However, its symptoms keep appearing, due to which it is not difficult to predict that the Hour of Judgment is near.
Doomsday is the time when the whole outer system of the universe will be destroyed, the sky will burst, the stars will break, there will be a terrible earthquake in the earth and it will throw out all the treasures inside it, the sun will be wrapped.
The seas will be burned, people will be wandering around in amazement and if anyone is looking at him, he will not be able to look at his side of terror. Then everyone will be gathered in the field of Judgment and will be accounted for. On that day, everyone will be punished for what he did. That will be the Day of Judgment.
The meaning of the signs of the Hour is the Arabic word for the signs of the Hour, the condition of the hour. This is the explanation given by Imam Ibn Athir Dan. (1) The Imam who says that the condition of the hour means the signs of the Hour and the reasons which will appear before the Hour.
(3) In the verse of the Holy Qur'an which mentions the signs for the Hour and its prospects, Imam Qurtubi Baliya says that it refers to the signs and portents of the Hour. Also, Sa'at means "time", meaning the time in which the Hour will take place.
In other words, the signs of the Day of Resurrection are the signs that appear before the Day of Resurrection which indicate the coming of the Day of Resurrection. Hafiz Ibn Hajar said:
The deadline will appear first. Imam Bayati Barhane has said that the signs of the Hour are the signs which indicate that the Hour is near.
(2) Halimi Anallah says that there are some signs of the end of the first life (first worldly life), these are called signs of resurrection. (2) It has been learned that Ishrat-ul-Sa'at refers to the signs and symbols which will appear before the Day of Resurrection or which will indicate the event of the Day of Resurrection.
Inn other words, the signs of the Hour are the accidents and events about which the Holy Prophet had predicted that they would appear before or in the last days.
Signs of Resurrection Mentioned in the Holy Qur'an Signs of Resurrection are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an as follows: Well, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first. In the commentary of this verse, Imam Ibn Katheer Malala has said that (the signs of the Hour) are the signs of the nearness of the Hour, as the Almighty has said that Muhammad (1) is also one of the next warners. (4) And He said: The Hour is near, and the moon is split.
Do not do ”(6). One of them is because you are the last of the messengers with whom Allah has perfected the religion and fulfilled his argument over all the worlds. No prophet before has reported in such detail. (1) (2) 14
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Signs of Resurrection Mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) When will the Hour come? He said, "The one who is being questioned does not know more than the one who is asking."
Let me show you the signs. When the slave girl will give birth to her mistress and when the black shepherds will be proud of each other in building tall and lofty buildings. (2) And he said, “They will not be able to stand until the last ten verses ...”
Of course, the Hour will not come, even though you will see its ten signs before it. ”(1) Signs of the Hour He is satisfied with what he sees with his own eyes and he suffers from doubts and suspicions about what he has never seen. Not as seen. Indeed, Allah Almighty informed Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) of what his people had done concerning the calf. The khatis did not dance but when they took something from the nation with their own eyes they threw the khatis and they broke.
(1) In addition, looking at the heart gives satisfaction. The proof of this is the story of Hazrat Ibrahim Alina mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. Therefore, the Almighty has said that when Abraham said, “Lord Arni, how are you doing?”
Then al-Baqarah: 2] When Hazrat Abratim Neela said: O my Lord! Show me, how can You raise the dead? Allah said: Do you not have faith? There is faith, but my heart will be satisfied. In spite of this human and natural inclination, a pure monotheistic Muslim has strong faith in all the unseen matters which are mentioned in the Qur'an and Sunnah, for example, no one has seen Allah Almighty but the Muslim Ummah.
All people agree on the existence of the Almighty. In the same way, all Muslims acknowledge the existence of the unseen angels and the Day of Judgment. He explained that these are the people who are pious and pious, and that the Qur'an guides them. He said:
يهه هدى تلمتقين الذين يؤمنون بالغيب ...
There is no doubt that this book is the book of Allah, but it is a guide for the pious. Those who believe in the unseen. But since the decrease in faith is more or less true (1), it is not impossible for a pure believer to lose faith even in this materialistic and tempting age and due to environmental influences.
While living in the worldly life, in pursuit of luxury, greed and lust, seek and seek the earthly world, Muslims forget the reckoning of the Hereafter and start working day and night just for the fulfillment of their desires.
The purpose of this sign of the Hour is to present such impressions and impressions before such misguided Muslims that their faith will be re-strengthened in the Hereafter Start preparing for the success of the Hereafter through the abundance of. Signs of the Hour of Judgment are sure to come.
The news that has been narrated is certainly true and will inevitably happen. Obedience and obedience has also been ordered and your disobedience has been promised to enter the fire of Hell.
(1) Shaykh-ul-Islam Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah be pleased with him) said that Allah Almighty has commanded obedience to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in more than three (3) places in the Holy Qur'an.
It is associated with the opposition of the country, as (always associating one's name with the name of the Prophet). Go and believe in its authenticity, because the basis of all your news is the revelation of God. They do not say anything. He is the one who is sent down. And in another place he said about the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):
These are the people who are pious. This is a matter after proof and prophethood. You were known as Sadiq Wameen even before the revelation. It is also one of the signs of prophethood.
In any case, it was a matter of faith and belief. On the other hand, if one studies the history, it is clear that every prediction made by BC proved to be true later.
