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Problems Understanding The logical weakness of this belief is obvious.
It doesn't matter to them how much denial of belief, scientific rhetoric, or carelessness, no matter how great the chemical formulas, no matter how ignorant anyone may be.
Yes, not being able to read or write or even a child who has not even reached the age of school gambling, finds this claim absolutely rubbish.
Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person in Darwinism.
The method by which the Darussalams are resisting the reality of creation is that of Akbar, and now for fear that his deception will one day be exposed to the world.
Allah who deserves all the praises and who owns the house and the mansion, is sublime, glorious, possesses the best and the best titles, and is omnipotent and has the power to create the whole universe and everything in it in a single moment.
Believing this, their anger imposes on them a logical destruction, and their arrogance before Allah and their doubts about the perfect power of Allah will drown the evolutionists, one day.
Allah reveals this to us: Are we weary in creating for the first time, but we are in doubt (merely without reason) by re-creating the biolog. (Surah Q, 15) In the case of a decisive scientific testimony, Darwinism is doomed.
The best thing to do is to do what the majority has done in recent times.
Acknowledging that Darwinism is nothing more than a hoax, very few people can live without this important truth, and have no doubts about acknowledging the futility of Darwinism's claims, which one It has long had an impact on the population.
In the early 1980's, for example, 30 to 40% of Turks did not believe in evolution.
Problems in understanding ... Kept However, an international poll conducted in 2006 showed that 75% of the population no longer believed in Darwinism.
According to another poll by the Turkish Economic and Social Education Foundation, 87.4% of the Turkish population believes that God created all.
It does not mean that they will continue to do so forever.
I would certainly be extremely irrational for anyone who uses their thinking to continue to make mistakes with all the information, as if they are being deceived outright.
Just considering a few of the facts that surround us makes it possible for people to understand that Darwinism has no rational and scientific explanation for the beginning of life.
Every thinker sees the Absolute and Irrefutable Being, the Lord of existence and the Absolute Ruler of us all.
It is a reward from God and, for those who are able to understand it, who represent salvation in this world and in the world to come.
The theory of evolution is a deception, in other words, the theory of evolution was presented with the aim of denying the reality of creation, which was nothing but an unscientific fallacy.
In this view, the claim that life was an accident was accidentally proved to be ineffective by inanimate objects, with scientific evidence and overwhelming evidence.
With the clear design of the universe and living things, as well as the discovery of 300 million fossils, it has become increasingly clear that the theory of evolution is nothing more than an outdated hypothesis. 142
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Problems in understanding ... American experts explain things like this, atheism, philosophies arose, assumptions were made, misinterpretations that the universe is infinite has no beginning and no end, etc.
Individuality has brought us to the cause and effect, of the universe and all the secrets in which the theory of evolution can be kept alive.
It is fully formed, twisted and brought in front of the eyelid in different ways.
Yet this propaganda has not been able to hide the truth.
This kind of expression has been repeated in the scientific world for the last 20 to 30 years.
The series of investigations, especially since 1980, has shown that Darwinism and the theory of evolution are completely unfounded and ineffective.
Especially in the United States, many scientists from different fields, such as biology, biochemistry, paleontology, etc., recognize the dysfunction of Darwinism and attribute the fact of creation to the beginning of life.
Extraordinary design in today's life has thwarted the theory of evolution until the end of the 20th century. We have taken this topic in great detail in some of our other studies and will continue to do so.
However, given its importance, we think it would be appropriate to present a summary of the theory of evolution here as well.
The end of Darwinism scientifically: Although Paganism has been practiced in Greece since ancient times, the theory of evolution has advanced remarkably in the 19th century.
The most important development that led to this theory was the list of topics in the scientific world.
Charles Darwin's book, The Origin of Species, was published in 1859.
In this book, Darwin denied that different living species were created separately on earth.
According to Darwin, all living things ate a common ancestor and changed paths
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Problems in understanding ... in terms of small changes over time.
Darwin's view was not based on any solid scientific basis.
