Problems that Darnestians have failed to understand part (4)




I am very kind to the common people.  

Those who have faith.  

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(Innovative Saeed Nari) 

Darwinists never believe that care, care, self-sacri nu'ufice and self-sacrifice are demonstrated by parents in the jungles of Thailand for their newborn heron to protect their chicks from the scorching sun.  

They hide in their wings. 

This behavior cannot be explained in terms of coincidences.  

Darwinists never realize that random commands cannot explain how polar birds, who themselves do not know what the camouflage accomplishes, still adjust the color of their wings to match them.  

As the seasons change with the changes in the colors of the environment.  

To claim that there is more to life than that of living and living a savage, selfish life. 

Darwinists are unable to explain how animals can pretend to be injured or even spray themselves.  

They spend their lives protecting their children and in doing so they express their feelings of love and compassion.  

Jet Engine compatibility finds that animals should have the unmistakably ridiculous shape of a whipped glove design, and with the strange combination of the remnants of the accuracy of the ancient rites of the amenities, how do we reconcile?  

With the expectation, that the hunter leopard's fear of cowardice, Hur's air speed with beautiful careful attention, with the description of how the fraud takes place in a Leaf Insect. 

(Richard Dawkins,  An evolutionist, biologist) 

Dar Testis knows that the human eye has only three photo receptors that distinguish colors, but do not understand that 16 photorecptors


Problems in understanding ...  52 Mantis Shrimps, and only I can purple the poets!  

These creatures could not have come into existence by chance.  

Darwinists never thought that worker bees would feed the newborn larvae with great care and attention, to the extent that each single larva is cared for.  

During the growth of. 

Coincidence can never make a living cook.  

Darwinists never know how all larvae are fed in different ways at different times, and how bees can feed on the size of their larvae, and never make a mistake.  

Is .  

Darwinists cannot justify why larvae stop eating on the seventh day, how workers learn bees to close the cells that hold larvae in themselves.  

How do larvae form one or (the cocoon inside the chamber in which they are located, using a substance that they themselves produce). 

Thus they pass through the pupal stage. It is imperative that these two  For larvae after worker bees, without exception, it all has to be done in seven days.  

Thanks to the traits that keep larvae safe from germs, Darwinists have never been able to explain how a larva without eyes, feathers or sent, has not yet been able to see the outside world, and is unaware of these conditions.  

In which he will stay until he can develop a special formula that can prevent him from harming germs.


Problems to Understand ...... Darwinists are never surprised to learn that, even during the Pupal Phase, the feathers with their special structure, and the eyes are very well suited to these tasks.  

The glands, which she uses against her enemies in her life, help her glands to produce wax, the tiny hairs that make her wrinkle. 

In short, all the organs of her bodily system  And how the perfect bee finally emerges from its chamber at the end of 3 weeks.  

Darwinists have never been able to explain how, although there are so many species that are so different from one another in terms of area, they still make the same honeycombs all over the world.  

Have the same methods of transportation and the structure of the colony, and share in the same way.  

Darwinists never appreciate how Humming Birds are capable.  

Darwinists are never surprised at the system of air-conditioning and ventilations in termite nests, which are so complete in terms of facilities and energy consumption that these creatures could not possibly get such a construct.  

Ability to coincide.  

Darwinists are utterly incapable of explaining how polar fish and frogs return to life after freezing themselves, under adverse weather conditions.  

Yet they are not at a loss during the rest of their lives, and return to a life of freshness as before.  

Darwinists never know that the Almighty creates a creative movement in bees, tails and birds to determine their long distances.  53

Step 4

Problems to Understand .. Darwinists never  that radial synthesis produces leaves that produce three hundred tons of sugar per year, and this is a method that can not be run. 

Conditions in Laboratory Conditions  Even under  Darwinists never question how the flying genus Ornia (Ochrea) can better identify the source of the sound, compared to other living things in the middle of the crop, which is barely half a meter between their ears.  

Such an extraordinary ability could not have been created by chance. 

With all its merits, I also present the bee. 

The mighty workmanship of Almighty God.  

Has spread to such an extent that it has denied the existence of Allah .......... 

