Problems that Darnestians have failed to understand par2)


 Problems that I tried to understand in opposition to the fact that living beings are actually created by the perfect power of Allah.




In a scientifically oriented environment that prevailed in the 19th century, Darwin had no absolute evidence to support his claim.  

He did not use any scientific test to support his hypothesis.  

The most important source of evidence that he believed would support his hypothesis was the fossil record that could provide the slightest piece of evidence in support of it.  

That is why Darwin clearly insisted that his hypothesis would be substantiated in the future by scientific discoveries.


Hee expected a miracle, such a miracle, that he thought it would somehow prove that evolution had actually taken place.  In Darwin's day, the science of reproduction and DNA were unknown. 

At that time, there were very few distant records, and technology was so advanced that it could not give any opportunity to investigate fossils or living things.  

In anatomy  Darwin was expecting a major discovery that could provide evidence of a claim that Darwin was still waiting for.  

Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online.  

Scientific advances in detail explain the complexities and structures in living things and the previously unknown molecular systems  Darwinists will have to face all of these on Earth. 

In addition, Fossil Records has not been able to provide a single example of the forms of semi-grown life. 

 Whose theory of evolution has predicted. 


In fact, the record shows that whatever happened in the past and what was described as a transitional form, they are still alive in the present time or without any change.  

Evolution in Eyes The answer to any question is blogspot.



 issues that could not be understood ... questions that have arisen since the time of Darwin, there is absolutely no evidence to support it.  

The search for a miracle that Darwin started is still going on today.  During all this time, however, not a single development or discovery has taken place in support of this theory of evolution.  

On the contrary, there is ample evidence to support this view.  

However, they refuse to compromise on their adventures.  

There have been written questions over time that evolutionists need to answer.  

How very complex with complexities and unusual life forms.  

Evolutionists argue that they evolved from one another, all in this way.  

How the fabricated mechanics and the evolution of Miss Evolution are so effective that no explanation can be given by either side or how they have created life without an object, or how one genre can emerge completely different from another.  

In style  Darwin's vision could not cope with the formation of a single protein in living things.  

Contemporary Darwinists, whose hopes have been shattered over the years, still hold fast to their ultimate and essential beliefs and are not interested in topics that they cannot explain.  

Powerful features of many creatures, all of them came from Luck.  

When asked who was the one who brought this Luck.  

So they say "coincidence.  

As a result, they equate coincidence with God (may God forgive us). 

They think that the wonderful and shocking life we ​​see is a miracle, yes, but it is only brought about by coincidence.  

They think that coincidence is the only power that created www.iqbalkal  2 issues that I have .....


Problems to Understand ..... 

Stunning, Attractive Butterflies, Leopards, Cats, Penguins, Elephants, Y, Strawberry Different Colors, Rays, Flowers of All Kinds, Beautiful Forests and Humans that Think  Are, and understand and possess flawless molecular structure in the owner.  

In fact, instead of sitting down with a single God, any rational person can understand that there is intelligence even in a single living cell, and that intelligence can never be explained in terms of unconscious methods of action.  

I. Darwinists insist that the wonderful and wonderful forms of life we ​​see are the product of the blind coincidences we find, regardless of luck.  

Coincidentally, they claim that genetic changes that produce butterflies, lions, birds, penguins, elephants, straberries, leopards, violet rays, roses, the lovely forest and the human beings that are, see.  

They make and understand and keep their flawless interpretation of limb structures.

 Their purpose is not to attribute the creation on earth to Allah.  

They are aware of truly intelligent miracles, in the form of every life they observe, but they dislike accepting that they are all miracles of Allah.  

Because they make a god out of their own denial and accept their role as servants of Allah they close their eyes to these open miracles and indicate that the random event that deprives any consciousness  From, restricted and purposeful intervention builds creative power.  

Their purpose here is to reduce the horrible consequences that result if God really exists.  

Certainly Allah is far ahead of this, and to keep people away from threatening conceptions, of eternal life, of the afterlife and of the day of reckoning.  

For no logical person can admit because consciousness is present every moment at every point 2 ologspot.

com 3 problems to understand .....


Problems in Understanding ....... 

The Cell of the Living Cell and yet Darwinist believes that these were all inextricable as a result of unconscious methods of action.

Fardan cannot find the claims logical.  

If they had not gone through the propaganda of the Darwinists, they would have found the sky to be convinced that a force has been created to bring life to the earth.  

