What's REALLY in Your Water? Scary New Facts Revealed

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 What's REALLY in Your Water? Scary New Facts Revealed

Did you know that many of the same contaminants found in tap water are also in bottled water? It’s true! Whether you get your water from the tap or buy it in bottles, there are risks associated with consuming any amount of water. The good news is, there are ways to filter water to protect yourself and your family.

Why Drink Water?

You've probably heard that you should drink eight glasses of water a day, but why? Water helps keep your body hydrated, which is important for many reasons. For one, it helps your skin look its best. It also flushes toxins out of your system and can even help with weight loss. But what's really in your water? Let's start by taking a look at the plastics used to store and carry the bottled water we purchase at the grocery store. A study conducted by Orb Media found measurable levels of contamination from industrial chemicals like phthalates (found in plastics) and bisphenol-A (BPA) on 80% of all bottled water tested. These chemicals are known to disrupt hormones and are associated with increased risk for cancer, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and diabetes. On top of this significant level of exposure to toxic chemicals found on 80% of bottled bottles tested - did you know that those same plastic bottles are not recyclable? In fact only 12% are recycled - meaning more than 4 million tons end up as waste every year! And just because tap water may come out of a tap doesn't mean it's free from contaminants either. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has ranked the 10 most polluted cities' drinking water based on their chemical analysis of over 160,000 drinking water samples collected nationwide between 2004 and 2009. Their list includes Charleston SC (#1), Cincinnati OH (#2), Pittsburgh PA (#3), San Jose CA (#4), Riverside CA (#5), Toledo OH (#6), Jacksonville FL (#7), Houston TX (#8), Detroit MI (#9) and San Diego CA (#10). The good news is there are ways to protect yourself against these dangerous contaminants

How Healthy is Your Tap Water?

Most people assume that the water coming out of their tap is safe to drink. However, a new study has revealed that this may not be the case. In fact, your tap water may contain harmful chemicals that can pose a serious health risk. The chemicals are known as trihalomethanes (THMs). These are created when chlorine or other disinfectants react with organic matter such as leaves and soil. The United States Environmental Protection Agency recommends that THMs should not exceed 80 parts per billion (ppb) in drinking water, but many cities have much higher levels than this due to contamination from runoff and/or aging pipes. At least one city - Flint, Michigan - has an average THM level of over 100 ppb, which experts say poses significant risks for cancer and heart disease. If you want to know more about the safety of your own drinking water supply contact your local water department or environmental agency for more information on THMs and how they can affect you. It might be worth investing in a good filter if you live in an area where high levels of THMs exist. A filtration system will remove these toxic compounds from your water, providing you with healthy, clean drinking water all year round. And there are so many different types of filters available, so it’s easy to find the perfect one for your needs. You can install a whole-house system or opt for a countertop model—it’s up to you! Regardless of what type of filter you choose, remember that bottled water isn't necessarily better. Studies show that bottled water isn't any healthier than tap water, and it doesn't necessarily taste better either.

The same goes for purified or drinking waters; there's no guarantee they're free from impurities either. So why spend the money on something that may not even be any better? When was the last time you changed your shower head filter? Changing it just once every six months can dramatically reduce heavy metals like lead, copper, zinc and mercury from being released into your shower steam or absorbed through your skin during bathing - especially if someone in your household smokes cigarettes or does metal work at home. Not only will your hair and skin feel softer, but changing your shower head filter regularly also helps prevent against dry scalp, itchy skin and dermatitis. What’s even better, installing a low-flow water fixture, while saving gallons of water every day. That way, you can enjoy cleaner and safer water without the harsh effects of chlorine – all while doing your part to conserve natural resources. All things considered, filtering your water couldn’t be easier. From the convenience of a countertop filter to the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re giving your family the best, it’s well worth it. The investment pays for itself in a relatively short period of time, and you can rest assured that your family is getting clean, pure water - which is really priceless. The old saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure really applies here. With the water you drink on a daily basis, and with the need to be constantly vigilant in protecting yourself and your loved ones from potential dangers, you can't afford not to do your research before buying. Filtering your water is the first step towards better, cleaner living.

Is Bottled Water Really Better Than Tap Water?

You might think that bottled water is the safer, healthier option – but you’d be wrong. In fact, bottled water is often nothing more than tap water that’s been sitting in a bottle for who-knows-how-long. And it’s not just the quality of the water that you have to worry about – it’s also the quality of the bottle itself. The containers are typically made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which contains antimony trioxide as a stabilizer, says Fran Mcgee, professor of sustainable chemistry at York University in Toronto. It may sound like we're nitpicking, but most people don't know this. Antimony is carcinogenic and has neurotoxic effects at high doses; PET bottles can leach the chemical into the water inside. If you buy your bottled water in glass or metal containers, then you should be fine. However, there are other issues with drinking bottled water: our bodies are composed mostly of water so if we drink only one kind of water throughout the day, our bodies will become out of balance and over time we could develop chronic diseases such as cancer or dementia. Drinking different types of waters is good for us because they contain different minerals and vitamins. Bottled water manufacturers sell their product by telling us that their water is pure - implying that other kinds of water are not. But purity doesn't exist: all water on earth goes through a process called oxidation where contaminants collect in it. Oxidation is what makes tap water cloudy when you let it sit for too long. Tap water usually sits in the pipes for hours before reaching your house, which means these particles get into your water supply. Manufacturers of bottled water do not mention that the industry is regulated less strictly than other beverage industries and produce their product with virtually no oversight. There are no laws regulating how companies can label their products or advertise them as healthy alternatives. If you want fresh, clean drinking water without all the additives and chemicals, you might want to start filtering your own tap water at home. Start off by getting a large jug of water and storing it in the fridge. When you need a drink, pour some cold filtered water out of the jug into a glass instead of buying plastic bottles. Once you start doing this every day, investing in a filter for your faucet seems more reasonable.