Iff Jerusalem is conquered, then in 18 AH, during the caliphate of Hazrat Umar, the Muslims conquered the first qiblah of Jerusalem. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had said that two groups of Muslims would fight each other and if both claimed the same, then this prediction was fulfilled in the form of the battle of Jamal and the battle of Safin.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had said that the fire would be lit from the land of Majaz, so the people of Madinah saw this fire in 654 AH. In addition, if one considers them, it is clear that the smallest of the signs that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned have appeared in almost all of them, such as the spread of adultery, the spread of music and the spread of knowledge.
Circumstances are rising, ignorance is spreading, broadcasting is on the rise, women are participating in trade, trust is rising, lies are spreading, concealment of truth, giving false testimony and murder is common.
The great signs of the Hour (such as the appearance of the Antichrist and Imam Mahdi and the descent of Jesus, etc.) and a few small signs that did not appear It will happen and finally the Hour will come. An important explanation regarding the signs of the Day of Resurrection. ۔ Therefore, if the ahaadeeth mention the appearance of the antichrist or Imam Mahdi, then they really refer to the specialties.
Just as some people have interpreted the Dajjal to mean the United States and Israel, so also the words written on the forehead of the Dajjal. "Israel refers to the K-F-R warplane, and some refer to the antichrist's prediction of any power that would increase the level of antichrist and deceit and seek to harm Muslims.
The hadiths refute these interpretations and prove that the Dajjal is not a nation or a force of evil but a definite person who will be one of the descendants of Adam. Allah Almighty must have made him a great test. Will be given to those who will be very effective in misleading the people.
Although the fact is that Imam Mahdi also refers to a special personality whose few signs are present in page ahaadeeth, his special name is mentioned, his father's name is mentioned, his lineage is explained.
How is it possible that every Mujaddid is taken from it? In some ahaadeeth it is predicted that before the Day of Resurrection a mountain of gold will appear from the river Euphrates.
It will be taken and these words will be applied to the truth because just as Allah Almighty can produce gold in the ears, He can also show such a treasure from a river or sea, but some people have also used interpretation here.
And he said that the mountain of gold means Peter Will. However, if all 18 related to this topic
If the 19 hadiths are collected, it is clear that the appearance of this mountain will be a tribulation for the Muslims while the Arabs are using petrol as a blessing.
According to the hadith, this mountain will be special along with the river Euphrates while petrol It is being taken out of the sea or even by land.
Then, according to the Prophet's decree, there will be a great battle on this treasury in which 99% of the people will be killed, while petrol has appeared for some time but no one has seen such a great battle at this place.
However, the interpretation is not correct and there are many more arguments to refute it. Similarly, it is stated in the hadeeth that before the Day of Resurrection, in the war against the Jews, stones and trees were shouted at and pointed out to the Jews. They will also speak by the order of In the same way, in some ahaadeeth, it is mentioned that the beasts are in agreement with the human beings, then surely this will also happen.
Similarly, it is mentioned in the hadiths that before the Day of Resurrection, an animal "Daliyat-ul-Ard" will come out of the earth and when it speaks to the people, it will be taken to mean that particular animal without any interpretation. Jats are also mentioned as the first Islamic army advancing towards Constantinople is paradise and the antichrist will not be able to enter Makkah and Madinah
The bottom line is that prophetic prophecies can be divided into three categories. One type consists of prophecies pertaining to personalities, such prophecies will be applied to those particular personalities in the call.
The second type is related to areas. In some of these predictions, there is a description of areas, such as Dajjal will not enter Makkah and Madinah, etc. In that case, Makkah and Madinah will be referred to as Makkah and Madinah.
However, some predictions have been made vaguely, such as an army coming from the east. So such areas will not be determined automatically but will be explained in other traditions and they will be determined through signs and symbols.
Will be preferred. If the "third type" contains predictions related to invisible objects, then they will also be accepted as meaning. Although some rationalists refuse to accept such predictions and only listen to what is seen and heard.
Al-Ajat acknowledges the existence of the Hour of Existence - but the fact is that there are many things which cannot be seen or heard but they exist and no one denies them such as soul, pain and intellect etc. In any case, whether one accepts it or not, the people of Islam should have full faith in the degrading things that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has stated, whether they come to their senses or not.
(1) Types of Doomsday Signs Scholars have divided Doomsday Signs into two categories: (1) Minor signs (minor signs) (2) Big signs If there is any evidence that it will happen before the Day of Resurrection and it is not one of the ten signs that will appear very close to the Day of Resurrection.
These signs are very many and different types. The appearance of these signs has started from the time of Prophet (saas) and they will continue till the appearance of grave signs, ie some of these The conquest of Jerusalem, some are far from the prophetic era, such as the light of fire from the land of Hijaz and some are the signs that will appear near the grave, such as the ruler of a man named Jhajja or the world war, etc.
It should be noted here that the fact that a thing is a sign of the Hour does not indicate its praise or condemnation, but its purpose is merely to indicate the nearness of the Hour, so these signs can also be praiseworthy. Shaq-e-Qamar and Fateh-e-Bait-ul-Muqaddas, etc., and also the evil ones, such as the spread of ignorance, the spread of wickedness, the increase of destruction, and the world war, etc.
The signs of the grave refer to the signs that will appear very close to the Day of Resurrection, that is, when they appear, the Day of Resurrection will be very close, such as the Antichrist, Imam Mahdi (as) and Gog and Magog. They have been given the name of the tomb because it will be a great sign. However, in the following pages, first the small and then the big signs are being mentioned respectively, see. 20
Small Signs of Resurrection Part One My resurrection and resurrection are as close as two fingers. Then he rubbed (his) index finger and middle finger.
