Part (12)
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Problems that are difficult to understand ... There is no such thing as a fossil that shows that such a method has hardly ever happened.
This deprivation of fossil evidence is so comprehensive that dartists do not even have a single specimen of a medium-sized fossil in the spacing record.
That were created.
This deprivation of evidence has given Darwinists the impression that imaginary fossils do exist. Since they cannot present any real evidence, Darwinists resort to this instead of deceiving the people. Build by drawing a model or a shape of life, based on a few pieces of bone.
During this completely one-sided procedure, various bone-related discoveries are interpreted by a completely twisted method of ant.
For example, the whole family in the form of a life is rebuilt, and its social life is presented in great detail.
The texture, however, can sometimes be that the base is nothing more than a single molartooth or arm bone.
What emerges from this is entirely the result of the artisan's workmanship, which does not make any new evidence absolute.
All monkeys The ones that are presented in the media have been rebuilt all the time.
Using the same style of bone fragments, different artisans come to the fore with completely different life forms, because just looking at the bone fragments doesn't make it clear that The soft tissues of a life form were like what.
In fact, the bone fragments that evolutionists acquired were usually not separate from the bones of the face, part of a phrase or a single bone, and some
Problems in understanding ... At times, there was only one tooth.
Nebraska Man, his family, and his life were all rebuilt, based on the discovery of exactly one tooth.
The tooth in question is called Nebraska Man's, but there was no evidence to show the distinctive features of one's life form.
Shortly afterwards, however, it became clear that the tooth in question was indeed that of a wild boar.
This imagery, like that of an imaginary human being, had taken its place, along with all the other evolutionary deceptions.
This is an important example of the kind of deception that Darwinists used to do in their reconstruction, drawing and modeling methods that the evolutionist interpreted exactly as they wanted to give.
Meadows are reconstructed, have no scientific stability, and do not contribute to evolution in the form of evidence.
They are all imaginary things that are shown in the form of golden dreams so that people believe that half monkeys, half human beings once lived.
No matter how much Darwinists try to mislead people with reconstruction, they have no evidence to support the rationale for evolution.
Meaningless reconstruction may have affected the eyelid once but most people now understand that the Ape-Men who have been told in newspapers and magazines are nothing but fabricated stories.
Now people have. There is plausible information on this subject, and all the answers are in denial of the claims of evolutionists.
They know that the Ape-men under discussion did not even exist.
They know that humans, like all other living things, have never evolved, and that the sketches they see are scientifically superfluous.
They can now see all the methods of deception that evolutionists have used. Were useless 132
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Problems to Understand .. * Dar Tests Try to Use Some Similar Features Found Between Monkeys and Humans Another way that Darwinists use is to mislead the eyelid, that is to use Some of the similarities that are found between monkeys and humans, and especially the mental movements that monkeys offer.
Based on the expressions of the intelligent behavior of monkeys, Darwinists come up with the simple assumption that if they were to be developed and shaved and fed well, they could easily become human beings. "
They then begin to dream about the mysterious testimonies and scenes.
In fact, they know that there are vast differences between monkeys and humans in terms of anatomy, yet the thought takes them far from reality.
They believe in what they want, and instead of thinking about facts and scientific discoveries, they decide to cheat accordingly.
Pointing out the similarities between monkeys and humans can affect anyone with very little information, biology, genetics, and anatomy.
Darwinists tell evolutionary myths about the ape's appearance, facial features, mannerisms, and general appearance.
The main weapon of Darwinism, which fails, is to portray the complex structures of living beings, bringing to mind the so-called Ancesters, the so-called human apes.
And they only offer simple explanations in their arguments.
But the differences between humans and monkeys are so deep that they can never be ignored.
In addition, there are many differences in the interpretation of organs 133
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Problems that are not much different from dogs and horses in terms of understanding ... and the ability to learn in terms of genes.
No matter how much training is given to them and no matter how long they are, they still cannot be compared to human beings.
With proper and proper training, they can distinguish between the colors and shapes of objects and also express intellectual rhythms, yet millions of such verses do not allow them to be famous enough for their intelligence.
