Problems that Darnestians have failed to understand part (5)



Problems in understanding ..... for more than 4 to 5 meters in a tree and weighs several hundred kilograms.  

Part (5) 

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Benmo cannot be explained in the context of any gradual evolution.  

Darwinists have never realized that the leaves of the pine tree, which bear fruit, have a special protective coating on their surface to protect them from winter, and that their waxy surfaces prevent water evaporation, making the leaves more resistant.  

Darwinists do not even know how all the details of a plant - for example, a red rose, its leaves have folds, adaptability, texture and fragrances - are all kept in its embryo.  

Such detailed information in the DNA of her fetus.  

Darwinists also do not appreciate that a seed needs special protection until the embryo begins to ejaculate.  

And that the immune system of these envelopes is naturally regulated.  

Darwinists never explain how a seed, which they claim happens to be coincidental in existence, is adorned with a special system to keep enemies away from themselves, some of which are covered with a bitter substance  By means of the junk information contained in the DNA in the embryo inside the seed. 

Darwinists do not understand how the seeds of some plant species have a gelatinous substance that is composed of complex sugars.  

Occurs, and this Substance blooms whenever it comes in contact with water. 

These Substances allow the seeds to germinate easily with the Moist substance which plays an important role in the seed engine.  Do.⁇ 61⁇


Problems in Understanding .. Darwinists never know that this gelatinous substance is formed in a measured manner on the outer membranes of the seeds of certain species.  

Darwinists never assume that a single bean seed has a specific connection called a micropyle, from which it is attached to the long hindquarters.  

This structure looks like a baby's umbilical cord, and is useful for fertilizing the female reproductive cell inside the umbilical cord.  

Then later, when the time comes, water passes through it from outside, preparing to reach the seed.  

Darwinists never explain how the gravity of the seeds of a plant called Zanonia, which floats in the air, rests on an unusually delicate scale.  

By chance .  

Darwinists never explain why seeds are covered with Cress and Hydrophobic, ie similar plants are covered with a coating.  So as not to drown.  

Thanks to this system, this type of seed is suitable for all rivers, Parker said.  

Darwinists never understand how some plants know how to survive in waxy conditions.  

This is because they lose the water in their tissues through a genetically controlled process. 

A hormone called Absissic Acid maintains a slow state in this state of life.  

And it happens when the time comes.  

Even Darwinists do not understand how a seed in the earth becomes aware of the deteriorating weather conditions and settles the precautionary measures, delaying the process of sproutino.   


Problems in understanding which ... "For example, in spring, all the Ashjars are clothed in silk like fine silk in the paradise of maidens, they are loaded with covered flowers and fruits, as if adorned with jewels,  And as if they were made to offer us innumerable kinds, of desirable fruits, easily loaded on the branches in our hands like the present hand of a slave at the same time.  

To drink, we are dressed in the finest and softer garments that are made from a worm that has no hands, and from the one inside the seed, a great treasure of money is safe for us.  

It is obvious that all this is a very beautiful river of heart effect, it is a very soft and delicate feeling of kindness, of grace of Allah 

(Badi-ul-Zaman Saeed Narsi) 

Never understands how Lupine gambles.  

In the tundra, can predict the weather.

If the weather conditions are bad, it enters the Lupine page in a kind of disruption of life when  He is under the dust and waiting for the weather to cool down.  

If need be, he can wait for years, until the right conditions are created and then he starts reading again.  

Darwinists never know that the cells in the roots of a growing plant sense gravity, and the light-sensing cells are at the tips of structures that grow horizontally.  

Light and gravity determine the direction of growth of roots and twigs.  

Darwinists never understand how plants that produce carbohydrates, the primary food source of all living things, manage to use the sun's energy to continue this process for a second. 


Problems that I understand ... in part, in a short period of time.  

Darwinists have never known that plants, with their radial synthesis system that converts light into nutrients and distributes carbon dioxide to oxygen, thus give the leaves a sense of ecological balance and whatever.  

Coincidentally, Darwinists never appreciate the method by which plants, which have no central nervous system or are able to control them, absorb minerals with certain amounts and from water and use.  