How to Purify Different Kinds of Water

1. If you want to drink tap water, the best way to purify it is by boiling it for one minute. This will kill any bacteria or viruses that may be present. 

2. You can also purify water by using a water filter. There are many different types of water filters on the market, so make sure to do your research to find one that will suit your needs. 

3. Another way to purify water is by using bleach. Add two drops of bleach per gallon of water and let it sit for 30 minutes before drinking. 

4. If you have access to clean, running water, you can also purify it using ultraviolet light. Simply expose the water to UV light for at least 30 minutes. Once exposed, the rays from the light will break down microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. 

Some people worry about adding chemicals like bleach to their water, but this should not be an issue if used in moderation. Bleach is actually a good disinfectant because it kills all sorts of microorganisms including those that cause cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, leprosy, tuberculosis (TB), diphtheria and polio. These days there are even some new products that allow you to use natural sunlight instead of electricity to kill off harmful organisms in your water! They work similar to traditional UV lights, but harnessing the power of the sun means they're completely free. As always, though, keep in mind that these devices must be installed correctly and in a sunny location for them to work well. Most importantly, remember that each person has a different idea of what constitutes clean and healthy water. What might seem healthy to one person could be seen as unhealthy by another. Always consult with your doctor or other healthcare professional when making changes to what you eat or drink.

Filters vs Purifiers (and Reverse Osmosis)

Most people don't realize that their water might not be as clean as they think it is. Even if you have a filter, that might not be enough to remove all the contaminants in your water. A purifier is a better option, but even that might not be enough. The best way to ensure that your water is completely clean is to use a reverse osmosis system. That takes out every last trace of bacteria and other contaminants from your water, leaving nothing behind. You'll never know what you're really drinking when you drink water until you get one of these systems! It's also important to test your water regularly so you can see how much progress you've made. Every six months or so, go ahead and send off a sample for testing. If there are any unsafe levels of lead or copper in your water, you'll want to make sure that's taken care of immediately before it does more damage than good. Lead and copper can cause major health problems including brain damage, kidney disease, high blood pressure, miscarriages, reproductive difficulties (including infertility), stunted growth and delayed puberty. If you're worried about any of those things happening to you or someone close to you because of contaminated water, talk with a professional at their earliest convenience. They will be able to tell you which system would work best for your needs. They may recommend getting a reverse osmosis system, which will take out all of the contaminants from your water. After installation, it should only take up less than an hour per week to maintain it and keep everything running smoothly. Drinking clean water should now become easier and cleaner than ever before thanks to this modern innovation! With water filters, purifiers, and reverse osmosis systems available today, your options are limitless!

DIY Filter System For Home or Camping Trip

A new study has revealed that many popular brands of bottled water contain microplastics, chemicals, and other contaminants. While you can't always control what's in your water, you can take steps to filter it yourself. A simple DIY filter system can be made using a coffee filter and a clean plastic bottle. Just cut the bottom off the bottle, screw on the filter, and voila! You've got yourself a portable water filtration system. For an even more hands-on approach, there are a variety of filters for sinks that use activated charcoal to remove chlorine, lead, mercury, and other substances from your drinking water. If you're looking for something more temporary or compact, just fill up a Nalgene bottle with tap water and pop it into the freezer. The cold temperature will help eliminate any bacteria that may have found its way into your drink. So next time you want to drink healthy, think about making your own filtered water at home or packing one of these clever bottles for your next trip outdoors. With so many products available, we all need to do our part to ensure that our children and future generations get the most nutritious, high quality water possible. After all, water is life. More people than ever are starting to realize how important it is to monitor the purity of their water, both inside and outside their homes. Thankfully, there are plenty of options out there: pick whatever suits your needs best and make sure you stay informed about the latest findings in order to protect your family's health. 

But there’s also good news—our water is getting cleaner every year, and some companies have started treating their water before bottling it. That’s not to say you should switch to store bought distilled bottled water though; instead, look for brands that treat their own source (by filtering or removing harmful impurities), such as Dasani, Aquafina (from PepsiCo), Ice Mountain (from Nestle), and Smartwater (from Coca Cola). You can find coolers filled with Dasani or Smartwater if you shop around town or look online – they might cost a little bit more than regular spring water but they’re worth it if you’re worried about purity.


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