Problems that Darnestians have failed to understand
Part (1)
Adnan Akhtar, who writes under the pen name of Aaron's daughter, was born in 1956 in Ankara, Turkey.
Has been publishing on political topics. As a thematic author, we have a worldwide reputation for exposing the pool of false claims of evolutionists and for playing a key role in the black nexus between Darwinism and fascism and communism.
All the works of the author have a single purpose. In order to encourage the readers of the Qur'an, and to encourage the readers, it is necessary to expose the weak foundations and distorted views of the religion-hating systems on topics related to basic beliefs such as the existence and oneness of Allah and the afterlife. ۔
Step: 2
Most of his more than 300 books have been translated into 63 different languages, proving that the author is read worldwide.
In a sense, by the grace of God, through the books of Aaron, people will have peace, justice, and happiness in the 21st century, just as God has promis10 Addressing the Readers A special chapter is devoted to the elimination of the theory of evolution.
For over a century and a half, Darwinism has been denying the reality of creation and denying the existence of God, playing an important role in turning people away from their beliefs and creating doubts in their hearts about beliefs.
In a way, this theory represents evolution. Therefore, it is an important duty of the people to understand that being vigilant is a deception, and to protect oneself from its reach. Only a few of our readers have the opportunity to read one of our books, so we think it would be appropriate to leave out one chapter in each book on the theory of evolution.
In all of the author's books, issues related to faith are explained in the light of Qur'anic verses, and people are invited to live their lives according to the words of Allah and according to them.
All the topics related to the verses of Allah are explained in such a way that there is no room for doubts or questions in the hearts and minds of the readers. But the use of sincerity, simplicity and cheerful writing style ensures that anyone of any age, belonging to any school of thought, can easily understand these books.
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Impressive and clear statement makes it possible to read books in one sitting even as they reject spirituality from the shoe, are influenced by the facts that are presented in these books, and the text of these books. Can't deny the truth of This book by Aaron Key and all the other books are read and discussed individually or in a group. Provide feedback and experiences related to books.
In addition, it is a great service to Islam that people help in printing and show interest in making these books widely available. Because these dogs are written for the pleasure of Allah.
Thus all the books of the author are full of conviction, in this sense the best way to spread the raw religion to others is to encourage and encourage people to read these books. It is hoped that the reader will also read the last pages of the author's and other books in particular, which are related to his valuable source material faith which refutes the theory of evolution.
All of these books are enjoyable, instructive, and admirable in every way. Unlike some of these books, you will not find the author's personal opinion anywhere, and the explanations are not based on unreliable sources. Avoid unnecessary frivolous discussions, which create suspicion in the mind and deviation in the heart.
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About the Author Adnan Akhtar, the author writes under the pen name Baron Betty, was born in 1956 in Ankara.
After completing his primary and secondary education in Ankara, he studied arts at the Mamaristan University in Istanbul and philosophy at Istanbul University. He has published several books on politics, science and religion since the 1980's.
As author, Aaron Betty has a worldwide reputation for exposing evolutionists' false claims and for playing a key role in the black nexus between fascism, communism and Darwinism.
Baron Betty's work has been translated into 63 different world languages. It has a total of 55,000 pages and 40,000 illustrations. His pen name is in memory of two holy prophets who fought against atheism.
The seal of the Prophet on the cover of books is an indication that the text of his books is connected with the determination of the Prophet.
It represents the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They keep the seal of the last prophet, who has the most intelligent and perfect morals, as a sign of determination.
Step: 5
Problems in Understanding ......
Fulfilling the Last Sermon of the Messenger of Allah, with firm determination.
All of Aaron's daughter's works have a single purpose; publicity denial Encouraging Qur'anic readers to understand the basic issues of faith, the existence of God and the oneness of God, the afterlife, and the weak foundations of the dualistic systems and their perversions It is to expose the existing ideas.
Aaron Key is read in many countries, from India to America, from England, to Indonesia, from Poland to Bosnia, and from Spain to Brazil, from Malaysia to Italy, from France to Bulgaria and Russia, some of his dogs are:
Available in languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Peruvian, Urdu, Arabic, Lebanese, Chinese, Swahili, Hasa, Vuhi Yehi, Ravi, Sir Bokrot (Bosnian), Polish, Malay, Upper, Turkish, Indonesian, Bengali, Danish and Swedish. Etc.
He is appreciated all over the world. These books have been a great resource for many people to re-believe in Allah and to gain mature vision in their belief.
There are .
Everyone who reads them takes these books seriously, and most readers will not be able to support atheism or any of the distorted ideas or philosophies, because these books produce results in order to be effective quickly.