The wind and light from the sun, creating food for all animals. 

Darwinists never explain that Mapletrees, which have no intelligence, protect themselves from harmful pests, by producing tannin.  

Compared to man-made pesticides. Its production cannot be explained in terms of coincidences. 

Darwinists can never explain the inexplicable complexity in all plant systems, which would be incomprehensible.  

There are those who believe in the theory of evolution  For  Darwinists also do not appreciate how categories are necessary for the reproduction of different plant species, can reach other members of the same genus that are many Somali times, carried there by the wind.  

Darwinists never appreciate the unusual exceptional form of the coconut tree palm tree seed.  

Most seeds that germinate as soon as they come in contact with water.  

But thanks to its hard shell, H does not find H in saline water during its 30-day journey. 

And thus it is able to survive later when extracted from salt water.  ****** 64


Problems in eating ...  Since the universe and living beings exist, and the phenomena and creations in them, and since a regular work of art does not take place without a craftsman, a meaningful book cannot exist without a scribe and rarely  A Suzanne car without a Suzanne car, a purposeful I who fills the universe, surely a Creator, and meaningful characters and wonderful car-choos that cover the face of the earth and keep renewing them.  

In the season, they all have one and the same craftsman 

(Badi-ul-Zaman Saeed Nari). 

Darwinists never understand that coincidence cannot explain how water can reach Ashjar even to their highest leaves, without any.  

From the need for PP or any such system.  

Darwinists never understand that the intelligence and consciousness with which the leaves of trees keep moving is due to the complex chemical processes in their cells so that the leaves can only fall in autumn.  

Darwinists have never acknowledged that the best, highest and most rational system by which tall trees are expelled can protect the tree from weeds without damaging the tree itself.  

Darwinists never thought that plants were created, as well as many different immune mechanisms, which they use to protect themselves.  

The Darwinists' theory of evolution cannot be explained by the fact that when a tree is attacked from one side, one address informs the other addresses and says to remove Jasmonic Acid for your own protection so as to protect against the enemy.  

Could be  All the fruits and twigs in these trees are solid proofs of miracles of divine intelligence, of godless craftsmanship, of gifts of divine mercy, of divine power, and of good tidings to those on whom God is gracious in the hereafter.  , As (65


Problems in understanding ....... that they are all fine children witness all the beauty and glory of Allah and infinite knowledge, each of them is a mirror confirming his incomparable power  In the abundance of and in the world of all parts of its tree, a world which is in many kinds.  

When they move their eyes from Kokal to unity.  Darwinists fail to understand that plants and their leaves have a powerful evolutionary reproductive system, a system that cannot even be described in terms of coincidences.  

Darwinists can never explain in evolutionary terms how an impermeable waxy layer covers the surface of leaves known as cuticle, which greatly reduces water emissions.  

Darwinists never know that coincidence cannot explain how desert plants learn to save water instead of evaporating it on occasion, and how they have the ability to cope with unfavorable desert conditions.  

Darwinists never fully understand how trees, despite their outer surfaces being covered in the form of a dry bark, can pass several tons of water through their trunks and not survive in the absence of this mechanization.  

Can  Darwinists have never known that God created plants in such a way that they could bring happiness to human beings with their incomparable colors and with different flavors and fragrances, despite their growth in the same land and with the same water of cultivation.  

Darwinists never understand that the method of crop plants absorbs only those minerals which are essential for human beings, just like that of a nutritionist.  

Darwinists never explain that the leaves of trees, in winter, are coated with a waxy substance, which is why they survive.


Problems to be solved ...  Without causing water damage.  

Darwinists have never been able to explain how some trees have no means of planning, so they simply adopt the color of autumn.  

This cannot be explained in terms of evolution.  

This choice cannot be explained in terms of blind coincidences.  

Darwinists never acknowledge that architects who design the roofs of houses in the form of pointed peaks protect them from damage caused by the weight of the unusual snowfall.  

On the roofs of houses, B method was created by looking at the evergreen trees which Allah has created.  

Many other rational structures create inspiration in nature. 

