Part (4)
This is a last episode
vulgarity ! Rewards and honors are bestowed on those who are obedient from the beginning to the end. Praise be to Allaah. After reading this story, one's faith is renewed. What a reward Allaah has bestowed on His slaves.
For those who follow him, success is success. He did not follow because of which he became close to God. In the same way, may Allah protect all Muslims from the slavery of the self. Makes a lover of wrong desires and then due to nafs man goes to hell.
Also you can guess from this incident that adultery was considered victorious and active even in the first nations and its punishment was very severe by these people and this devotee inflicted so much pain on his body He did not commit adultery out of fear because he knew how intense the horrors of Hell were and how intense the fires of Hell were.
Concerning which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): The severity and lethality can be gauged by reading the Qur'an and its clear and unequivocal injunctions in the history of Islam, which every Muslim should think to avoid committing this great sin.
Allah Almighty has given clear paths for the guidance of man by following which man can protect himself from the torment of knowledge (painful torment). Problems of adultery From the lines up to that time, it became clear how serious adultery is in Islam
R obscenity! From the beginning to the end, it has been forbidden and the Muslim has been instructed in many places to avoid this sin, just as prayer is obligatory in Islam and every Muslim is obliged to perform the prayer but in it (ie different in prayer) There are degrees, just as the problem of praying at home is different, so praying in the mosque has a different degree, then praying in the Prophet's mosque is different, and if a Muslim is on the battlefield, the prayer is different.
The nature of the problem is different. Now in the same way adultery is mentioned in Islam then it also has different problems and there are different types of adultery. Therefore, keeping this in mind, the issues of adultery are being mentioned later and there are different types of these issues.
And let a Muslim be aware of these issues and save himself from this sin. In the above example, it has been made clear to you so that the matter can be easily settled in your mind and you can understand these issues. There are ways in which some are mild and some are very hard, that is, some degree of adultery is a serious sin.
If a man commits adultery with an unmarried woman, it is a grave sin. And more important than the first sin is that a foreign woman is married (ie, committing adultery with a married woman and stranger is a greater sin than the first sin). ۔ 43
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vulgarity ! Adultery with a non-virgin girl (cursed married) from beginning to end is a more serious sin than adultery with a virgin girl (ie unmarried) because Islam has differentiated (punishment) between the two.
It is better for an old man to commit adultery with someone than for a young man to commit adultery because the old man's intellect has become perfect. Adultery of a free man and of the world is a worse sin than adultery of a slave and an ignorant one, because both are perfect.
In any case, the different degrees mentioned above do not mean that there is any minor sin in them, but the different degrees of adultery mentioned in the above lines are all considered as major sins and all the above mentioned cases are haraam. Therefore, after reading this description, it became clear that there are different degrees of adultery, but all the methods (even if their nature differs from each other) are haraam and unlawful, and no degree of adultery is included in the minor sin, but whatever the method. Whether it is listed here or not, all matters of non-competition are haraam and unlawful and are included in the grave.
The Holy Qur'an and the Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in different perspectives on the nature of adultery.
The great benefit will be that he will be punished in this world and will be saved from the dangerous fire of the Hereafter.
In this way, the disease will not be able to spread in the Muslim society, so Islam has prescribed juices for the adulterer.
In the following lines, writing about the Islamic punishments proposed for adultery 44
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vulgarity ! From the beginning to the end, they do so, by reading them, even the knowledge of an ordinary Muslim comes to the knowledge of the leaders of Islam, which is apparently a punishment and in fact a mercy for man.
Thus, the Qur'an says: (Al-Thawr Kamil) Translation: If you believe in the Oneness of Allah and the Day of Resurrection, then do not suspend the limit.
And what is the point of being a group of believers when setting limits? I will refrain from committing crimes and will not repeat the crimes. Also, it should be noted that the above Islamic punishment refers to the unmarried adulterer and if the adulterer is married, he has entered after marriage or the woman is like that.
If her husband has committed adultery with her, then the punishment of these married women and adulterers will be stoned to death. Adultery with a neighbor. It is lighter than committing zina with one's neighbor.
It is a sin to commit adultery once and for all because the neighbors have got a lot of rights in Islam and they have entered into a strict promise not to pay these rights.
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vulgarity ! How strict are the rules of Shariah in matters from beginning to end. People who are deprived of the grace of Allah Almighty narrate from the jurist Abu Al-Laith Samarkandi Allah with his chain of transmission from Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar and Ibn Aas Bahali Nor will they be cleansed of their sins, and they will be commanded to enter Hell with those who practice homosexuality.