And has the ability to evoke undeniable abilities, even if the reading process is continued, they also create an emotional insistence, because they are dogs, repeating the doctrinal ideas from their foundations.
Uproots All contemporary denial movements are now ideologically defeated. Thank God Haroon Betty's books are doing the most important work in this field. Of course, this is a result of the Qur'an's intelligence and clarity. Author Simply IntendedIntende
Step: 6
Problems in understanding ...
Fulfilling the last sermon of the Messenger of Allah, with firm determination.
All of Aaron P.'s work has a single purpose - to spread the idea of encouraging Qur'anic readers to understand the basic issues of faith, the existence of God and the oneness of God, the afterlife, and the weak foundations of green systems and their perversions.
Ideas have to be exposed.
Harooni is read in a number of countries, from India to the United States, from England, to Indonesia, from Poland to Bosnia, and from Spain to Brazil, from Malaysia to Italy, from France to Bulgaria and Russia.
Available in: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Peruvian, Urdu, Iraqi, Albanian, Chinese, Swahili, Basa, Dhyu, Ravi, Sir Bokrot (Bosnian), Polish, Malay, Upper, Turkish, Indonesian, Bengali, Danton and Swedish. Etc. He is appreciated all over the world.
These books have been an excellent resource for many people to re-believe in Allah and to achieve mature theories in their belief.
Are Everyone who reads them takes these books seriously, and most readers will not be able to support atheism or any of the distorted ideas or philosophies, because these books are rapidly gaining traction, producing significant results.
Daughter, if the reading process is continued, they also create an emotional insistence, because these books are based on the doctrinal ideas from their foundations.
Uproots All contemporary denial movements are now ideologically defeated. Thank God Haroon Betty's books are doing the most important work in this field. Of course, one of my results is the intelligence and clarity of the Qur'an. The author simply intends
Step: 7
Problems which they understand ... serve as a purpose for humanity in pursuit of the straight path of Allah.
There is no financial benefit in publishing these books.
Those who encourage others to read, open these books, open their minds and hearts and guide them to be more self-sacrificing servants of Allah, as if they are doing an excellent service in the way of Allah.
In the meantime, there will be a lot of time and energy, and if you promote other books that create confusion in people's minds, they will lead you to ideological differences (in writing) and to those who clearly do not have any strong and comprehensive effects.
What will they be able to confirm the suspicions in the hearts of the people from such past experiences? It becomes impossible for books to have an effect on the reader, while arranging books in such a way as to emphasize the author's literary prowess,
rather than have a higher purpose in mind to keep people safe from losing faith. This higher purpose has a greater effect on the firmness of the faith. Those who doubt it can see that the purpose of Aaron's books is to overcome unbelief and to bring good thoughts. Success and application are evident in the readers' beliefs.
One thing to keep in mind is that the main reason for large numbers of people to tolerate oppression, evil and other horrific events is the spread of superstitious ideologies. All these evils of society can be eradicated by the defeat of the ideology of unbelief.
When we bring the wonders of God's creation, and the Qur'anic moral values and scientific revelations to the people, people can live a happy and peaceful life by following these teachings.
If we consider the current state of the world, we see that These conditions are taking the world into a deep whirlpool of violence, disorder and strife.
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Problems which must be presented to all humanity in order to understand them, otherwise it will be a matter of time.
The books of Baron Betty are playing an important role in this endeavor. By the grace of Allah, these books will be an important resource through which the people of the 9th century will be able to attain peace, justice and happiness as promised in the Qur'an.
Thus the author has written more than 3 books. Most of these books are available in English and other languages. He can be contacted on PDL for details. 15
Step: 9
Problems which are not easy to understand.
So save us from the torment of Hell. (Surat al-Imran, 191) Allah, the Ruler of all the worlds, instructs His obedient servants to give thanks to Him for what He has created.
One of the main reasons is that there is martyrdom Seeing these evidences of existence and of His mighty creation in the earth and in the heavens and in all that He has created, the believers are drawn closer to Allah.
He who believes in Almighty God sees his power and greatness in a flower bud, in every single cell he observes under a microscope, a magnificent tree that spreads its branches towards the sky.
Inside the fruit-pack, in its outer folds, in the beasts, or in a single seed.
Because Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, has created all things and His power is created in every moment, on the easy. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. The details they observe or the information they get or to some extent
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Problems that, until they are understood, prevent them from doing so.
The reason is usually related to their ignorance of the existence of Allah.
Some of them are geneticists and scientists, some are DNA explorers, ninja Nobel laureates, and some have discovered the orbits of other planets and performed numerous calculations and studies.