Have they ever been transformed into sentient beings?
Later, Bait Tota, for example, can distinguish between squares and circles.
Can distinguish between red and blue colors.
And can place items in order, according to the instructions.
In addition, parrots, unlike monkeys, are able to mimic the sounds of monkeys talking.
That being the case, there is very little chance.
In order to support this impossible scenario, Darnists must also present numerous false and misleading evidence.
But we rational people want to see the facts as a result of research and scientific investigation.
What science reveals is that human beings were created with their complexities, characteristics and abilities in a single moment without anything.
Almighty Allah confirms this in the following verses.
And We made man from a drop of clay, then We made him a drop of water in a clot, then We made the clot into a clot of congealed blood, then We made a clot of flesh from this clot.
Make bones from this herb, put them on again or put meat on these bones, then stand up and make it in a new form.
(Surat al-Muminun, 14-12) 134
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Problems that are solved ....... why does evolution support the claim of so many pro-dartists to deceive the most famous people, which is probably one of their biggest mistakes?
Is the majority Darnestists point out that their theory is true, while maintaining that the vast majority of scientists, as a whole, support evolution.
Arda Denkel, a professor of philosophy and evolutionary scientist affiliated with the Bogazici University in Istanbul, establishes the baseless fallacy of false doctrine, stating that because most people accept it.
What is, therefore, must be the theory of evolution.
Does the fact that a large number of important individuals and organizations support evolution prove the theory of evolution to be true?
Or will this idea be confirmed by the judiciary?
The concept of evolution is supported by all the respected Turkish scientists, the presidents of TUBA, and the university rectors and Dennis from TUBITAK (state scientific institutes).
It is indeed a great thing to have the support of these esteemed personalities.
I would dislike a historical event or medicine here.
Didn't Galileo clearly defend the truth against all the claims of time, lawyers and, especially, the scientists of his time?
Do other cases not see such scenes in the trial courts?
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Problems in understanding ... Supported by respected and high-ranking people, there is no such thing as revealing the truth, and it is not directly related to scientific truth.
The fact that Darwinism was once recognized by the majority of important figures, without analyzing what was said to them and without questioning the superficial description of evolution that was presented to them, He said that anyone who does not believe in evolution does not have a scientific mind.
Why a large number of people believe in an ideology. Or appears to be doing so.
This has nothing to do with its scientific rationality.
Although evolution is known but does not hold any scientific rationality, it is still held by many of its proponents, who have absolutely theoretical justifications.
Today, the theory of evolution has not been accepted by the entire scientific world.
Only a few conservative scientists support evolution, not the entire science community.
People who study biology from a purposeful point of view certainly recognize that a number of scientific theories have evolved, especially over the last 20 to 30 years.
Many academics and scientists, at times, have seen the end of theory, acknowledging scientific research and development.
Besides, the world is not always with the majority as it is with the truth.
Just like evolutionists, many have made the same mistake because of the majority.
Some have claimed that they represent the majority in order to deny God's mighty creation.
Arguing that the majority do not believe in God, they try to justify themselves as well as the ideologies they support.
In the Qur'an, Allah warns the believers against such people. 136
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Problems with understanding ... and stating that going with the majority can lead to dangerous losses. “And if you fall, you will agree to say that most of these people are in the new age, then they will lead you astray from the way of Allah.
(Surat al-An'am, 116) Darnist's mental anguish really brings to light the reality of creation. They know that evolution is a lie in sight, and they are surprised to see that most other scientists understand this too.
He has been traumatized by being lost for the last 160 years, and now he is back to the hair of his past frustration.
They have come home with facts they did not even think about for many years. They now find themselves compelled to comment on scientific evidence.
They now feel extremely weak, whereas in the 1980's, they believed in themselves.
Instead, they present hollow testimonies of crude evidence. Frauds and deceptions on the basis of hollowness do not serve any purpose.
The reality of creation becomes clearer by doing so and these false testimonies of theirs only create the atmosphere for the reality of creation and science.