They declare that there is a consciousness that manifests itself in the behavior of living beings, in their lives and in their bodies.  ۔  

However, Darwinist propaganda keeps the truth from childhood to elementary school.  

The only alternative to the irrational and scientifically ineffectiveness of the theory of evolution that they have is the question they get from their textbooks and the relevant azan if the students are reprimanded.  

Even theories that deviate from evolution, if they are deprived of any means of conducting detailed research alternatives, if they encounter Darwinian propaganda on the one hand at every turn, and if the evolutionary dog ​​is stopped.  

The members of a magical society are just like the Darwinists.  

MediaDarwinists gain a monopoly to spread completely irrational and fictitious things about evolution. 

They maintain that coincidence is the beginning of everything they cannot explain and since there are so many things.  

The ones that compel me to explain, they say, the best and most inspiring solution is not to observe them.  

They do not even think that they are deceiving themselves and the people around them but the effects of this deception do not last long.  

Expressing on the things that have been created 3 www.iqbalkal 4 issues that are difficult to understand ...


Problems in understanding ... 

In the heavens and the earth. 

If people are able to see and believe in the mighty deeds of our God when they express their impressions on them and give thanks for it, which is more  Expands their position and strengthens in me their belief in the nearness of our Almighty Creator and strengthens the belief in the Hereafter. 

Such people see, there is skill and intelligence in everything they do research.  

Are, and understand better, the great intelligence, power, and workmanship of our Lord.  

It is easy to fall into the trap of irrational, baseless rationalist ideology and its propaganda for a society that is oblivious to a single thought.  

In the possession of Allah, Allah, who deserves all the praises, is the owner, the mighty and the great.  

Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, and in the ships which carry ships in the sea, in the work of the people, and in the water which Allah has sent down from the sky, then burns or the earth.  

There are signs in it for the wise. 

”(Surat al-Baqara, 2: 2)  164) Problems that Darwinists are unable to understand. 

Thus, if your mind is left in a daze, then in Hamaat you think that making a powerful word (for example, a bee, a small list of several objects, and  Writing in one page (e.g., one person) about several issues in this book of the universe, and including everything in one point (e.g., the program of the mighty fig tree in the middle of a small fig tree, and presenting.  

In a single letter (e.g., the human heart) all the higher levels or problems that are understood ..... the claim that life was once an injury, suddenly, from inanimate objects, dar tests.  

Also city 4 5 ...  .  .  .  .


The problems that come to mind ... 

The works of the divine bodies that appear in the pages of the universe that are covered, and placed in the word of human memory, which exists in a place whose size is like a grain of lentils.  

There is enough detail to fill in and then add a detailed list of all the events in the universe with this fist to include me and all these things have to be done very carefully a stamp is very special.  

The glorious creation of the Creator of all things is the necklace of the whole universe.  

Darwinists do not even understand the impossibility of molecular evolution. 

Darcists do not even know how to make this claim, while mutations improve living things. 

Adorn them with new body parts and create  Let's do different features in them.  

However, it is politically irrational to think that an earthquake can improve a modern city, in fact no useful change or increase in genetic information can ever happen.  

(No matter how many mutations there may be, they cannot cause any kind of evolution in living things, but in me mutations are harmful sabotage in every way (Pierra-paule Grasse, evolutionist, French).  

According to the former president of the Academy of Sciences, Darwinists cannot explain why an enzyme called lysozyme in tears can destroy the cell walls of many species of bacteria and kill germs. 

Lysozyme is more effective in counteracting the ill effects of antibiotics used in house cleaning, yet it does not harm the eyes themselves.  

Lysozyme is a great reward that Allah has created for all human beings in tears.  

As an important discovery was taken in explaining the beginning of life 5 www.iqbalkalı 6

Step: 7

Problems in Understanding ....... 

The claim that life was once an injury, suddenly, from inanimate objects, Dar Notes doesn't even remember that in the 19th century since Louis Pasteur proved his dissertation that life  It only comes from life. 

It was demolished on political grounds. 

By saying this idea, not all inanimate objects can produce life.  

Not all Darwinists are aware that the hypothalamus in the human body, which is no larger than a tiny drop of sugar, requires a set of times for the human reproductive glands to produce as well as secrete growth hormones.  

At that very moment, no one can blindly agree with the justification for this piece of tissue (Hypolhalamus) which is not like a sensitive organ that is like a brain of its own.  

And always ready for the desired physical changes.  

Darwinists never know that functions function in the human body, but with the help of enzymes that match the speed and time, and enzymes that are made from unconscious molecules, they do not learn their functions by themselves.  