(2) (2) Hazrat Awf bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I came to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) on the occasion of the conquest of Tabuk while he was sitting in the tent of Pada. Come on in, take a look.
I said, "The tent is small, so should I come in?" He said, "Yes, come in." Some signs or observations before the Day of Resurrection, one of which is my death. ”(1) The splitting of the moon. Imam Ibn Katheer Bilal:
There is a great deal of commentary on this verse. Scholars agree that the event of Shaq-e-Qamar took place in the time of Prophet (sws) and this event was one of his great miracles. (1) The people of Makkah have said:
The Antichrist asked for a few small signs of the Hour of Resurrection and demanded that you show them a sign, then you showed them the crescent moon.
(1) In the narration of Hazrat Ibn Abbas, it is said that in the time of the Prophet, the moon was split. (3) Hazrat Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) says about the above verse of Surah Qamar that this incident took place in the time of Prophet (peace be upon him) that the moon was split in two. He said: O Allah!
So be a witness ”(1) and Hazrat Ibn Masood (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I saw the mountain in the middle of the two hills. (There are two kinds of objections to this phenomenon by some modern thinkers. One is that it is not possible for a great gray like the moon to fall apart and move hundreds of miles apart.)
Then either we get rooted. Secondly, if this had happened then it would have become famous in the world, it would have been mentioned in the histories and it would have been mentioned in the books of astrology. In fact, both objections are weightless. It is possible that in ancient times it could have walked, but in the present age, based on the information that man has got about the structure of the planets, it is quite possible that Let it explode and fly away from this mighty fig tree, and then come together because of the magnetic force of its center. It was not necessary that in this special moment I have gone to the moon in Naga around the world.
There was already a rumor that people were waiting for him and looking up at the sky. It could not be seen all over the earth, but only in Arabia and its eastern countries at that time. The taste and art of historiography was not so developed that those who saw it in the Orient would record it and a historian would gather evidence and record it in a history book. ۔
However, it is mentioned in the history of Malabarki that the king of that place had seen this scene that night. I am the dog of astrology and the calendars are (1) [Bukhari (2) Kitab Manaqib Al-Ansar: Chapter Inshaqaq Al-Qamar (3) [Bukhari (3) Kitab Al-Tafsir: Bab Wanashq Al-Qamar (2) Book of Attributes of the Hypocrites, Tirmidhi (2)] (4) [Sahih: Ahmad (2/3)] [The Encyclopedia of Hadith (2)] 24
Among the few small signs of the Hour, it would have been necessary to mention it only if there had been a difference in the speed of the moon and its orbit and the time of its rising and setting. Since this did not happen, the attention of the ancient astrologers was not diverted to it. Observations were so advanced in this era that they could take note of every event that took place in the heavens and record this cover.
(2) Jerusalem will be conquered. It is narrated from Hazrat Awf bin Malik Bayan that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: (3) Jerusalem is the city and capital of Palestine. It is sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.
The Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first qiblah of the Muslims, is also located here. The prophecy was fulfilled during the reign of Hazrat Omar in China and in 18 AH the Muslims conquered Jerusalem and liberated it from the Jews and Christians.
It is now occupied by the Jews, but God willing, the day is not far when the Muslims will liberate it again.
It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Awf bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: It will spread like a plague in goats. (4) Plague is a multifaceted beetle which is an enterobacteria germs, resin plague Yersinia (1)
Al-Ghadr, Ibn Majah (2)] (2) [Adapted from the online free encyclopedia “Wikipedia” (Baitul Muqaddas)] (4) [Bukhari (2) ] 25 ,,,
Al-Akhab is caused by a few small symptoms (pestis) of the Hour of Resurrection.
Regarding the outbreak of plague which is mentioned in the above hadith, Hafiz Ibn Hajar says that it is said that ( 2) The plague of Amwas spread in 18 AH which killed many people and even some of the Companions died. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
(According to the statement of Imam Nawawi Allah, this fire has appeared in 654 AH on the eastern side of Madinah from behind the Hara.) It is also narrated with reference to Din Abu Shama Allah (Shaykh al-Muhaddithin and Ustad al-Murakhin of his time) that on Friday 5th Jamadi al-Akhra in 654 AH, a fire was lit in a valley of Mad-e-Mubina Munawwara in the light of which people traveled at night.
The fire was burning for a month. It is to be noted here that another fire will appear near the Day of Resurrection which will drive the people towards the Day of Judgment. (1) There will be war against the Turks. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Amr bin Tughlab that the Holy Prophet said:
Doomsday is apparently the catalyst for a united Khundia and their subsequent emergence as a galactic power. One of the signs of the Hour is that you will fight a people whose shoes are made of hair (Lenny will be very fat-faced). (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah Bala that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
The time will not come until you fight the Turks, whose eyes will be small, their faces will be red, their noses will be thick, their faces will be as if they are folded andthe Hour is coming. It will not be established until you have fought against a people whose shoes are made of hair.
And some of the attributes of the Turks are also mentioned here. Then again there is a mention of war with a nation whose shoes will be made of hair.
According to Ibn Hajar Malala, this nation is apart from the Turks and according to the Ismaili tradition, the shoes of Babak's companions were made of hair. Yes, they had made very haraam things permissible, they had a lot of power during the rule of Mamun al-Rashid, that is why they had conquered many non-Arab areas (such as Tabaristan and Ray etc.).
