This is a last episode
Problems that I have ... the idea that form is so clear and obvious in the eye that the new technology of the 20th century was not able to make it so tall.
For example, look at the book you are reading, the hands with which you are holding the book, and then lift your head and look around.
Have you seen a clear idea as it is, somewhere else that the extraordinarily advanced T.V Screen that has been created from the largest producer in the world could provide them with such a clear idea? For you .
This idea is forming in your eye, with the different colors of the three-dimensional objects, the unusual idea becomes clear.
For over 100 years, thousands of figs have been trying to achieve this transparency.
Factories, large premises were set up, much research was done, pans and designs were made for this purpose.
Look at a TV screen again and look at the book that you have in your hands.
You see there is a big difference in transparency and clarity.
In addition, the TV screen shows a three-dimensional idea instead of a three-dimensional idea, as far as your eyes are concerned, you see.
One-sided, clear and deep in every direction.
For millions of years if he has made efforts all over the world to make 3-way TV and achieve eye-sight quality.
Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either.
The background is more blurry, the foreground looks like a paper seProblems that I have ... the idea that form is so clear and obvious in the eye that the new technology of the 20th century was not able to make it so tall.
For example, look at the book you are reading, the hands with which you are holding the book, and then lift your head and look around.
Have you seen a clear idea as it is, somewhere else that the extraordinarily advanced T.V Screen that has been created from the largest producer in the world could provide them with such a clear idea?
For you .
This idea is forming in your eye, with the different colors of the three-dimensional objects, the unusual idea becomes clear.
For over 100 years, thousands of figs have been trying to achieve this transparency.
Factories, large premises were set up, much research was done, pans and designs were made for this purpose.
Look at a TV screen again and look at the book that you have in your hands.
You see there is a big difference in transparency and clarity.
In addition, the TV screen shows a three-dimensional idea instead of a three-dimensional idea, as far as your eyes are concerned, you see.
One-sided, clear and deep in every direction.
For millions of years if he has made efforts all over the world to make 3-way TV and achieve eye-sight quality.
Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either.
The background is more blurry, the foreground looks like a paper setting has never been possible.
Evolutionists claim that the mechanisms that create the transparent and clear idea were created by chance.
Now if someone tells you that the TV of your room was made by chance, 161tting has never been possible.
Evolutionists claim that the mechanisms that create the transparent and clear idea were created by chance.
Now if someone tells you that the TV of your room was made by chance, 161
Problems in understanding .. Meaning all its gems only come together by chance and make this device that creates an idea, so what would you think?
How can jewels do everything that thousands of people can't do?
If an invention produces a very primitive idea compared to an eye that cannot be created by chance, then it is clear that the eye and the idea that the eye sees cannot be created by chance.
The same situation applies to the ear.
The outer ear absorbs the available sound, the sound reaches the middle ear through the auricle structure of the outer ear.
The middle ear accelerates the sound vibration and reaches the inner ear.
The inner ear converts this vibration into electrical cylinders and transmits them to the transmitter, just as it did in the case of the eye.
Then the process of listening is done.
In the hearing center located in the sender, the sender is insulated for sound as well as the sender was insulated for light.
Therefore, in the outer atmosphere, no matter how much gossip is spread, there is complete silence inside.
However, even in a soft voice they can be felt or perceived in a sent word.
Hearing is so comprehensive that a healthy person can hear a soft voice without any air noise or interference.
In your message, which is insulated, you can hear orchestral instruments for the sound.
You can hear all the sounds in a crowded place.
You can feel all the sounds within the wide vibration rate, from the rustle of the leaves to the rumble of the Jet Plane.
If the level of sound can be measured with the help of any instrument in the moment of hearing a loud sound, then it will be known that there is complete silence in the sender at that time.
This is what happens in terms of ideas, the only thing that has happened over the years is the effort to create or re-create a sound that closely resembles the original.