The third one who commits adultery with a beast (animal) ..... The fourth one who commits homosexuality ..... The fifth one who gathers a woman and her daughter in marriage ..... The one who commits adultery with his wife ... the one who harms the seventh neighbor.
Of course, if people do it and fulfill its conditions (ie you do it) then I am the one who forgives Allah. [Tanbiyyah al-Ghafaleen] Read this hadith and guess what kind of promise has been made to commit adultery with the neighbor's wife Leni neighbor.
The honor and dignity of the neighbor is like the sanctity of the mother for the neighbor. May Allah protect all the Muslims from even minor harm to the neighbor and protect them from deserving of hellfire by committing adultery.
Adultery with a Muharram The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be uponhim) said: Whoever commits such an adultery with a Muharram, kill him.
What a stern promise has been made in this hadith to the person who commits this crime with his mahram 46
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vulgarity ! From the beginning to the end he commits it. First of all, a person goes up thinking that he will fall to such a level that even his mahram will not be able to escape from this ugly act of his.
There are many relationships between nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandmothers, daughters, etc. These are sacred relations which are called Muharram of a Muslim, ie it is not permissible to marry them according to Shari'ah and Islam forbade it by making it haraam.
Yes, but unfortunately, following the P-civilization, today's Muslim has forgotten the respect of these sacred relations and often in the newspapers such news comes that in some place the tyrant father was caught committing adultery with his daughter and so-and-so brother. He was caught committing adultery with his sister.
All this has become a part of our society today because we have abandoned the teachings of the Holy Prophet (saw) and adopted the teachings of those in whom there is no distinction between mother and sister.
Sacrifices of sacred relationships are scattered in such a way that even animals feel ashamed, but Islam has restored the sanctity of these relationships and imposed Islamic limits so that the time of humanity And be safe and let a Muslim guess only from the hadith of Bani Akram Murree that he is being ordered to kill the Prophet of Allah who is caught in such a serious crime.
The incident of stoning to death was narrated by Faqih Abu Al-Laith Samarkandi by Allah with his chain of transmission. He said, “Our decision is according to the Book of Allaah (according to the Qur'aan) and the second person who was a little wiser than the first one.
Yes, O Messenger of Allaah! Please allow permission to submit anything 47
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From the beginning to the end of obscenity, did you listen to this person and say fur maya? So he said that my son used to work for this man and at the same time he (my son) committed adultery with this man's wife. People told me that your son will be punished. I gave him a hundred goats and a slave as a ransom.
Then I asked the scholars and they said that your son will be punished with a whip and a year of exile. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) listened to her and said: I swear by the One in Whose hand is my soul, I will judge between you according to the Book of Allaah. She will be returned and your son will be flogged a hundred times and will be sentenced to one year of exile.
So have mercy on her, so this woman confessed to the crime, and from the hadeeth that has been narrated, the ruling on adultery has become clear that adulterous man or woman, if they are not married, must be punished. There are, as Allah Almighty hascommanded, that every adulterer and every adulterer should be flogged.
The second incident is in one hadith that Nabi Akram Malaqa punished Hazrat Maaz bin Malik Kaur team and in another hadith that a woman came to him and confessed to adultery and gave birth to him with the same sin.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) returned her until the child was born, and when the child was born, the woman returned and was stoned to death.
After reading these edicts and incidents, it became clear that no concession should be taken regarding adultery
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vulgarity ! From the beginning to the end, the adulterer is a woman or a man. There is an instruction in the Quran.
It may be that Allah will remove the limits, even though Allah is more merciful to His servants than you are. Will be flogged This leads to the conclusion that Islamic punishment in this world saves man from the torment of the Hereafter and that Allah Almighty forbade leniency in dealing with such sinful people and said that punishment is theirs.
In any case, do not make any concessions and the reason for the prevalence of adultery today is that the disregard of Islamic law has disappeared from within the Muslims because Islam has prescribed juices for the adulterer ie the limit which has been set.
The Nifaz has practically ended, due to which every member of the society has become free and sins have spread in general. Believers interpret oppression and coercion (God forbid) although it is not oppression but the supreme example of justice and fairness because Allah Almighty has commanded to impose these limits on the earth and to do justice more than Allah Almighty.
The one who has neither come nor is present and will never come and to say that this is the limit of injustice is to point the finger straight at Allah Almighty because the ruling of this thing has come from Allah and Allah The greatest good that is hidden in the command of the Almighty that when an adulterer is punished according to sharee'ah, it will mean that the rest of the people will learn a lesson from this and every servant will be punished for this punishment.
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vulgarity ! He will be terrified of this sin from the beginning to the end, even though all the opportunities are available, but when the scene of punishment remains in his mind and in front of his eyes, he will do more than this sin.