❌Not all ages have been merged. He was expelled around 5 AH and was killed around 5 AH. (4) In addition, who are the Turks? According to the statement of Imam Khattabi, the Turks are Banu Qutra and Qantu was the slave of Ibrahim Alina.
Wahab ibn Manbah Allah states that Turk or Goj are cousins of Magog. These people were missing when the wall was built, so they were left on that side of the wall, so their name was abandoned. (1) Maulana Na Dawood Raz Hai, Naql
Some of the small signs of the Hour of Resurrection 280 * says that the Turks here refer to the nation which is one of the descendants of Japheth bin Noah. The Pelogs were infidels until the time of the Caliphs, until Hulagu Khan Turk invaded the Arabs and completed the work of the Banu Abbasid Caliphate. Shortly afterwards, the Turks embraced Musharraf.
(2) The bottom line is that the sign of the Hour has also appeared. The tribulations will appear (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Hurry to do good deeds because tribulations are about to descend like a dark night. He will sell his possessions for some of the world's goods. (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Osama bin Zayd that (Ashraf Al-Nabi (may God bless him and grant him peace) is one of the most important Imams of Madinah.
One of them went up to the palace and asked the Companions, "Do you see what I see?" The Companions said, "No." (1) (3) Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) states that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: (4) Someone asked Shaykh 'Abd al-Muhsin al-Ibad, "Is the age we are going through today the same age that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) foretold?"
There will be tribulations in it like a dark night, Adi will be a believer in the morning and will become a disbeliever in the evening. Too much temptation has appeared As it is known that people have their own religion
29 Some of the small signs of the Hour have turned away from Al-Alam Al-Mara'i. Many people call themselves Muslims but do not follow the Islamic injunctions.
That is why today humiliation and disgrace has become their destiny as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had said that my sustenance is under the spear of my spear and whoever opposes my knowledge humiliation and disgrace will be his destiny.
(1) Every time to come will be worse than the first time. It is narrated from Hazrat Zubair bin Udai that: We came to the service of Anas bin Malik and complained to us about the misfortunes that had befallen us from the pilgrims. It will be worse for you today than it is for you to meet your Lord. I have made this statement from your Prophet (Muhammad).
This means that it will often be the same, but sometimes it may be the other way around, just as the good times for making Umar bin Abdul Aziz came after the pilgrims.
This is what happens at different times. Somewhere in the first place an evil is spread but two ends and the door of goodness and prosperity is opened there. But the hadith is also true in its place Improve the present time, otherwise everyone will say that the first time was better. Hazrat Abu Hurayrah narrated from him that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
(2) Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr is said to have made a statement that in this hadith the change of time has been reported in which people are extremely hard, anxious and We will be tested and surely we have seen this time. (2) Imam Zarqani by Allah
Some of the small signs of the Hour of Resurrection say that the desire will be fulfilled when the tribulations will be manifested and people will be in danger of losing their religion due to the domination of falsehood and sin or when people will lose their caste, their family.
They will suffer a lot in their family or in their worldly affairs even if these matters are not related to religion.
(2) Undoubtedly, the time has come today that people, on the one hand, are the worst victims of floods, earthquakes and other natural calamities, while on the other hand, they are being crushed in the mill of tyranny and tyranny and tyranny and oppression. People who are committing suicide and are afflicted with poverty and hardship seem to have the same desire which is mentioned in the above hadith.
False prophets and antichrists will appear. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: It will not be established until there is a great war between the two major parties (in which) both of them will have the same claim and even I (30) will be sent false antichrists, each of whom will think this. He is the Messenger of Allah. L
(2) It is narrated from Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: It is narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: They will appear before the Day of Resurrection. The chain of false claimants of prophethood had started from the time of Prophethood, just as Musalma Kadhab and Asudansi had claimed prophethood in his time.
Musalma Kadhab was killed by the Muslims during the battle of Yamama in the Siddiq era, while Asudansi was killed by the Sahaba during the Prophethood. A woman named "Sijah bint Harith" also claimed prophethood, even though she married the false prophet Mosalma Kadha
Some of the small signs of the Hour when Musalma Kadhab was killed she repented. Tried to do so, but he accepted and came to Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed and accepted Islam. Mukhtar bin Abi Ubaid Saqafi also claimed prophethood but Hazrat Musab bin Umayr Banana suppressed it.
In addition, even after the Righteous Caliphate, some astrologers claimed prophethood, who were arrested and sentenced to death by their Muslim rulers and scholars and shaykhs of the time, declaring them outside Islam, even for a while He was also hanged on a cross.
In the time of Haroon-ur-Rasheed, a man claiming prophethood declared himself a Koloh. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani also falsely claimed prophethood in Qadiani due to British conspiracy and planning.
Although he succeeded in misleading some people through various tricks, the majority of the ummahdeclared him out of the realm of Islam and those who believed in him were deprived of salvation.
Certainly, whoever claims prophethood till the Day of Resurrection, he is certainly a liar, but his lie will continue to appear in this world as well.
Knowledge will come to an end (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: get famous .
(2) It is narrated in a narration that “One day between the two hours, knowledge will be raised in it and ignorance will be revealed in it, and there will be more and more misery in it.” And it means harm.