And more favorable. All that dartsists leave out is against the reality of creation, they are childish fabricated stories, lost open claims and irrational false proofs.
Darts have no way out of this situation.
Whether it is silent or standing in the distance, no matter the commotion, in the end the end will still be what it should be.
Evolutionary Theory of Evolution
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Problems with the efforts of those who understand.
Darwinism has now come to an end. Darwinists and materialists have now completely lost their credibility.
At some point, they must give up their senseless arrogance and stubbornness and rid themselves of this 160-year-old evolutionary charm.
There is only one truth, that Almighty Allah has created all living and non-living things.
Earth excavations provide evidence of sudden creation, of which there is no evidence for the theory of evolution.
Created living things in an evolutionary way.
And this fact would have won over his supporters in all these books to the fact of creation.
Besides, would the Almighty have made evolution responsible for the creation of living beings, then the earth would have been filled with innumerable proofs.
Allah makes a single Sperm and Egg capable, creating a human being, for example and makes the human body divided into two parts of a cell when in four, then in 8 and so on.
If Allah had such a desire, He could have created a similar system for the evolution of living beings, and to see the evidence for it clearly.
Allah has created the pattern of a baby in the same way as it does in full 9 months.
Had he wanted to, he could have applied such rapid growth to all living species, and living things could have been created in such a way that their growth could have been completed, so to speak, in 900 million years. 138
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Problems in Understanding ... Would there have been any such evidence on earth, then there would have been those who would have supported the reality of creation, would have given evidence, and Allah would have used His knowledge and insight to evolve and create innumerable.
On the living creatures.
However, this is not the case.
The theory of evolution is not based on any evidence at the moment, and even the most misleading claims cannot be substantiated.
Everything that has been said about the evolution of living things, and every claim that is made is merely a dossier of one of the biggest lies.
CONCLUSION Darwinism is made up of one mistake that is made on top of another, but the invisible one is completely gone.
By the way, this view has gradually attracted those who support the ideology in the past.
Darwin's deception could not remain hidden for long, just as any other lie and deception is hidden.
In this 21st century, everyone has seen the deception of the theory of evolution.
Evolutionists have been making all sorts of claims since Darwin's time, and time has expected them to provide evidence in support of their claims, but not a single piece of evidence has stood the test of time.
Could meet No evidence has yet emerged, and for some time now, the Dar Post has been saying that a fossil of mediocre form will be presented as evidence for the theory of evolution.
However, this did not happen and will not happen.
Because in the Fossil Record there, this intermediate form gap has never been and never will be.
Which could prove evolution.
Darwin himself expressed frustration, while he himself wondered why, if genres had gradually evolved from the beginning of creation, there 139 ...
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Problems to understand .. There was no sign of numerous intermediate forms?
This question applies to him just as the modern-day evolutionist Qadir al-Mutlaq Allah has stated in the Qur'an that the disbelievers will not be able to present evidence against Allah, the Lord of Glory.
The verses are as follows: Say: See what you call upon besides Allah, show me what they have made in the earth or they have some of their offspring among us, bring me a book before it or Any knowledge that comes, if you are truthful.
(Surat al-Ahqaf, 4) As these verses point out, Darwinists do not have a single particle of knowledge on which to base their views.
Because the claims they make are hollow, based on a very superficial basis. Their absurd, irrational formula is: dust + time + coincidences = life.
Darwinists think that as far as this formula applies, It is easy for the planets to rise, with the sun, the infinite universe, the animals, the plants that cause the radial synthesis, the mountains, the oceans, the atmosphere, the small creatures, the moths, the whales ..... professors, surgeons, biologists Experts, technologists, tall buildings, airplanes, satellites, rockets ... people who use mathematics in the creation of rockets, who feel love and self-sacrifice, Istanbul, London, Delhi, New York Hyderabad and other civilizations that take place in these cities.
Suffice it to say that there was a slight chemical, unpleasant wetness in the surroundings, coincidences and irregularities for coincidences and the passage of time. 140