The results of these efforts ers ...... 162 Sensing Sound 'Sound Recorders
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Problems that I have ... Despite the efforts of all these technologies and thousands of engineers and specialists, no sound has been achieved so far, which has the same clarity and clarity as the original sound is considered by ear.
Consider Hi Fi.
The highest quality of systems that have been produced by a large company in the sound (music) industry.
Even in these inventions, when the sound is recorded, some part of it gets lost, or whenever you start Hi-Fi, you always listen.
Hissing (c, sign, son) sounds before the music starts, however, the short sounds that are obtained from the technology of the human body are extraordinarily transparent and clear.
A human ear can never fully understand a sound with the sound of Hissing or with the sound of the atmosphere as in the case of a Hi Fi.
Instead, the ear hears the sound, which is actually clear and distinct.
This is the way it has been since the creation of man.
To this day, no man-made optical recording device has been as sensitive and successful as the sensory data sensor, the eye and the ear.
However, as far as seeing and hearing is concerned, there is a great truth ahead of them all.
The consciousness that sees and hears is related to what is sent.
Who sees the world of a stimulus in the mind, hears the instrument and the chirping of birds and the fragrance of roses.
You can find a lot of details about how this idea comes to be in the books of Bio-Chemistry of Bio-Chemistry of Electro-Chemical Nerve Impulses that are sent through the eyes, ears and nose.
Anyway! You too, these 163
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Problems in understanding ... A very important fact in books that remain unaware, is that those who understand these Electro Chemical Impulses as thoughts, sounds, fragrances, sensory events, there is a Consciousness sends what it understands to all these feelings without thinking of any need of one eye, one ear and one nose.
To whom does this consciousness belong?
There is no doubt that consciousness is not related to the nerves, nor to the Fat Layer, nor to the neurons that make up the brain.
That is why Darwinist materialists, who believe that everything is made of matter, cannot answer these questions.
Because I am the conscious soul which is created by Allah, which does not need the eye, the seeing thoughts and the hearing sounds of the ear.
And go ahead, he doesn't need to think about sending.
Not everyone who reads considers this clear detail and scientific fact about Almighty God, feels fear and seeks refuge in it in every way that Allah has kept the whole universe in a very limited and darkest At the point, and by His command, He had scattered the universe in a regular, triangular shape, like a shadow and enlightened.
Belief of a materialist!
The information we have provided so far suggests that the theory of evolution is slowly losing ground, along with scientific discoveries.
The theory of evolution relates to the origin of life, is incompatible with science, the evolutionary mechanisms that offer the field of evolution have no evolutionary power, and the fossils show that the necessaryintermediate forms were not found anywhere in the excavations.
Therefore, it is definitely believed that the theory of evolution should be set aside as a non-scientific idea.
Such as how many one-of-a-kind concepts, such as the model of affinity, etc., such as concepts, science agenda 164.
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Problems that have been taken out of understanding ... throughout history. However, the theory of evolution is still on the scientific agenda.
Because some people try to represent the soil in the criticism that is against this theory, as an attack on science.
Because the reason is that this view is a strong belief in a nugget in some circles.
These circles have turned a blind eye to materialistic philosophy and have firmly established themselves for Darwinism, because Benny is the only descriptive source of materialism that can be presented to explain the phenomena of nature.
The interesting thing is that Iqbal also keeps on doing this fact from time to time.
So a well-known scholar, Richard C.
Lewontin, a geneticist and outspoken evolutionist who has been associated with Harvard University, admits that he is, first and foremost, a materialist and then a scientist.
These evolutionists say that it is not the methods and institutions of science that compel us to accept a material explanation of a world full of phenomena, but rather that we are forced by our earlier attachment to We were made of matter, and that is what causes the creation of a research process and a combination of concepts, which produces material explanations, no matter how contradictory or conscientious or mysterious.
Besides, that materiality is absolute, so we will not allow God's footsteps to enter into it.
These are the clear statements that Darwinism is a strong belief that has been kept alive only for the sake of materialism.
This belief controls matter because there is no one there who can save matter.
Therefore, he argues that life produces inanimate, unconscious matter.