Some of the small signs of the Hour ? He said, “You have more than enough people to agree on a man in Madinah or not, because the Jews and the Christians believe in the Torah and the Gospel and do not do anything in it? ?
🕒❓ something was mentioned in front of the Holy Prophet, he said, "It will happen when the knowledge will rise." I asked, “O Messenger of Allah, how will you get up while we are reciting the Qur'an? He said: More! You lost your mother! I used to count you among the people of Madinah. Isn't it true that Jews and Christians read the Torah and the Gospel but do not follow any of what is written in them?
(1) It should be noted that knowledge here does not mean knowledge of science or mathematics, but knowledge here means ignorance. This sign of the Hour has also appeared and it is not difficult to estimate it as the prince can look around to see how many people are going to be educated in his home, neighborhood, town, city and country and How worldly.
Furthermore, it is to be remembered that the continuity of religious knowledge, even though it exists today, but the lack of action leads to learning, and according to the last hadith mentioned above, the disappearance of knowledge means that the union will end. Knowledge will be eradicated through the elimination of the scholars It is narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
The Almighty will not forcibly take away knowledge from the people, but will also take away the knowledge with the help of the scholars, even if there is no scholar left, then the people will make the ignorant leaders, then they will be questioned. They will answer without knowledge. The result will be that they themselves will go astray and will also lead people astray.
33 Some Small Signs of the Hour of Resurrection for the Believers Rather, it means that those who have knowledge will depart from this world and then people will make the ignorant judges and rulers who will themselves go astray and I am also leading others astray.
(2) Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen states that there is a hint in this hadeeth that the time will soon come when knowledge will disappear and there will be no scholar left on earth who can guide people to the right religion then people will go astray.
Will (2) Someone asked Shaykh 'Abd al-Muhsin al-Ibad whether the general rise of knowledge includes the rising of the Qur'an in the last days or does it mean only the rise of knowledge through the death of scholars? So the Sheikh replied that the rise of knowledge does not include the rise of the Qur'an ...
but it means only the end of knowledge through the abundance of ignorance, scarcity of scholars and elimination of scholars. (2) The heretics will be made teachers. (4) In this hadith, acquiring knowledge from Asaghar is said to be a sign of resurrection.
(5) Allama Abdul Rauf Manawi Bilal, narrates that it is stated that Asaghar means the people of innovation and Tabarani has narrated a narration that Ibn Mas'ud said that as long as the people They will continue to acquire knowledge, they will be righteous, and they will adhere to the Book and the Sunnah, and they will perish when they come to their lowly ones.
Will (6) Some Scholars (13) (2)
Some of the small signs of the Day of Resurrection 4 * * explained Asaghar in such a way that Asaghar refers to those who have less knowledge and due to lack of knowledge they go around guiding people only with their opinions which resulted in Innovations and superstitions spread.
It was learned that making the followers of bid'ah the center of learning is a sign of the Hour. And a closer look reveals that this sign of the Hour has also appeared. Apart from the real ulema, the people have made the so-called elders, fake feet and less knowledgeable preachers and preachers as their reference.
That is why the majority of the ummah is currently suffering from innovations. Hanging an amulet around the neck and tying it on the arms is considered as a means of gaining profit and repelling harm. Thursday has been set aside for charity and alms. The week after the death of the deceased or forty days or the year is not over or the Qur'an is being recited to the deceased for the purpose of reward But Fateha is being recited and graves are being paved and so on and so forth.
here is a need to hold fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah, except for the heretics, the less knowledgeable preachers and the so-called scholars, and to turn to the true scholars who are influential in religious knowledge in all matters, and the Holy Qur'an in every issue. And narrate in the light of authentic hadiths. Wealth will be abundant. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
It is said that (because of this abundance) the addict will go out with Zakat but he will not find anyone to take it. (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
There will be wealth flowing in Mati Kareem and Nanti that Adi will come out with the intention of charity but the one who will be offered it will say I do not need it. ”(1) And the abundance of wealth is mentioned, a part of it has reached its completion
35 A few small signs of the Hour or Iran as in the time of the Companions when the conquests took place and the treasures of Caesar and Qassari fell into the hands of the Muslims. There was a recipient of zakat and charity, otherwise all were givers. (1) Although the situation is different today, but before the resurrection, when Imam Mahdi (as) and Hazrat Eesa (as) will appear, then the prosperity will come again.
It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Mas'ud that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: What will be done to the people is that trade will spread and even a woman will support her husband in business, relationships will be broken, false testimony will be given, true testimony will be hidden and pen will appear. In this tradition, the witness of the palace is that the pen will appear, which means that the writers and the books written by the pen will be published and circulated in abundance, just as today this sign also comes to the fore with full vigor.
Has done Modern computer inventions and equipped machines have greatly increased the likelihood of publishing any type of literature. But in spite of this stature, knowledge is rising and ignorance is spreading.
There will be a lack of action (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Will be given (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Amma Bahli that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
A few small signs of the Hour 36:
The links of Islam will be broken one by one. Whenever a link breaks, people will catch the other one close to it. First the ruling (ie the issue of Khilafah) and lastly the link of prayer will be broken. (2). The lack of the aforesaid in these hadiths is also seen everywhere today.
The Khilafah and the Emirate have come to an end and now even the worshipers are barely visible. The people, even among the ulema, are very few in practice. In today's tempting age, there is a need to improve one's religious condition, to organize religious gatherings and gatherings, and to associate with religious people, because that is what helps one to adhere to religion and practice it.