Darwinists would never know if a check is impossible to express. 

By copying a text, the tide retains the letters at a very slow rate, without interruption.  

Copy, do your job without making any mistakes.  

The egg is another proof of the existence of Allah.  

Human DNA is like a computer program, but many times better and more competitive than any other software we have ever created.  

Microsoft President Bill Gates said.  

Darwinists claim that scientific experiments suggest that life may begin with a sudden chemical reaction, but they also do not acknowledge that there is not a single experiment that explains this, or that,  Moreover, science proves that it was impossible even on a theoretical level.  

Dar Tests Never Recognized 6 blogspot.

com 7 Problems That Understand ...


Problems that I don't understand ... that Stanley Miller - who performed an experiment called Miller - which he presents as an important discovery in explaining the beginning of life  Under the apparent conditions that the early terrestrial environment had nothing to do with the actual environment, nor did they know that Miller was able to create just one aminoacid and the emergence of aminoacids during interaction in any form, even with difficulty, of life.  

Origin cannot be interpreted. 

Darwinists never know that there are many remarkably complex mechanisms in the structure of a single cell.  

Many different proteins, the DNA code enzymes that translate it, with cell membrane permeability and many other properties - all have to appear at once.  

They claim that chemical evolution has never been scientifically impossible, but the two continue to do the same thing - believing in the impossible. 

Darwinists acknowledge that DNA contains all the information  K, which are related to an organic body.  

He acknowledges that a large molecule is made up of a series of four different components known as the Absor Basos.  

And these four Bases_ consist of an alphabet with only four letters containing maps for all the organic molecules from which the body is made.  

They claim that the Mia components are not randomly arranged, but contain specific information in a line, and that this information is further subdivided into Genes, and that Coded, Gene is with different details (e.g.  

The regulation of insulin, the hormone that carries blood sugar into cells).  

However, they do not acknowledge the fact that this tremendous encyclopedia of information, in a tiny molecule, completely destroys the coincidental evolutionary claims of Dar-Tests ... 

Darwinists never considered it impossible for a serotonin  www.iqbalkal 30 Problems to Understand ...


Problems in understanding ...  

Each chromosome in the center contains the genes that hold all the information about a human being.  

DAR tests never understand that all the organs in the human body are absent in accordance with the genetic map that is present in each cell. 

For example, the skin is under control.  

The salivary gland is under control for 186 fetuses, the heart for 6,216 fetuses, the chest for 4,001 fetuses, and the lungs for 11,581 fetuses.  

Dar tests never grow taller. 

Of the more than 200 aminoacids found in nature, 20 are made up of proteins, and they cannot explain this intelligent choice.  

Darwinists never know how forms derived from proteins are essential for life, they are primarily determined by the chain of aminoacids that make up these proteins.  

If I fail to make a bond, then the protein loses all its functions.  

Aminoacids that make proteins are bound to their placenta each time.  

Darwinists have never understood that in order for a protein to be produced, it must have access to molecular features such as DNA.  

The process of protein separation, which is run by RNA, from the enzyme's polymerase, during which a special enzyme keeps any differences, pressing both ends of the helix under control, as well as other special, helixes enzymes themselves.  

This method has a purpose in each round of the mill that encloses a large number of enzymes.  29 blogspot.

com 31 Problems that are easy to understand


Problems in Understanding ...... 

Darwinists never think that it is impossible for one protein to emerge suddenly from muddy water and other proteins to follow in its footsteps, and for them to merge and  The first living cell to die is in the impossible.  

It is a pity that we are satisfied with only a few solid facts, whenever we encounter the beginning of life.  

Even if we have a limited understanding of when and where life first appeared on earth, we are still unaware of how the first way of life was developed and how it happened in the absence of life.  

How did a chemical come together or did we come together and transform into a first living cell?  

Even Darwinists do not understand that a "letter" incorrectly coded into a circle of DNA can lead to dangerous consequences.  

Therefore it is possible to calculate such coding in terms of coincidences.  

Even if we consider an environment in which all the essential nucleotides are present and how all the complex molecules and the enzymes attached to them are needed to form bonds with each other, these nucleotides are different.  

If the members meet in the desired order in terms of 1: 10900, then in mathematical terms the bell seems impossible.  

As science has shown that this is impossible, what could happen to a single gene in a drug genus that contributes to the structure of DNA?  

Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys ...........  

Darwinists never understand that their energy-producing departments, along with DNA, are factories, enzymes and hormones that are essential for life. 

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