The members of this movement deny the existence of Allah.  

Koshal will be a little Nimrod and the biggest of them will be Jabal who will lead them, will present amazing wonders which will be a kind of spirituality and enlightenment (sight sleep), Dajjal will go even further.  

In his deeds, and thinking of his authoritarian superficial character, with a kind of satanism, he will declare his being divine.  

Al-Zaman Saeed Nari. 


Never know that a cell fungus, used in the manufacture of drugs, could never have been created by chance but was created by Allah.  

Darwinists claim that all forms of life were coincidental.  

Little did they know that Kai, Alji, and Naji, who lived together, could not coincide.  

Even Darwinists do not understand this claim


Take for granted the irrationality in eating junk, that carnivorous plants close their leaves with a thud so that when they take fifty, these earthworms sit on the young ones, even though they have no muscular system, and produce.  

Digesting enzymes can catch insects that catch them in their leaves but without any awareness, can not enter, as a result of natural phenomena.  

Darwinists never explain how archers formed their bodies on the surface of the water.  

Are  B features are provided by Ducks Kowalla.  

Darwinists never acknowledge that half an acre of farmland contains several tons of germs and a ton of fungi, one hundred kilograms of one-cell protozoan life forms, about fifty kilograms of yeast and the same amount of angi, thus in them.  

Each contains extraordinarily complex components, extraordinarily beneficial to the land in which everyone lives.  

Darwinists never understand how micro-organisms represent God's supreme intelligence, workmanship and power in creation.  

They get caught up in a big dilemma whenever they try to explain it by mere unconscious coincidences which are never completely sown.  

Darwinists never consider how shiny.  

They live in a dark world, how this kind of color has come around them, nor can they consider whether a world would be without color in that sense.  

Darwinists consider this method useless. Germs take nitrogen from the air and transfer it to Nucleotides and Amino Acids.  

Which are the building blocks for our lives.  

It is an amazing process that literally means that there is no other form of life on earth, including man, that can perform it.  55


Problems that Darwinists are incapable of understanding .. 

Considering how a queen is associated with a very small sentient bee can possibly understand simple neurons, why her own intent and intelligence.  

Honeycomb cells are made and how they are able to produce suitable eggs, without any confusion, they can hardly be born by chance.  

Darwinists never think about how the Dragon Flies, which have been unchanged since they were first born hundreds of thousands of years ago, have the ability to be more cautious, even compared to today's best Helicopters.  

Darwinists never think that plants were created by miracles. 

It is inconceivable that a book, the words of which contain the whole book in itself and the letters which contain a whole line in itself, does not exist.  

Can come without the existence of an author. 

In the same way, the existence of the book of the universe depends on the existence of the eternal God.  

(Badi-ul-Tarmal Saeed Nari) 

Darwinists never realize that coincidences can't even explain the way in which the poppy flowers leave their cumin just when there are insects around them.  

It is as if their biological clocks confirm their own time of birth.  

Darwinists never thought that it was impossible for unconscious plants, such as corn and beans, to learn to create a special secretion in the leaves to protect themselves from the enemy. 

With the help of these secretions, they could attract  Hornets are eaten by young plants.  This immune system is not created from a single plant


Problems that can be understood ... which is deprived of any consciousness. It is only from Allah.  

Darwinists never understand how the tiny seeds, most of which resemble small pieces of wood, in fact, change over time.  

Darwinists never understand how information determines the red color of a rose, the folds found in its leaves, the adaptability of its petals, and the fragrance that all form the genus within it.  

I, and that it applies to all plant species.  

Darwinists never wonder how grapes look sweet, in water-filled globes, hanging in clusters from the branches of properly dried vines.  

From the shell of, and this information gives the two fruits their distinctive color, taste and aroma, and the vitamins inside them.  

This makes one dry and the other juicy. 

That's why hazelnuts are always seen as hazelnuts and grapes as grapes.  

There are sleepy and dormant lives for dozens or even years, if the weather conditions are unfavorable, and thus the bud sprouts only later when the conditions become favorable.  

Darwinists never understand how plants know how to survive, even in the most extreme conditions.  

