy Land at night and we reached a place like an oven which is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: When we looked inside, there were naked men and women inside.  

These are the people who used to commit adultery in this world for which Allah Almighty punished them for this crime.  

[Narrated by al-Bukhari, Zawajar Pas 1, vol. 1] The greatest sin after polytheism was said by the Holy Prophet Maryam  Which is not permissible for him.  

Zawajar, p. 1, vol. 1] In this blessed hadith, after polytheism, adultery is considered as the biggest sin, which indicates the seriousness of adultery. 

If a Muslim reads these ahaadeeth carefully, then the curse of this sin is not far away  Get rid of ordinary Muslim society.  

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:



20 So (such) adulterer and adulterer (both) will be (will be given) half the punishment of this ummah [Zawajar, p.  

It is about adulterers who are married because the main reason why Islam commands marriage for Muslim men and women after they have reached adulthood is that Muslim men and women should not engage in ugly acts like adultery.  

Tradition has it that parents should be married for the first time, because if they become involved in a sin after becoming an adult, then the sin will be on the head of the father as well.

This is the perfection in the pure teachings of Islam.  

That the system of human life he has introduced is the culmination of morality and character, and it is in these distinguished virtues of Islam that provide complete guidance to a human being from birth to death.  

If one reads the limits and problems of marriage in Islam, one is amazed that the teachings of Islam automatically save man from sins.  

Take a look at the lustful society of PKK where there is no arrangement of Islamic marriage due to which the rate of children born from haraam in Europe has reached 5%.  

Do you know that by following which human society can be ideal and the hereafter can be perfect? ​​Alas, alas! 

The testimony of human organs about the queen Rehmat-ul-Alamin Habib Khuda Muhammad Mustafa

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