As he himself admits, going forward, he admits that it was just a presumption.
Also, as Darwin admits in his book, a long chapter in Difficulties of Theory, the theory was failing in the face of some of the most important questions.
Darwin spent all his hopes on scientific discoveries, from which he hoped he would overcome all the difficulties of theory.
However, contrary to his expectations, scientific discoveries broadened the dimensions of his problems.
Darwin's defeat can be examined in the light of science under three main headings: 1) Darwinism could not explain in any way how life originated on earth.
(2) There was no scientific discovery that could show that the evolutionary mechanics, as well as the misses proposed by the theory of evolution, have the power to gamble on themselves.
(3) Fossil Records testify against the statements of evolution. In this section, we will review these three main points, with general headlines and daily headlines.
(1) The First Inaccessible Step: The Origin of Life The theory of evolution suggests that all living species evolved from a single cell, and that this cell existed 3.8 billion years ago on Earth.
How a 144
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Problems that can be understood by a single cell can create complex living species, and if such an evolution had actually taken place, then why their evidences could not be observed.
In Fossil Records, there are some questions that evolution has not been able to answer.
This is the first and foremost part of the first step, the evolutionary method of finding the claim that has yet to be made, that is, how did this first cell come into being?
Since the theory of evolution denies creation and insists that the first came into being by chance, in the application of the laws of nature, without any plan or arrangement.
According to the theory, inanimate matter would have been created in a living cell as a result of coincidences.
There is, however, a claim which is not at all consistent with the invincible biological principles.
Life is born of life Even Darwin did not mention the beginning of life in his books.
Early understanding of science in his day revolved around the premise that living things have very simple structures.
From the Middle Ages onwards, the idea of "sudden birth" has been emphasizing that inanimate objects came into contact with each other to form living bodies.
It was assumed.
It was commonly believed that insects came into being from baby raw food ingredients, and rats came from wheat.
Interesting experiments were performed to prove this idea. Some grains of wheat were placed on a piece of dirty cloth, and it was thought that such a process would result in rats emerging shortly after wheat.
Similarly, soft larvae or terrestrial insects thrive on rotten flesh, but they are also insects.
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Problems that did not appear to be understood ... on a single rotten flesh, but were brought in the form of larvae by insects, bees.
These larvae were not visible to the naked eye when they were brought in from the buffalo.
Even when Darwin wrote his book, The Origin of 'Species, it was believed that germs came from inanimate matter, and this idea was generally accepted by everyone at that time, and in the scientific world.
This was also considered.
Five years after the publication of Darwin's book, a scientist named Louis Pasteur announced his findings after a long study and experiments which refuted the Sponteneous Generation.
Which was rejected by Pasteur.
In his triumphant culture at Sorbann in 1864, Pasteur stated that "the principle of spontaneous generation could not be filled even with the fatal multiplication of this simple experiment.
However, advances in science have thwarted his conviction that a living cell, a complex and structured organism, is born by chance, and that life can come into being by chance.
The first evolutionist of the 20th century who took up the subject of the beginning of life in the 20th century was the famous behavioral biologist, Alexandra Parn.
It came up with various articles, trying to prove that the living cell could have come into being by chance.
These studies were in vain.
Unfortunately, in any case, the issue of the origin of Zaliya is probably a very difficult one.
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Problems in Understanding ... Throughout the Study of the Evolution of Organic Organisms, "Operin's evolutionary proponents conducted a number of experiments to continue their efforts to solve this problem.
The most famous experiment was performed by the American chemist Stanley Miller in 1953.
In a formally designed experiment he found the gases he claimed to be in the Earth's primitive atmosphere and the energy in the mixture.
Arrived or was Miller obtained the organic molecule Amino (Acids, which are found in the structure of proteins.) Within a few years, it became clear that this experiment was presented at a time when it was an important step.
In the name of evolution, it proved ineffective, because the environment that was used was very different during the experiment.