In engineers, none of them could have happened by chance.  

No harm can be explained by the theory of evolution. Darwinists never know that their theory has been completely refuted.  

This was published in the February 21, 2002, issue of Nature magazine under the headline. 

"Intelligent Plant: Without Brain Skills".  

Proteins - Nucleic Acids, Multi-Hormones, Materials, Chemicals, Hydrochloride, Mechanical, Oxide Beta and Electrical Cylinders, Pitides, Lipids of All Types, Sugar, Wall Fragments and Other Complex Carbohydrates.  

Quantity of information, which m  Are out of  67


Problems in understanding ...  You raise your head on the surface of the earth, open your eyes and look at the open book of the universe, you look at it as a whole, from the point of view of unity, it is read as clear as it is.  

The value is great (Badi-ul-Zaman Saeed Nari).  

By chance .  

Darwinists never thought that the theory of evolution could explain the ability of the Comouflage to protect many of its plants from its enemies and to be able to deceive humans as well.  

Darwinists never know how the numerical series Fibonacci Series often encounters in different plants, so that too cannot be explained in terms of evolution.  

Darwinists never express their views on the structure of the universe. 

Darwinists never understand that each of the planets, large or small, has been specially arranged, with its locations and movements in the solar system and countless other details.  

It says that one millimeter of deviation can wait in the position of a planet, all dependent on each other in the system of infinite effort.  

Darwinists have never considered the distance between the earth and the moon to be of paramount importance, for life on earth and to maintain a number of very important balances, such as the time of the tide.  

Darwinists never bother to say that the amount of energy that reaches 10% of the energy that reaches the Earth will eventually cover our planet.


Problems in understanding ...  You raise your head on the surface of the earth, open your eyes and look at the open book of the universe, you look at it as a whole, from the point of view of unity, it is read as clear as it is.  

The value is great. 

(Badi-ul-Zaman Saeed Nari).  

By chance .  

Darwinists never thought that the theory of evolution could explain the ability of the Comouflage to protect many of its plants from its enemies and to be able to deceive humans as well.  

Darwinists never know how the numerical series Fibonacci Series often encounters in different plants, so that too cannot be explained in terms of evolution.  

Darwinists never express their views on the structure of the universe. 

Darwinists never understand that each of the planets, large or small, has been specially arranged, with its locations and movements in the solar system and countless other details.  

It says that one millimeter of deviation can wait in the position of a planet, all dependent on each other in the system of infinite effort.  

Darwinists have never considered the distance between the earth and the moon to be of paramount importance, for life on earth and to maintain a number of very important balances, such as the time of the tide.  

Darwinists never bother to say that the amount of energy that reaches 10% of the energy that reaches the Earth will eventually cover our planet.


Problems in Understanding ... An Element That Does Not Easily Participate in Chemical Reactions.  

Tied together in a fine, high order. 

They are intertwined in such hidden, delicate, delicate relationships and so close that they are bound as a single poem in a single body, these very high celestial bodies.  On the welcome of unity, Allah's command that: 

"Be" or "withdraw from your orbit" "then the world goes away in the agony of death" 

(Badi-ul-Zaman Saeed Nari) 

Darwinists never  Don't question how carbon-based compounds form a wide variety of organic structures, from the cell membrane to the bark of the tree, from the lens of the eye to the horns of the twelve horns, and from the white of the egg to the venom of the snake.  

Carbon makes life possible on Earth and creates extraordinarily diverse substations consisting of gemstones, oxygen and nitrogen.  

In the series, Darwinists never ask why water, apart from other liquids, begins to expand at temperatures below 46+, enabling ice to float.  

This attribute was specially created to be helpful for the life of the creatures living in the numerous oceans.  

Water is 10 billion timesless liquid than bitumen, a thousand times less liquid than glycerol, less than olive oil, 25 times less than sulfuric acid.  

Darwinists are incapable of considering how water fluctuates in order for a system to function properly.  

And that if it had the same fluidity as a bitumen, then a heart that keeps itself could not pump a large percentage of water, possibly pumping blood.  

Darwanistr never understood that the universe is not eternal and that it came into being

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