It can be helpful in avoiding shortcomings. Alcohol will be considered halal Those who would consider adultery silk, alcohol and musical instruments halal.
(2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: “One of the signs of the Hour, This sign of the Hour has also been fulfilled.
Today, drinking has become common all over the world, even in Muslim countries. Cursed is the one who squeezes the wine, the one who squeezes, the one who drinks, the one who carries, the one who is carried, the one who feeds, the one who sells, the one who eats, the one who eats, the one who buys, the one who is bought. ”(4) It is also not permissible to use alcohol as medicine. (5)
Here are some small signs of the Hour: Doomsday is apparently the catalyst for a united Khundia and their subsequent emergence as a galactic power. Among them is Professor Dudent.
Therefore, Muslims should avoid using this unhealthy thing as an excuse to justify it or by giving it a certificate of use by naming it as alcohol etc.
and try to save others as well. Governments, instead of licensing distilleries, make it a punishable offense to ban them and to buy and sell them. The practice of singing will become common. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Malik Ash'ari that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: The people of my ummah will drink wine but they will change its name to something else.
The music will be played under their supervision and the singers will sing. (Eventually) Will make (2) (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Amir (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
God is the source of knowledge and the end of the world for the day of resurrection? Some of my ummah will be considered as halal by the pair of silk beers and musical instruments and there will be some of them who will go to the top of the mountain. Their shepherds will bring cattle in the morning and evening and They will be taken away.
If a poor person comes to them because of their need, they will ask him to come tomorrow, but Allah Almighty will destroy them in the night. Till the Day of Resurrection they will be distorted in the form of monkeys and pigs. (۳) 37
Some small signs of the Day of Judgment. * These ahaadeeth show that singing is a sign of the Day of Judgment.
Undoubtedly, this sign has also been fulfilled as there is hardly any house today which is free from this curse, otherwise houses, bazaars, shops, buses, wagons, public music is practiced everywhere. Radio, television, VCR, dish antenna and cable networks are at the forefront.
And now computers and mobile phones are being used more and more for the same purpose. It is impossible for any decent person to avoid music because even if one does not have musical instruments in the house, the people around him force him to listen to music.
The reason for this is that some scholars and so-called intellectuals are also providing arguments to justify music and musical instruments by calling them scientific inventions of the modern age and by putting its prohibition behind it and incorporating it in nature. Are trying to do However, the fact is that all their arguments are baseless and have no value in comparison to the clear texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah. It should try to sell anyway.
Obscenity and nudity will be promoted (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: The Hour will not come until obscenity and blasphemy will become common. ”(1) Resurrection will not be established in the hands of Muhammad's soul till obscenity, indecency and miserliness will become common.
Modesty, which includes nakedness, mixed gatherings of men and Qulu education, etc., also includes all manifestations of abusive language, profanity, bad customs and immorality. It must be said that in the present age the cell of immorality has broken every barrier of morality.
Some small signs of the Hour will not go unnoticed. Then the behavior of the media is also very disturbing in this regard which is constantly exposing the daughters-in-law of the Muslim Ummah who are engaged in the cooperation of anti-Islamic elements and presenting them to the world. And woe to the so-called Muslims of today who, in imitation of the West, have taken this matter very lightly.
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: There are two kinds of people in Hell, whom I have not yet seen. They were beaten and other women who would be naked despite wearing clothes (due to the thinness and tightness of the clothes).
(They will be attracted to others and (themselves will be attracted to others). On their heads (pairs) will move the lucky camels like hans. These women will not be able to see heaven nor Only they will be able to feel its fragrance even though they will be able to smell the fragrance of heaven and so far away.
They walk around and take pride in it instead of shame and revelation. The veil of the face is considered to be the most disgusting and disgusting thing in today's world.
He should not come in front of any stranger without hijab, he should not travel without Muharram, he should not be alone with any stranger, he should not talk to non-men in a soft and flexible manner. How can women afford to take part in fashion shows and show off their beauty in front of the whole world?
Try to ban me and then them completely. Adultery will become common. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
Some of the small signs of the Hour of Resurrection are as follows: One of the signs of the Hour is that knowledge will be taken away, ignorance will increase, adultery will increase, alcoholism will become common, lack of men and There will be an abundance of women, even fifty women will have one male guardian. ”
(1) (2) It is said in a narration that Is from (1) It was learned that the abundance of adultery and fornication is a sign of the Hour. An examination reveals that the Day of Judgment has been fulfilled to a great extent. There are places of immorality everywhere. Eve's daughters are selling their virginity for a small fee. This deadly disease has spread like a plague not only in non-Muslim but also in Muslim countries. In large five-star hotels, adultery, like alcohol, is a trivial matter.
However, according to Islamic law, this is a major sin, the limit of which is 8 lashes for a virgin and stoning for a married person. Islam has not only strongly condemned immorality but has also made every effort to stop it. Therefore, the rules like seventy and hijab, prohibition of solitude from non-mahram and keeping one's eyes down for men are from the same tribe. The trust will be raised (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him): What time is it? He said: If you lose faith, wait for the hour, he said: O Messenger of Allah! How?
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was talking to the people in his assembly when a villager came and said, “O Messenger of Allaah! When will the Hour come?” He said: He said: O Messenger of Allah, how can the trust be wasted? That “Hadithna Rasoolullah ﷺ Hadiths have been narrated by one of us and we are waiting for the last Hadith.
