That is why it helps us to get help from others. Our calamities are repelled.
In this sense, the giants are the ambassadors in conveying the message of the unseen to the people.
As soon as Islam comes. The factory was completely shut down. The four weapons of the infidel jinn are in the tafsir al-aziz that the jinn are on the charter.
The first is the sect of the Farjans who do not hide their disbelief. These righteous Muslims fight and wreak havoc on the jinn in the same way that human beings are divided on the basis of religion. They keep on misleading the children of Adam as much as possible.
They urge people to ask us for help in times of distress in the news of the unseen. Prevent them from accepting Islam.
The second sect is that of the hypocritical jinn who pretend to be Muslims but seek to harm men by their hidden macro-deception. The third sect is that of the wicked jinn.
These jinns persecute men in various ways. The fourth sect is that of the jinn, who, like thieves, lead the souls of men to immorality, full of praise and all the time to impurity, and paint them in their own colors. Before the revelation of the Prophet, people used to seek help from the jinn.
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The following five methods were common. When a person became ill, people would take him to this place to wash the food and perfume for the jinn because of the effect of their evil eye.
Where the jinn were supposed to come so that they would accept this bribe and refrain from persecution.
In difficult and arduous tasks, people used to chant their names as offerings and offer more sacrifices on the idols made by them.
The third method was that people would go to the priests, place flowers, flowers, bananas, etc., and present them to the jinn and ask them for help in curing the disease or in difficult tasks and follow their instructions.
Aa's request. The fourth method was that when they landed in a forest, mountain or house on a journey, they used to seek refuge with the kings and chiefs of the jinn, and for this purpose they used to recite certain words of decree.
The fifth method was to attract people by giving them good food in their name in their flattery and flattery so that they would come to their aid with this trick in times of humility and need.
It is haraam to seek help from the jinn: The hadeeth forbids seeking help from the jinn in any way. Hazrat Sarwar-ul-Alam (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
Whoever is afraid of the jinn in his journey or in sickness, he should recite the beautiful names of Allah Almighty and recite these supplications without any exception. Will be safe from demons. * 72
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What is the number of Companions of the Jinn? Hazrat Sarwar Do Aalam's Invitation to Islam to the Giants Both times Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood was with him.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood has mentioned the number of jinn in these two nights. It has been proved that Sarwar Alam visited four places at the invitation of the messengers of the jinn.
Once when he was missing, his companions were busy searching for him. ا۔ In the highlands of Mecca. Outside Madinah in which Hazrat Zubair was with him.
In a journey in which Bilal bin Harith was his companion. Although the number of Companions of the Jinn is not known from the aforesaid traditions, it has been proved that a large number of the nation of Jinn had already embraced Musharraf at the hands of the Holy Prophet.
Giants also study in Darul Uloom Deoband: It was learned from some teachers of Darul Uloom that jinns have also been studying in Darul Uloom Deoband.
Hazrat Maulana Habib-ur-Rehman Sahib Mehtam Darul Uloom Deoband (73)
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One night at about twelve o'clock in the morning, on patrol, I saw two baby snakes playing with each other in a closed room.
They were left open in the dog in front of the baby snakes. Hazrat Muhtammum Sahib, seeing this movement, immediately scolded him and said that it is time for study.
As soon as they heard this, the two snakes, in human form, began to apologize and promised that insha'Allah they would give you a chance to complain.
Appointment of guardian angels to protect man from the jinn: Angels in every human being who protect him from the jinn and the insects in his state of sleep and wakefulness.
Except those whom Allah allows. If Allah Almighty had not appointed angels to protect us, then the angels who would have carried us away, by the command of Allah, would have saved us from calamities in every situation.
The throne of Bilqis and Asif bin Barkhaya: Hazrat Sulaiman was the glorious prophet of God and the king of all the earth.
The whole story of Hazrat Sulaiman and Bilqis is mentioned. On this occasion we only look at the incident which is related to the subject of the book. There are also those who left to meet Hazrat Sulaiman.
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Suleiman the Magnificent and he stood at a distance of one foot from the army of Hazrat Sulaiman, then Hazrat Sulaiman said, That I will present before the meeting:
another scholar who said that I can bring before the blink of an eye." Hazrat Sulaiman said: I want to get this throne to me even sooner.
Asif Barkhia said you should look away. Solomon did just that. When Asif Barkhiya recited the Great Name, in the twinkling of an eye, the angels brought the throne of Bilqis from under the earth in front of Hazrat Sulaiman.
The commentary on this verse also mentions a statement about Asif ibn Burkhaya: The purpose is that the throne of Bilqis came in the blink of an eye yesterday.
Hazrat ordered the jinn. The two giants immediately changed her jewels. As soon as Bilqis's eyes fell on the throne, she kept looking at him again and again in astonishment.
Asif asked, "The throne is yours," and he replied. I have the same throne, but the jewels in it are for another color. My throne is of another color.