He will try to avoid it, as a result of which the whole society will be cleansed from the curse of this sin and when such ugly sins are eradicated from the society then it is certain that goodness will be promoted there. And when the good and the bad end in a society, then there is a shower of Allah's mercy.
The thing is that the people of Europe are promoting such sins among the Muslims so that peace and tranquility will be disturbed in the Muslim society and these punishments will become worthy of God and then the West will try to spread this sin. The motto behind the feminist slogan given to Muslims by NGOs is the same mindset that when a Muslim woman will be naked and adorn the bazaars, when she will mix freely with non-mahrams, when men will work hard.
If we do this, the result will be that obscenity and nudity will be common in the whole society and the earth will be filled with sins. They are attacking the deeds of the Muslims and behind this fragrant outward face of them are hidden the most cunning and evil people who are Muslims.
They want to destroy the peaceful family and social system ... and today the people of the West are wreaking havoc against Islamic law and disgusting propaganda by interpreting Islamic punishments as cruelty.
Our poor Muslims have also been affected and now the fallen Jewish class completely leaves no stone unturned in imitating the people of the West.
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R obscenity! To follow the example of the West from the beginning to the end and become deserving of the torment of Hell. The jurist Abu al-Laith Shamar Qandi states that in a region where adultery is common, Allah Almighty causes diseases like plague and today our society is afflicted with many such diseases due to abandoning Islamic teachings and not avoiding sins.
🙋I am the one who in fact inflicts the general punishment on us but the Muslim is so influenced by the western teachings that he does not understand it even in view of the bizarre reality and he is ashamed to follow the commands of Allah Almighty that the western What will people say to us that we are following these fourteen hundred years old teachings even though Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh), who is more intelligent and moral than all human beings, said: Establish the limits of Allah (near) near and far and Do not care about the reproach of a reproacher in carrying out the command.
Now if Muslims, ignoring the Western teachings and putting their reproach on the tip of the shoe and issuing the hadd obedience to the command of Allah Almighty, then adultery and other similar things are not far off.
Many times, the imposition of Islamic punishments will end on its own and our society will be at peace, but unfortunately Muslims say that if we do this, the people of the West will say that it is ignorant. He is not aware of Enlightenment.
He is talking about old things while it is a time of progress and Muslims are not familiar with this progress because in the house of a Muslim the veil and other divine commands are practiced while the people of the West are following this way of life.
Old say and consider it a development that a woman should go out of the house and become the flourishing of the bazaars and then when that happens then the reason for nakedness 51
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vulgarity ! From beginning to end something will happen on this earth that is ashamed to imagine humanity, because of this loss the society of Europe today is divided and the emancipation of women there has created such problems that entire governments They are worried and there is no solution.
They want the Muslims to become disobedient to Allah Almighty and to turn away from Islamic teachings so that their society may be faced with similar problems. Just keep this ideology in mind. The people of the West want to create such liberalism in Muslims so that every family of Muslims is involved in this adultery and the beautiful and peaceful family system of the youth which is running smoothly is completely destroyed and Muslim society The peace and tranquility of the country has been shattered, so they have been using various tricks and excuses to persuade the Muslims to follow in their footsteps and especially the young generation of Muslims have been given a network of NGOs with different names to paint their culture because.
They know that if a Muslim in his age (in which Allah Almighty made him perfect for worship) Omar has said that if one goes on the wrong path, then the society will be destroyed along with the human being and the Muslim will be deprived of the blessings of Paradise and will be enveloped in the torment of Allah because the slogan of "Freedom" What is common is that every man and woman has the freedom to live their life as they wish and no one has the right to ask them.
This is because our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) said fourteen hundred years ago that whoever guarantees me the protection of his tongue and private parts, I guarantee him Paradise, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
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vulgarity ! Give the responsibility of the limbs between the legs from the beginning to the end (the genitals) (that he will not misuse the tongue and the genitals, then I take the responsibility of paradise for him.)
[Selected Hadiths] Read these commands Let us take a look at the insight of Nabi Akram Mal that our lord said fourteen hundred years ago today because he knew that by protecting these two things man will be successful and the whole society will be peaceful. Free use of two things.
The whole society will be in turmoil and if you read these decrees today and take a look at your society then the whole truth will become clear and how much the Holy Prophet (saw) stressed He also said that you will be saved from this sin and will go to paradise.
On one occasion he said to the young men of Quraysh: O young men of Quraysh, protect your private parts and do not commit adultery.
[Bukhari Muslim] This is the only path that our beloved Prophet Akram Muslim has shown us, on which we can achieve success and work in both worlds. Queens can get and you see that wherever the Muslims obeyed the orders of the Prophet.