A few small signs of the Hour of Resurrection and the Hadith of Resurrection ... The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) narrated to us two hadeeths, one of which I have seen while the other I am waiting for.
You told us that trust was revealed in the roots of people's hearts, then people learned it from Qur'an, then they learned from Sunnah and you told us about the rising of trust that a person sleep He will sleep and the trust will be taken out of his heart and his mark will remain like a stain, then he will fall asleep and then the trust will be taken out then his mark will remain in his heart like a blister.
It will be as if you have a spark on your feet and because of it you get pustules, you will see the smell in it but nothing will happen inside. People will buy and sell but there will be no one to pay the trust. Then it will be said that there is a trustworthy man in such and such a tribe and it will be said about someone how wise, how good natured, how kind-hearted he has come even though he will not have faith equal to rye in his heart and A time has passed on me and I did not care which one of you I deal with. If he were a Muslim his Islam would force him to pay my dues and if he was a Christian his The rulers of the country used to oppress him, force him to be honest, but nowadays I only deal with such and such people (ie there are only a few honest people, the rest are not trustworthy).
(2) Concerning the loss of trust, as stated in the above hadiths, the situation today is such that a trustworthy person is barely visible, otherwise the whole society is full of dishonesty. Economy, society, politics, any aspect of life, there is no such thing as honesty. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
Qal: The killing will not take place on the Day of Resurrection until the tribulations will appear, lies will be told a lot, the markets will be close, the time will be near and there will be a lot of trouble. What is this harm? He said, "I have killed him." "(۲)" 41 ,,,
Some of the small signs of the Hour of Resurrection. I will be born of deceivers and liars who have narrated hadiths which neither you nor your forefathers have heard. Beware! Avoid such people. Do not let them lead you astray and do not let you fall into temptation.
Lies have spread like a fistula in today's society. The shopkeeper does not sell anything unless he has lied. It is common for people to swear falsely. It has become a habit of the rulers to give false consolations to the people. Although the Shari'ah has cursed the liar, it has declared it a thing to be taken to Hell and has described it as a sign of hypocrisy.
Therefore, one should avoid lying in every situation and take the middle path (1) because victory always belongs to the middle. False testimony will be given. It is narrated from Ibn Masood that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (4) Today, if we turn to the courts, then the sign of the Hour seems to be fulfilled in full, because our courts are often based on false testimonies.
Punishment is being meted out while the culprits are gnashing their teeth. It should be noted that the prevalence of false testimony is not only a sign of doomsday but also a major sin which everyone should try to sell. Interest will spread Hazrat Ibn It is narrated on the authority of Masood that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
43 ** A few small signs of the Hour: “Interest will spread near the Hour. (1) This sign of the Hour has been fulfilled for a long time and interest has been ingrained in the vein of the existing economic system with full intensity and if one is not directly involved in usury then it is definitely involved indirectly.
However, according to Islamic law, usury is not only haraam but it is tantamount to waging war against Allah Almighty. (2) Therefore, every Muslim should make every effort to avoid usury. Halal and haraam wealth will be earned by any means. It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: He will not care whether the wealth he has acquired is from halal means or from haraam means.
Today, of course, the situation is such that no one cares about halal and haraam, but only the accumulation of wealth. While the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has explained that any part of the body which grows out of haraam is more deserving of fire.
(2) Women will get involved in business. It is narrated from Ibn Masood that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: It will spread even as a woman cooperates with her husband in business. (5) It is known that one of the signs of the Hour is that women will be involved in business just like men.
Today this sign has also been fulfilled and in some places women are also looking for employment. Most women are working as teachers. Some are also involved in nursing, agriculture, poultry, handicrafts and sewing. Here (۳) ,,
Some Small Signs of the Hour 44 *** It should be noted that although Islam has allowed the woman to struggle financially within the limits of the Shari'ah when needed, but the best wall for her is the wall of the house. However, women who are forced to take part in a job or business are required to do a job where there is no mixing with men, where there is no nudity and where they are not exhibited merely to attract customers.
Or wake up Otherwise, they will cause haraam in the city and will also lead to the deterioration of the society. Greed will spread among the people. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: (2) (2) In another narration, there are words: Doomsday is apparently the catalyst for a united Khundia and their subsequent emergence as a galactic power.
(1) Greed and miserliness are also common in today's society. Even if a close relative is in need, some are willing to spend their money on it. It should be noted that the text that contains keys has an insatiable greed for wealth. He tries to get maximum wealth by all means, lawful and unlawful, and his greed is never satisfied.
That is why stinginess is strongly condemned in Islam, even the prophetic command to beware of stinginess because the people before you were killed by the stingy. (1) Neighborhood will be bad. (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The relationship will be broken and the neighborhood will be bad. (4)
45 **** A few small signs of the Hour (2) It is narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
Surely Allah dislikes indecency and blasphemy. By the One in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad! Dar will be called and even indecency and gossip will spread, the relationship will be broken and the neighbor will be treated badly. ”(1) Bad neighborhood has also appeared to a great extent. Rarely It happens that one finds a good neighbor, otherwise one usually finds people who start fighting and quarreling under the pretext of small things. May Allah protect him from the calamity of bad neighbor and try to be a good neighbor himself.