Darwinists never point out that if the tiny micro-organisms in the soil usually have the destructive effects of decomposition, a seed in the same soil and its roots are merely half a millimeter thick, not harming anyone.  

Contrary to this 57


Problems that ..... K, they use the same soil to constantly grow and grow.  

Darwinists never explain how, if a seed sprouts or sprouts, it is sometimes stopped in the ground from coming to the surface, it still grows by sending shoots from the sides of obstacles, or if not,  Creates pressure, from which it increases and finally reaches the light.  

Radiation synthesis is somewhat complex, and it seems impossible for it to be born instantly into a cellular form inside a cell, because it is useless for them to simply "emerge" separately. 

"  Darwinists never point out that a single square millimeter of leaf contains 500,000 chlorophyll molecules.  

The spectacular molecules found in every address are indispensable for radial synthesis (photosynthesis. 

Sexy can not be obtained in a laboratory.  

Coincidentally, the first plants on earth were specially designed to perform radial synthesis. 

Almighty God created plants with this ability.  

Are also capable of absorbing 30% of the radiant synthesis performed and thus meeting the oxygen requirement of 70% of the planet Earth. 

”Like a typical machine, with its random and measurable unit.  Demonstrates the existence of an expert and careful craftsman, each of the innumerable machines that fill the universe, pointing to a thousand ha miracles of ingenuity and perception of Almighty Allah. 

The atmosphere of sunlight  In order to know, the light of the jagnu clearly confirms that they are living beings, their intelligent o  On the basis of the existence of eternal life and 58


The issues that deserve to be worshiped are the issues that need to be understood ... 

(Badee Al-Thathr Maa Saeed Nari) 

Although all the plants are replaced in the soil with the same characteristics  With water, but each plant has its own unique colors, fragrances and shapes, and that and all others are just proof of God's unique creative workmanship.  

Darwinists never appreciate that the last fine patches emerge with the sugar of Lol, with unique aromas and flavors from a single seed, and that this information cannot be produced from a tiny seed by chance. 

Darwinists never make it clear.  

How some tree species, such as poplar trees, dig up 265 liters (70 gallons of water an hour in hot weather, yet they do not dry out.) 

How they come to have a talented root system,  Which cannot be the product of coincidence? 

Darwinists never explain how cumin, which is indispensable for the reproduction of different plant species, is accessible to other members of the same genus that are several solokometry away.  

Darwinists can never explain the more than half a million species of plants on Earth, each of which has its own unique characteristics and systems. 

Darwinists never understand that plants need a root.  

The system absorbs the substances they need, and that is impossible  This is the capillary mechanism I designed for plants.  

No cell has the ability to learn. 

The ability to learn is correct of the word. 

One way to find it is impossible for any cell to get to work.  So when he first died 59


Problems in understanding which ...) once came into existence, and not even later in one's life.  

(Hoimar, vonditurth German biologist) 

Darwinists also do not understand that each species of plant has its own unique characteristics, such as its own fragrance, taste and color.  

In addition, every single plant cell has its own.  

Very complex system - does it all come into existence by chance?  

Darwinists never understand how the soil there is a high concentration (a plant in the air of abundant cumin can transmit its cumin to other members of its genus without being caught by their other genus. 

Darwinists never understand how the method of radial synthesis, which cannot  be completely replicated, is routinely performed by scientists in a laboratory, from unconscious plants. 

Even Darwinists cannot explain. 

How Annual Desert Plants Protect Theirself in the Feet of Drought in the Days of Famine, and Once It Raines, These Seeds Sprout Very Quickly.  

As soon as the weather conditions are favorable, Darussalam does not even understand how to keep an apple seed. 

The fragrance and all the other qualities that the tree will keep in itself. 

”In fact, how can spring be difficult to create For the Lord  of God, who makes every spring the face of the world brings a wider field of freshness and appearance of life There are a million examples The fruit of the glad tidings of the freshnes  s of life 

(Badi-ul-Zaman Saeed Narsi) 

Dar Posts Never understand how a single page can eventually grow into a flower ... In the form of ...... ...... 60

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