That society emerged as a model of moral values. This is the reason why the people of the West are jealous because the distance between liberalism and divine teachings in their society has made it a serious sin to have mother and son among them.
The distinction between siblings and father and daughter is gone, so today their society is in the grip of such strange and strange diseases due to the multiplicity of this serious sin which cannot be cured and even the expert physicians are worried and 53.
In the treatment of these strange and strange diseases
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vulgarity ! From beginning to end. They have failed and the legitimacy of Islam has come to the fore because Islam warned fourteen hundred years ago that in a society where adultery is common, epidemics become common and you see that every On the third day, a new disease is reported in Europe that has been discovered.
Due to the high incidence of adultery, various diseases have arisen in Europe and other Asian countries where adultery is common and not considered a defect. According to research by Europeans and other Muslim doctors, the most dangerous disease caused by adultery is called AIDS, and many of these people have died of the disease.
The severity has shaken Europeans because research has shown that AIDS is born in a woman who is an adulteress because one person's germs are mixed with another person's germs, such as when different from the same adulterous woman.
When a man commits adultery, he develops a disease which affects both men and women and then death due to lack of cure for the disease. Now I will write in front of you some information about AIDS which is a few years ago so that you too can understand how harmful adultery is for humanity in this world as well as in the hereafter.
How harmful the dangerous diseases spread by it are to humanity. A few years ago today, the United Nations prepared a report on the growing devastation caused by AIDS. UN report on AIDS According to the UN report, AIDS in North America until a few years ago
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vulgarity ! From start to finish, the number of people infected with H.I.V. was 7.5 million. The number of AIDS patients in Western Europe was 5.1 million.
The number of people living with AIDS in the Caribbean was 2.7 million. In North Africa and the Middle East. The number of AIDS patients was 200,000 (1). The number of AIDS patients in East Asia Pacific was 1.2 million.
The number of AIDS patients in Southeast Asia was 2.5 million. The number of AIDS patients in Latin America was 1.3 million. The number of AIDS patients in sub-Saharan Africa was 1.4 million, while in Australia and New Zealand. The number of AIDS patients was 13,000 a few years ago.
The number of AIDS deaths in Asia-Pacific countries A few years ago, 61,300 people died of AIDS in North America. One in Western Europe One thousand (1,2) people died ...... AIDS in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia A thousand (1,2) people died due to AIDS ... AIDS in Caribbean countries The death toll from AIDS was 14,500.
Ten thousand eight hundred people died of AIDS in North Africa and the Middle East. Twelve (7) people died of AIDS due to AIDS in East Asia and Pacific ... The number of deaths due to AIDS in Southeast Asia was 143,700.
The death toll from AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa was 7,880,055.
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vulgarity ! From the beginning to the end it was seven hundred (7) ..... and one thousand adults died of AIDS in Australia and New Zealand.
The United Nations report on HIV / AIDS Assessing the overall situation in the world, it has been reported that 2 million people around the world are living with this situation, of which 3 million are men ... 2 million are women ... and 8 million are thousands.
According to a report published a few years ago, there are eight hundred and fifty thousand (3,5,6) men with AIDS. As many as 2.7 million adult children and 4.2 million adult children survived the HIV trap that year, according to the report.
Due to this, humanity is in trouble and the diseases caused by adultery have become the last word for human beings. While TV, Dish Cable, Ma Pills and other drugs that aid in adultery have become so commonplace in society that the prevalence of this sin and the number of people who suffer from it are so great that new reports only about the United States.
Is it possible that 5% of the children born there cannot identify their father and who his father is? In addition, the disease has taken root in Europe to such an extent that doctors are forced to protest against the government, saying that if the government does not close the door to pornography and nudity, the whole of Europe will be devastated and the disease.
No effective medicine has yet been invented to prevent it and the medicines that have been invented are 56
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R obscenity! From start to finish, they are so expensive that one cannot even imagine buying them. According to a report, the discovery of new powerful drugs to treat AIDS has created a dramatic situation in rich and poor countries.
At a time when Americans and Europeans are rejoicing that a cure for AIDS has been invented, the United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS has raised awareness about the AIDS situation around the world. According to the report, H.P. came .
90% of people infected with HIV and AIDS are so poor that they will not benefit from the new drugs. , 8) will reach the age of one year, while daily eighty-five (8) people, including one thousand (1,5) children, will be infected with HIV infection.
The new drugs are so expensive that patients in the industrialized world, and even the developing world, cannot afford them. The total annual income will be lost. Thus, even an average Indian citizen who does not earn ۲۷۰ 5 a year will not be able to afford the expenses.