Truth will be hidden. It is narrated from Ibn Masood that He said, (1) Black dye will be used. It is narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: "In the last days some people (will dye their hair with black dye (this ink will be like the breast of a black dove). Yellow will not be able to smell the fragrance of heaven." (1) This sign of the Hour has also been fulfilled. People apply black dye (song) in their hair without any hesitation.
A few small signs of the Hour 46 * ** hide old age, although my body is a big sin that the perpetrator will not even get the scent of heaven.
It should be noted here that old age should be changed but black color should be avoided and henna should be applied. Therefore, according to a narration, on the day of the conquest of Makkah, Abu Qahafa (Abu Bakr's father went to Kola or his head and beard were completely white).
Seeing this, he said, It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Mas'ud that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: It is narrated that (Bin Yadi Al-Sa'at ... Taqat-ul-Arham) “Relationships will be broken near the Day of Resurrection.” (1) In general, it should be noted that breaking the relationship is a grave sin.
According to the Prophet's command, the one who breaks the relationship will not enter Paradise. Therefore, one should always try to reconcile the relationship and according to a hadith.
The meaning of reunion is to establish a relationship with the one who tries to break the relationship. (5) There will be a lot of polytheism (1). Eliyat Naha Doos Ali Dhi Doomsday is apparently the catalyst for a united Khundia and their subsequent emergence as a galactic
47 0 Doomsday is apparently the catalyst for a united Khundia and their subsequent emergence as a galactic power. Dhu'l-Nahlsah is the name of an idol which was demolished by Hazrat Jarir bin Abdullah Bajli on the orders of the Prophet(saas) During the reign of King Abdul Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, it was erased from the face of the earth by modern machines and its name was erased.
(2) It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Sooban that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: And even some tribes of my ummah will start worshiping idols. (1) It is clear from this hadith that one of the signs of the Hour is that the members of the Muslim Ummah will become involved in polytheism. Of course, this sign has also appeared today and what is happening today on tombs, shrines and shrines is a telling proof of this. The next hadith also points to this.
(3) It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Ayesha Pa that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Will be (1) Innovations will spread (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Asmaa bint Abi Bakr Huma that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I will be on the Kawthar Pool (on the Day of Resurrection) and will be waiting for those who come to me.
🙋 i will say that these are the people of my ummah. The answer will be that you do not know that the Melogs had turned upside down. That we may turn upside down or be torn apart ”(2)
Except for a few small signs of the Day of Resurrection.
It is narrated from Hazrat Anas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: We became proud of each other (competing in adornment.) (1) It was learned that one of the signs of the Hour is that the mosques will be well decorated and then pride and arrogance will be shown on it.
Menshani has also been manifested for a long time. First of all, Caliph Waleed bin Abdul Malik had done the work of decoration and decoration in Masjid-e-Nabawi by his personal desire, after that this work is intensifying till now. He also said that you will decorate the mosques in the same way as the Jews and Christians used to decorate.
(2) Scholars have stated that the reason for this is that the attention of the worshiper is diverted from Allah Almighty due to the work of bells and ornaments in the mosques, therefore it has been stopped. Also, in spite of the abundance of money in the era of Prophethood and the era of Khilafah
Rashida, there is no place for painting in mosques. It is narrated from Ibn Mas'ud that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
This sign of the Hour has been manifested for a long time. According to a narration, when a person Ibn Mas'ud greeted him especially from the whole congregation, he said:
One of the small signs of the Hour is that salutations will be given only to those who know them. (2) Today the situation is almost the same, even though the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded the ummah to spread the salutation of Afshawa al-Salam (2) and also to greet everyone you know or whom you do not know ۔ (1)
Therefore, one should try to spread and spread the salaam as much as possible and every Muslim should be greeted whether he is introduced or not. The time will be near (1) It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: ۔ (4) (2)
It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (5) The time will be near! Many demands have been made by the scholars. For example, time will pass so fast that the week will pass like a day.
And the month will go by as if it has just happened on Saturday and the reason for this will be that the busyness of the people will increase to such an extent that one will never know how time passed and still many tasks will remain incomplete and incomplete.
The implication is that the world will get closer, the distances will come from the summit, the journey of months will be fixed in days and the journey of days will be fixed in hours.
It will take only a few seconds, as today the worldwide communication system through computer has become very easy. Man can send his message in any country of the world in the blink of an eye whenever he wants. It is known that the aforesaid and the sign of the Hour has appeared.
People will become strangers. It is narrated from Hazrat Hudhaifah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
A few small signs of resurrection The temptation is as we know it? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about the Hour (of Resurrection) and he said, Exactly the same is known, but I will inform you of the signs of the Hour which will be manifested before the Hour.
Before the Day of Resurrection, there will be fitnah and the appearance of every.
The people said: O Messenger of Allah! We know about sedition, but what is the harm? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Harj in Jabshi language means killing.
(2) The fact that people are strangers means that everyone will be so busy with their own affairs that no one will have time to go and sit with another person or introduce him / her. Examples of this nowadays. Most can be seen in the high societies of big cities. Ordinary people are in a similar situation now and especially because of computers, internet, internet dummy players, TVs and cable networks etc. Every Hindu spends his free time on these devices which is why people often He is not even aware of the situation of his neighbors. Fraud will become common. the It is narra ted from Hazrat Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
قال الرجل الثافة في أمر العامة
»Coming Soon there will come a time when people will be deceived on all sides. The liar will be considered true and the child will be considered as a liar, Will? Discovered O Messenger of Allah! And who is the egg? So you said, the committee that has authority over the affairs of the people