I am very happy to hear the wise answer of Hazrat Sulaiman Bilqis. Can jinn and devils be seen? Jinn and Shaytan Nari Taluk and Latif being under normal circumstances at some point 75%
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Can't even see. However, jinn and devils we humans see. As Allah Almighty says in order to frighten the children of Adam from following Satan (Surah Wa A'raf: 1).
Raw Mufatah writes in Al-Ghayb! Know that their meanings are hidden and concealed. Therefore, we do not see the angels and jinn, even though they see us.
Yes, jinn and devils are invisible creatures like angels according to the Qur'an, but they can be seen in a special form at any time.
There is also evidence in the history books that some people saw the jinn appearing in a certain image. For example, Saad Askaf saw the jinn in the form of ascetics and Imam Muhammad Baqir said Allama Tabatabai Rizwan Alayh used to say:
In the days when I was in Tehran, one day Mr. Nooruddin The youngest son came to me and said: Sir John! The sea is in Tehran.
Would you like me to bring it to you right away ?! Mr. Bahri Alam is one of the most famous celebrities in the presence of scholars and giants of "Abjad" and "Hishab Square".
I said no problem. " He became Syed Noor-ud-Din and an hour or two later he came to the party with Aqa-e-Bahr-e-B.
A sheet was brought. The deceiver grabbed me and the deceiver on the other side grabbed me by the hand.
The distance between the sheet and the ground will be about two pillows. 6769 in this case
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They summoned the giants, and there was a great uproar under the cloak. The sheet was about to fall off so hard that it slipped out of our hands.
I was watching carefully. From both sides, men of Taqr or two pillows were running and coming and going under the chador.
I used to be very careful not to do this magic and sorcery, but it wasn't like that. If you can go, then how can you say that we have seen the devil and the devil? We answer that there are many subtle objects that have the ability to expand and shrink.
But if they shrink, they can be seen. So the fact of the matter is that the jinn cannot be seen on the basis of being subtle, but that they take on a shape and even become visible to man.
Small or big or money may appear, but we will discuss separately about the form and its cause. Do jinn and devils eat food? All the sages agree that the angels.
do not eat and drink and do not get married, but the jinn and the devils are not like that, they also eat and drink and get married because they too, like human beings, grow and reproduce.
They are needy and eat food naturally. However, the question is what do you eat? Tradition has it that they eat leftovers from human food and bone marrow.
Therefore, Ibn Babawiyah has narrated, “In the service of the Holy Prophet, a guru of the jinn came and asked, 'O Holy Prophet, grant us something to eat.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gave them bones and raw food.
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It has been narrated from some trustworthy elders that some jinns are imitators of great authorities and have been asking their problems from them.
For example, Alhaj Mirza Hussain and Alhaj Mirzakhel, the early constitutionalists, used to come to the basement of their house in the form of a common man to ask their respective issues.
And among other things, the problem he discovered was about raw food for two human beings. However, it is quite clear that our purpose in narrating these traditions and anecdotes is to limit the food of the jinn to the bones and raw food of human beings.
Maybe I eat and drink a lot more than that. Which we do not know. Rakim has his own experience that giants especially evil giants eat human food.
They also drink tea, eat mango but take gifts of fumes and share food at the table. Many times I have had the opportunity to sit with the giants and eat and feed them myself.
Do giants and demons sleep? It is mentioned in the Qur'an that Allah does not know whether to sleep or not. This shows that the Holy One alone does not need sleep, otherwise all creatures are trapped in sleep and hunger.
So Imam Ja'far Sadiq said: Even on the angels. (Mizan-ul-Hukma, vol. 1, p. 1) In addition, the Holy Prophet (sws) has also said that sleep is done in four ways.
Believers sleep soundly. The disbelievers and the hypocrites are on the brink of disaster. (Wasa'il al-Shi'ah, vol. 1, p. 1) In this blessed hadith, the condition of four groups is described as a dream. 78%
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The jinn also worship, especially about how the jinn worship and do they also pray and fast like the Muslims? Or is their worship different? It has been proven that the worship of jinn is the same as that of human beings and they should be engaged in worship of God according to the nature of their creation and their world of life.
Are the jinn also Muslims and infidels? The benefit of verses and narrations is that the jinn are not only Muslims and non-Muslims but also Shiites and non-Shiites.
And that some of us are obedient and some of us are disobedient so those who are obedient should follow the right path and disobedient is the fuel of Hell.
(Surah Jinn 1/2) In Surah Mubarak “Jinn” Witness: After the recitation of the Holy Qur'an by the Holy Prophet, the jinn returned to their people and narrated what they had heard from their observations and divine verses and invited their people to believe in the Holy Prophet.
During his preaching he began to say to them: O brothers! We have come to hear a book which has been revealed after (Jumu'i) (and) confirms those (dogs) which are (revealed) before.
The child (religion) and guides to the straight path .. (Ahqaf / 2) In the light of what has been said, there is no room for denial that