Darwinism emphasizes that millions of different species of living things, such as birds, fish, giraffes, lions, terrestrial insects, foxes, flowers, palaces, and humans, come into being.
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Problems to be extinguished ... Falling rain with a combination of lightning and other substances.
This is a view that goes against both reason and science.
Darwin's fans, however, continue to support evolution in their eyes, only to find that no divine step can enter their doorstep, that is, the process of creation cannot be proved in any way.
Everyone who does not want to see the origin of living things from the prejudiced point of view of materialists sees the fact that all living beings are created by a Creator who is omnipotent, the highest sage and knower.
It is the Creator God who has created the entire universe, which He has already designed, in the most perfect form, and has made all living beings in perfect condition with the utmost beauty.
The most fascinating power of the new theory of evolution is that everyone who is free from prejudice and is free from any particular way of thinking, uses his own understanding and logic openly understands that the theory of evolution believes in the mind.
Socially those who do not have scientific or cultural information, or rather they are among the impossible.
As explained in the previous lines, those who believe in the theory of evolution believe that a few jewels and pearls scattered in a vast space can produce thinkers and intelligent professors and universities.
The students made scientists such as Einstein and Galileo, artists such as Humphrey Bogart, Sine Trafranc and Lucia Nova Powerotti, as well as Barasanga and other living things, such as lemon trees, cornice flowers, etc.
As scientists, professors who believe in this nonsense are educated people, would it be fair for them to say that it is the enchanting power of the world?
No other idea or concept in the past had taken such an excuse to the powers of understanding of the people, did the intelligent people of the past of that time 166
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Problems in understanding ... They refused to allow him to think with intelligence and logic, and hid the truth from the people, as if he had blindfolded them.
This is the worst and most incredible blindness of the evolutionists compared to the Egyptians who worshiped their sun god Ra, or the Totem worshipers in some parts of Africa.
Or the people of Saba who worshiped the sun, or the people of the tribe of Prophet Abraham (AS) who were made by their own hands or the behavior of the people of Prophet Moses (AS) who made golden calves Used to worship In fact, Allah draws attention to the lack of understanding which Allah shows in many verses of the Qur'an that some people's minds are filthy and they do not have the strength to see the truth.
Some of these verses are as under: As we have seen, Pharaoh's magicians were able to deceive everyone.
Apart from Moses (AS) and those who believed in him.
However, his testimony shattered the effect of the magic, Yangle cast what they had been deceived.
And We commanded Musa (Moses) to cast down his staff and swallow up the song which they had made.
So what they did was right and wrong.
(Surat al-A'raf, 118-117) As we can see, when people knew that a sorcery had been cast on them and that what they had seen was only a deception, Pharaoh's sorcerer had given his reputation.
Even in the present day, as long as those who are under the influence of the same kind of magic (under the influence of the theory of evolution) will believe these ridiculous good 167
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Problems in understanding ... The smokers who are in their scientific disguise and spend their lives defending these claims, while keeping their beliefs, will also be humiliated when the whole truth emerges in front and the magic head.
Goes In fact, the internationally renowned British author and philosopher Malcolm Magaraj has made this statement.
I am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially the extent to which it has been implemented, will be one of many great jokes in future history books, and future generations will be amazed that Reliable and unreliable assumptions can be accepted from the cloud with unreliable trust, which he holds.
That future is not far off, on the contrary, people will soon see this opportunity which is not a god and will see the theory of evolution of the past in the world of the worst deception and the most dangerous magic.
He is already starting to get up fast.
Many people around the world who see the real face of this ideology from the heads of the people, are wondering with amazement how they were trapped in this ideology.
I - verse is presented.
They said: Glory be to Thee, we do not know but what Thou hast taught us, verily Thou (Surah Baqarah, 32) Thou art the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
Strange and unbelievable, so are the beliefs of Darwin's followers, simply unbelievable False believers believe with the same heart and soul as if it were a religion.
168 Tashihli Resimalti