The use of all evolutionists during the 20th century "ended in failure to explain the origin of life," admits Geoffrey Bada, a geochemist from the San Diego Scripps Institute.
Reality in an article published in Earth Magazine in 1998, "Today, as we leave the 20th century, we still face the unprecedented problem we had when we entered.
How did life on earth begin in the 20th century?
The complex structure of life The primary reason why the theory of evolution began One of them was stopped by such a big Dead Lock.
It was actually the intricate structure of the cell.
Even living things that look simple have, in fact, incredibly complex structures.
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Problems in understanding ... inside.
The cell of a living body is more complex than all the technological products made by human hands.
Today, the world's most advanced laboratories cannot combine a living, organic chemical.
The conditions that are
required for a cell to form are extraordinarily large in number, which cannot be explained by chance.
The probabilities in the
cell structure of proteins that are building blocks, coincidentally, are not even equal to 1 in 10950.
The probability of making just one average protein molecule made up of 500 Amino Acids is less than 1 in 10950, which is practically impossible.
A single protein molecule contains 10,950 different combinations of 500 Amino Acids, of which only one of all possible series represents the required protein molecule.
In this sense, the probability of a random formation of a protein molecule would be 1 in 10950 series, which is considered an impossibility.
The DNA molecule that is in the center of a cell and which contains the information of the gene in itself is the backbone of an incredible data bank.
If this information had been written, he would have built a huge library which contained an estimate of 900 volumes of Encyclopedias and 500 pages in each volume.
A very interesting and perplexing question arises as to whether a copy of DNA of its own could come into being as a result of coincidences with the help of only a few specific protein enzymes and the formation of DNA from these specific proteins.
While the secret information related to DNA can be adopted in collaboration.
That is, they both depend on each other, they have to live at the same time to copy.
This condition creates the condition of necessity, then life itself DNA 148
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Problems that arise from coincidence take the form of a Dead Lock.
Professor Leslie Orgel, a well-known evolutionist, in the September 1994 issue of Scientific American Magazine, acknowledges the fact that it would be one of the most unlikely Here .
And it also seems impossible, to have one without the other, for the other for a long time.
And so, at first glance, one might come to the point that life can never really come into being by chemical means.
Indeed, if it is impossible for life to come into being by natural causes, then I must admit that life was born of a supernatural way.
This fact completely invalidates evolution in sight, the main purpose of which is to deny creation.
The conceptual mechanism of evolution The second important point that negates Darwin's theory is that the two concepts presented from the theory of evolution as evolutionary mechanisms, in their position, were assumed to have no evolutionary power of their own.
I .
Darwin based his evolutionary hypothesis on the mechanism of "hypothetical selection".
Its importance on this mechanism is evident from the title of his book, The Origin of Species, By Means of Natural Selection.
Natural selection determines that living things that were more powerful and compatible with the natural conditions of their habitats, survived in the struggle of their lives. 149
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Problems in Understanding ... For example, in a deer herd that was under attack by wild animals, deer that were faster would survive.
That's why the deer kept faster and stronger people.
In any case, without any justification, this mechanism could not have caused the deer to emerge and transform itself into other living species, such as horses, etc.
Therefore, the mechanism of natural selection does not possess any evolutionary power.
Darwin himself was aware of this fact and had to write about it in his book The Origin of Species. "Natural selection could not do anything unless supportive changes took place.
So, how do adaptive changes take place in these animals?
Darwin sought to answer this question from a point of view that was possible from an early understanding of science in light of the circumstances at the time.
According to the French biologist, Chevalier De Lamarck (1744-1829) who lived before Darwin, living creatures passed on the traits they acquired during their lifetime to later generations.
He emphasizes that the B special traits that are passed down from one generation to another are the reasons for the formation of the same species. K, their necks grew longer from generation to generation.
Darwin gives similar examples.
In his book, The Origin of Species, for example, he says that some bears go into the water in search of their food over and over again, and after a long time, change into whales.
However the law of inheritance which was known Gregor (1822-1884) 150