Others that reach and identify the innermost layer of each are the green particles that are visible to the naked eye.
And there are other botanists who know that a single cumin seed can travel several kilometers, fertilizing other plants belonging to the same species.
Others are aware that each of the cells sent by the human being represents a miracle.
The perfection is in their own bodies, in animals, in plants and in all other beings, ie in the leaves, around the young, constantly being brought before their eyes.
Yet even those who read, write, examine and know well do not consider the greatness of Allah.
If they give the impression that their intricate systems of prowess and more amazing structures are in power, they see the existence and glory of God.
In doing so, they appreciate God's creative work and His creations. Of wonderful works. By pursuing very simple and trivial goals, they realized the need to live for God.
They could see the absolute existence and supreme power of Allah everywhere and, willingly or unwillingly, that they were living with the speeches that Allah had ordained for them.
It explains why people who consider themselves superior to arrogance and insist that all living beings were not created by Allah, and ignore the life for the sake of Allah and those who persist.
Satisfying Yourself, Believing and Surviving the Life of this World
Step: 11
The only way for those who prefer to understand the issues, to be thankful without being busy thanking God, is to ignore the facts.
About disobedience in the presence of Allah. Darwinists who have committed the greatest deception in the history of science are unique examples of such people.
The purpose of this book is to express the problems that Darwinisits are unable to comprehend. In this sense, they declare war on the reality of creation.
Coincidentally, those who offer such an idea simply to deny the existence of Allah.
They have no remorse for their conscience, for maintaining these unconscious and irregular events is the source of the manifestation of nature which produces consciousness, understanding, discipline, intelligence and beauty.
This book presents the problems that Darwinists either ignore with great carelessness or claim that the theory of evolution fully explains the problems, even though this explanation is given without going into details.
This book reveals how the eyes of the bereaved are in fact without proof, apart from the fact that its mothers and all walks of life are helpless.
Their deception and deception was Ingra.
Under the leadership of Darwinists who prevented others from expressing their remorse and exhorted them to believe that there is a straightforward explanation for life on earth but through the existence of God through books, books and videos.
The evidence that emerges is that most people are aware of Darussalam's deception, and they now know that coincidence is not justified.
And they have understood the balance and equilibrium in the universe, and have begun to discover the perfection and complex conditions of their own existence.
They also know that the lives they lead are absolute
Step: 12
Problems in understanding ... Not as simple as Darwinists suggest. Now it is Darwinists who are the only ones who fail to understand these issues.
Darwinists can't even explain one of them. It is important to note that Darwinism is losing its effectiveness.
Darwinists fail to understand. Considering this, you see, the things that Dartist scientists and other evolutionary theorists, who have been deceiving the whole world over the last century, have come to understand.
Those who did nothing in the light of scientific evidence, but only with false evidence and forgery.
Influenced by stereotypes, he mocked the power and logic of the people for a hundred and fifty years.
Whoever encounters the reality of Allah, the Lord of all of us, has created everything in the heavens and the earth in a single moment, by a single command.
Darwinists close their eyes and refuse to express gratitude. It is impossible for them to give an account of all these innumerable facts unless Allah so wills.
The glorious works of Allah continue Reality in a more powerful way with each passing day. Allah is mighty and powerful, the owner of all things and the perfect creator of them all.
The verse is presented: This is Allah, your Lord, there is no deity except Him, the Creator of all things, worship Him, and He is the Guardian over all things. (Surat al-An'am, 102) The verse is presented: To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth.
Step: 13
Problems in understanding ... The one with virtues, and as many trees as there are pens in the earth and the sea, its ink is behind it, seven seas, not all the words of Allah, surely Allah is Mighty, the Ruler.
(Surat al-Luqman, 26, 27) Saeed Nari says about the glorious creation of Allah.
What can you do to get rid of the real unanswered reggae!
* Darwinists are waiting for a miracle.
The evolutionary record still has a weird style, and the irony is that, as we have, there are only a few examples of evolutionary change compared to Darwin's time.
In the distant record of, as in the evolution of horses in North America, were changed or abandoned, for the sake of more detailed information.
What appears to be a much simpler change is that while relatively few numbers were available, it now appears to be a little more complex and less gradual.
David Raup, an evolutionist archaeologist at the University of Chicago, expressed the view that the theory of evolution had developed in 1859 in a very dangerous environment, with the claim that the public had never heard of it before.
It was assumed that all living beings evolved from each other as a result of completely irregular natural phenomena without the intervention of any divine intelligence.
Charles Darwin, in his book The Origin of Species, wrote in 1859, presenting the important point of his theory that living things are able to grow in other living species. 20 of useless